The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3149: More wolf meat

Although Jiang Yun has cooperated with Huang Qiuyan, Huang Qiuyan also shared some information for him, but of course he is unlikely to have 100% trust in Huang Qiuyan.

Especially what Huang Qiuyan said, Jiang Yun is even more impossible to believe.

Therefore, when I heard that there was something in the stone marsh, I couldn’t help but ask: "What do you mean?"

The stone marsh smiled coldly and said: "This woman is right. The Tiantian Jiyu really has some forces that will be of interest to you, and will also try to attract you by observing your performance."

"But here is just a scorpio. The forces that are eligible to enter here are just a few small forces. Even, they simply can't get on the table!"

"Generally speaking, when you have passed this heavy scorpion and satisfied them, they will send people to solicit you and offer you some attractive conditions."

"You don't agree, they can't force you to promise, but if you promise, then you can lose money!"

The explanation of Shima, let Jiang Yun do not understand.

"Before this ancient road, the longer you walk, the more the number of Scorpio you have smashed, the more forces you will attract, and the more backward, the stronger the forces will be!

"Don't say much, after you have passed through the three heavens, it is very likely that there will be forces of the heavens level to attract you!"

The stone marsh went on and said: "And, the sooner you leave the heavens, the disadvantages for your lower-field monks."

"Because of the process of striving for the ancient roads, it is also a rare process of tempering and adapting to the heavens, and adapting to the environment of the heavens."

"If you leave too early, the body has not yet had time to adapt, and then after you enter the days of the world, some of the advantages you originally had will disappear in an instant."

"And, in turn, you will not be able to adapt to the power of the heavens because you can't adapt to the environment of the heavens, and your repairs will be stagnant."

"Even, it is possible to go backwards!"

"At that time, those forces who used to say good things to attract you will immediately change their attitude and stop paying attention to your life and death, so that you will end up in a very miserable end!"

These words, Jiang Yun also heard the war axe they mentioned, so I know that Shimao is telling the truth.

However, he is a bit puzzled: "These problems, I believe that the size of the various fields will certainly know, and since they know, why do they have to let the lower domain monks leave the ancient road ahead of time?"

"Isn't this a clear-cut monk in the pit?"

The stone marsh smiled coldly: "No way, the wolf is less meaty!"

"Don't take the fancy lower-field monks as soon as possible, then the next domain monk will die on the ancient roads, but if it is taken away by other forces, then it is not worth the loss."

"After all, not all the lower-field monks leave the ancient roads in advance, and they will not be able to adapt to the environment of the heavens."

"For example, I think that even if you leave now, you will definitely be able to adapt more than others."

This point, Jiang Yun is also confident.

In addition to his own physical strength, and his own control of the power of the heavens in the world of inheritance is almost perfect, the blood of his own **** can also make himself do not need to worry about the problems that cannot be adapted.

"In fact, some forces have ways to adapt the lower-class monks who have left the ancient roads in advance to the environment of the heavens. It is just that, it costs a lot of money, and they are reluctant to use them."

"However, the woman said that it is correct. You try to show your strength. It will attract more attention from the forces. It will also allow you to choose more and get better conditions!"

For the words of Shima, Jiang Yun did not express his position.

Because Jiang Yun will not join these ordinary forces in the world.

Once your identity is exposed, it can only bring trouble and disaster to the corresponding forces.

Second, the days of the world, there is a day waiting for yourself!

At least the day, I will not fear the nine great gods and the angels who are patrolling angels. They can shelter themselves, and this is the greatest benefit that no other power can give to themselves.

If you really want to join a certain force, Haotian will be the first choice!

Just then, Huang Qiuyan’s voice interrupted Jiang Yun’s contemplation: “It seems that many people have already talked about the conditions for cooperation.”

Jiang Yun followed the sound and found that there were many lower-field monks who had already walked toward the open palace gate.

These monks are all in groups of three, the least are also two people together, and the most are dozens of people together.

For such a situation, the twelve guardian monks standing at the gate of the palace did not stop, apparently allowing many people to enter at the same time.

The area of ​​the palace gate of Tianzhu is also large enough, let alone dozens of people, even if hundreds of people enter side by side, it will not appear crowded.

Since there are monks entering, Jiang Yun is not in a hurry.

Looking up at the one that had burned a fifth of the incense above the sky, he sat down again: "Let's wait a little longer!"

Huang Qiuyan and the late summer did not have any opinions. They both sat back beside Jiang Yun.

Although everyone knows that nothing can be seen, they still pay close attention to the situation of monks entering the palace gate.

In this way, after a batch of subordinate monks entered, they disappeared without a trace, and the monks outside the Scorpio were fewer and fewer.

Although the lower-field monks could not see the situation after entering the palace gate and touching the optical network, but within a single scorpion, a group of people headed by Tian Tian, ​​is able to see clearly.

In front of them, there is a mirror high, and the twelve layers of light net clearly appear on the mirror.

Dong Chengji, the owner of the temple, raised his thumb to Amano: "This method of the ambassador is really brilliant. At this time, at least half of the people can be brushed off."

Amano faintly smiled: "These lower-field monks, nine out of ten are unbearable, and the fish are mixed, but the remaining zero is still a bit worth seeing."

"More than a thousand people, if you really let them all flood into a scorpio, and then test the questions, then when you want to measure, it is a waste of time!"

"So, I will come up with such a way, first to eliminate the weakest ones directly, and then, to bring them together, to come to the ultimate test."

For the words of Amano, everyone in the room naturally nodded and flattered.

Only Zinuo, sitting at the bottom of the list, always has a face and no response.

This is not her intentionality, but her indifference, in addition to facing Master, there is no second person in the world to let her talk to Yan Yue.

If it is in other places, it doesn't matter if she has a face, but here is a scorpio, and the seat is still the owner!

Dong Chengji’s eyes turned and deliberately looked at Zinuo: "Zi Nuo, what's wrong with you, and with a face, is it the way to the messenger, do you agree?"

Zinuo was shocked. He did not expect someone to call his name, but when he saw Dong Chengji, he naturally understood it.

She did not go to see Dong Chengji at all, but stood up and gave a fist to Tianye: "The younger agree!"

Amano glanced at Zinuo and nodded faintly.

In his capacity, it is naturally impossible to compete with Zinuo, so the attitude towards Zi Nuo is not in my heart.

However, Dong Chengji is still somewhat reluctant, and his eyes turn, once again speaking to everyone: "You, we are here to select and recruit suitable subfield monks."

"Although the ambassadors do not see these lower-field monks, we should all have our own goals."

"In any case, it’s nothing to do now. It’s better to say everything we choose.”

"This will also allow us to verify each other, and see how many of the scorpio who can be lucky enough to be hosted by the ambassadors!"

Not waiting for other people to respond, Zi Nuo has already changed in the first step.

It is not that she has any opinions on the words of the owner, but she sees in the mirror that Jiang Yun has entered the palace gate!

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