The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3151: a city

Naturally, they are like the ones who are guarding the monks in the lower-level battlefields. They see the same daggers of Ji Kongfan, and they look at Jiang Yun’s body, and they have just been smashed by their extremely ironic armor!

Although they don't know, the armor is a stone marsh, but they can at least see it----

Jiang Yun passed through the twelve-layer optical network in a row, and he did not use one's own strength. It was completely the defense power of the armor and let him pass.

Especially in Amano, it is very clear about the power of the twelve-layer optical network.

That was brought by myself from the Eight Heavens, specifically for the trial of the Eight Heavenly Tribes.

In the eight days, even the people who are against the heavens can't say that they can all pass the 12-layer optical network.

However, now, a lower-field monk, with a broken armor, has successfully passed all the optical nets without any effort, which makes him naturally stunned for that armor!

Amano converges on the light in his eyes, facing Dong Chengji: "I didn't expect us to look away, go, check it out, the origin of this subfield monk!"

When I heard the words of Amano, the faces of other people suddenly showed a smile, and I knew that Amano also took a fancy to the armor.

And he and others are impossible to fight with him anyway, which means that this armor will inevitably belong to the wilderness.

Although Dong Chengji was also a bit disappointed, but he lost his armor, he was secretly happy that this lower-field monk caught the attention of Amano.

Dong Chengji is holding a fist at Tianye. "The messenger is an adult. You don't have to inquire. We have someone to understand the origin of this monk."

“Oh?” Amano’s eyelids lifted: “Who?”

Dong Chengji reached for a pale pale purple road: "She!"

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, Zinuo did not want to say, but he could not help but say.

She whispered: "I don't really know his origins. I only know that he is called Jiang Yun, and his strength is not weak."

After a pause, Zinuo took up the courage, boldly, and turned to Tianye: "The messenger is not the opposite, this Jiang Yun is the lower domain monk in our sect."

"Your sect?" Amano frowned slightly: "Which house are you?"

Zi Nuodao: "The younger generation is Dan Lingzong!"

"Dan Lingzong?"

Amano has never heard of the name of this sect.

However, he also knows that the selection of monks from this heavenly day is a small force that does not flow into the stream, so he smiled slightly: "You can rest assured that I will not be able to grab people with you!"

"And, I can give you a chance."

"If you can let this monk named Jiang Yun give his armor to me, then this heaven, I promise he will pass!"

As the person in charge of the Scorpio, there are still some rights to put a few monks to pass through.

When I heard the words of Amano, Zinuo’s eyes were first bright, but then he shook his head and shook his head: “I’m afraid the younger generation can’t do it!”

If Jiang Yun wears an ordinary armor, Zinu will try to convince him.

But that is the spirit of the stone marshes. I believe that as long as Jiang Yun is not a fool, it is absolutely impossible to dedicate the armor to the wilderness.

Even if Jiang Yun is willing, the spirit of the stone marshes may not be willing!

Amano smiled and said: "If you can't do it, you want to pass this heavy scorpion, then you have to look at the creation of Jiang Yun!"

After that, Amano no longer cares about Zinuo.

The heart of Zi Nuo has already reached the bottom of the valley, and I know that Jiang Yun is really escaping this time.

Even if he relied on his own strength, he could have passed a heavy scorpion, but now it is impossible.

Although Zi Nuo's heart is extremely unwilling, but he does not dare to say anything more, can only be quietly calculated, whether he is looking for Jiang Yun to discuss it, give it a try.

On the side of Dong Chengji, there were some accidents at the moment. I did not expect that Amano would give Zinu such a promise.

Once Jiang Yun handed over the battle armor and passed a heavy scorpion, it is very likely that Dan Lingzong will be accepted as the door.

Dong Chengji can only secretly say: "I hope this kid does not pay, but if he really handed it out, then I have to find a way to kill him!"

Jiang Yun did not even think that today, he has become a fat man in the eyes of the strongest of these days.

At this moment, he is looking around with interest.

Through the twelve-layer optical network, he has left the gate of the palace, and stood in a city...

Yes, a city hidden in a heavy scorpion.

Look up, the sky, the blue sky and white clouds, although the usage force is illusory, but it is extremely real, and people who are poorly trained can hardly see it.

There is still a **** ancient road in front of me, but it is obviously no longer paved with stone.

Because Jiang Yun clearly saw that there are many people walking around the ancient road.

These figures are not the monks of other subfields.

Because their cultivation is generally not high, and even there is the existence of mortals!

On both sides of the ancient road, there are a variety of shops.

In addition to the various training resources used exclusively for the monks, there are also some goods for mortals.

In short, this city, and any region, the city that exists in any one world is similar.

If you change to someone else, you will be puzzled when you see this city. You even wonder if you have left a big scorpio.

However, Jiang Yun had previously learned from the mouth of Shima, that the opening of the domain door, there will be monks in order to survive, gave up freedom, and chose to stay within a heavy scorpio.

And, they will marry their wives and have children, and they will thrive!

Obviously, this city is built by the monks.

Although they are strong, they do not require their descendants to embark on the path of practice.

Perhaps they don't want their own experiences, and they happen to their own offspring.

It would be better to let your descendants be mortal, and after a short, but peaceful life.

"This city, shouldn't it be the twelfth entrance to the palace?"

"I don't know if there are other subfield monks who have entered here before me."

With the thought of Jiang Yun passing through, the sound of Shimao immediately remembered: "This should be the deepest palace."

"Although I have heard of it, I am also here for the first time. Oh, it’s really a hole!"

When I heard the sound of the stone marsh, the smile on Jiang Yun’s face suddenly caught, and the cold road said: “Snow marsh, we are a cooperative relationship, you are not my men, I am not yours.”

"I just didn't want to happen again, but if you don't, I don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people!"

Jiang Yun can naturally understand that Shimao took the purpose of crossing the 12-layer optical network, but he showed his face and was so high-profile that he violated his own style of acting.

Since it is already here, Jiang Yun can't do anything about the stone marsh, but he must warn the stone marsh, and absolutely can't let the same thing happen.

Ishiuma also knows that she has some disadvantages and laughs at two channels: "The next is not an example, the next is not an example!"

Jiang Yun no longer pays attention to him, raises his feet, and is ready to stroll around the city of the palace to see what is special, but his side has two lights that are lit up one after another.

Huang Qiuyan and late summer, also appeared here!

Looking at the two women, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed a glimpse of the imperceptible light.

I was a stone marsh with a 12-layer light net, but these two women, but with their own strength, also came over.

"These two women are really not easy people!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Congratulations two!"

"Ginger son!"

"Ginger brother!"

When I heard the voice of Jiang Yun, the two discovered Jiang Yun, and the face was also full of excitement.


Not waiting for the three to continue talking, suddenly there are a series of melodious bells ringing, and among the bells, there is a whistling sound.

When I heard this sound, the faces of the three people were slightly stunned.

Because, this is clearly the sound of the introduction!

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