The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3174: See also

Although Jiang Yun once again stressed that everyone did not misunderstand, but everyone, even including Zinu, who has always had some confidence in him, still has a skeptical attitude.

There are still some unknown secrets in Jiang Yun’s body, but there is a huge gap between him and Tianye.

If Amano is against the heavens, then Jiang Yun wants to kill him alone, and there are still some possibilities.

But Amano is the strongest in the legal world. How can Jiang Yun cross the two realms to kill Amano?

However, Jiang Yun is not like a person who wants to die, so everyone wants to see if Jiang Yun really can kill Amano.

As for Amano, I did not pay attention to Jiang Yun’s provocation. Instead, I glanced at the stone marsh road: “How do I know, when will the spirits shoot me?”

Jiang Yun replied for the stone marsh: "Don't you see it yet? He didn't dare to kill you. Otherwise, why should I personally shoot it!"

There is no opening in the stone marsh, but the figure is a few steps back. It is obviously the same as Jiang Yun’s words.

As a spiritual family, if he dares to take a shot of the monks of the heavens, then it is not necessary to wait until today.

And Amano also finally breathed a sigh of relief, his face returned to calm, coldly watching Jiang Yundao: "Well, let me see, how are you going to kill me!"

When the voice fell, Amano took a step toward Jiang Yun, but did not rush to shoot, but stood proudly.

In his view, here, only those who can pose a threat to themselves, are stone marshes.

Since Shimao didn't dare to shoot for himself, facing a subfield monk in Jiangyun, he really didn't look at it at all.

I have to say that although this character is not very good in character, but as a person of the heavenly family, as a strong-minded person, his seemingly casual stop at this moment has already demonstrated his own power and majesty.

Amano is just a realm of the cultivation of the law.

Among all the people present, except Shi Yun and Jiang Yun, even Dong Chengji and several other strong people who are related to the law, they are very clear that they and others will definitely not be the opponents of Amano.

Between the same realm, Amano does not say that it is an invincible existence, but the strong heritage of the Eight Heavens is to make his strength, definitely more than most monks.

Looking at the wilderness that is ready to go, Jiang Yun’s face, no sadness!

In fact, Jiang Yun does not know whether he can kill Amano, but this battle, even if he will die in the hands of Amano, he must fight!

Because if he wants to realize the idea that he is so bold that he is excited, he has to kill Amano with his own hands.

The fate of the war, not to mention the fact that it is in the lower domain, is in the fields of the heavens, and it has never happened.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun still has some advantages.

At least, he doesn't need to worry that someone will bother himself and fight against the battlefield of Amano.

Staggered today, he wants to find another such opportunity, but it is not easy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is just that he can see how much difference there is in his own strength.

Jiang Yun's hair and clothes, no wind and automatic, the body's breath revealed, and is rapidly climbing.

Among the many monks present, there are no weak ones. So when Jiang Yun’s breath has reached a certain level, they have also roughly judged the realm of Jiang Yun, which is a real life!

Yes, in the three years of the ancient road, Jiang Yun has raised a realm and entered a real life.

However, this realm is far from the fate of the law. It is still too far away.

So that some people can't help but secretly shake their heads. In this case, Jiang Yun, how could it be the opponent of Amano.

The face of Amano is even more scornful.


But at this moment, Jiang Yun’s body suddenly lit up with thousands of golden lights.

In this golden light, his ninth reincarnation has been merged with his deity at an extremely fast speed.

Although everyone can't see the reincarnation tree in Jiang Yun's body, he can't see his reincarnation, but everyone can clearly feel that Jiang Yun has stopped the rising atmosphere, and there is another round of horror.

This also makes the face of Shen Minglie and Laojiao, and can not help but change slightly.

They can naturally see that Jiang Yun has used the secret of improving strength.

And Jiang Yun in this state, killing them is easy.

Amano’s gaze flashed, and he raised his hand and patted it toward Jiang Yun’s emptiness. At the same time, his mouth was cold and cold: “I don’t have time to wrestle with you here, and I’m going to fight quickly!”

Although Amano has never put Jiang Yun in his eyes, but his heart is not really dare to completely ignore Jiang Yun.

After all, he also knows that Jiang Yun has a lot of means, and there are at least two domain devices on his body.

Nowadays, feeling the surge of Jiang Yun's strength, he is worried about what Jiang Yun has to rely on, so he is the first to take the shot and stop Jiang Yun.

However, this palm is only the temptation of Amano, and it has not used all its strength.

Even so, in the eyes of Jiang Yun, a huge palm is like a sky, replacing everything in his eyes.

For such an attack, Jiang Yun is no stranger, but at this moment, from the hands of the strong legal system, the power is very different.


Behind Jiang Yun, the group suddenly had a strong black light shine out.

A huge figure, suddenly surfaced in the light!

This figure, superhuman powers, and on the three faces exposed skin, all covered with dense black lines!

The dead and the dead golem!

The dead magic body!

When Jiang Yun passed down the world in the past, when he faced the ancient tribes, he once combined the two into one and his strongest body.

However, because the lord in the sorcerer's image is not always awake, Jiang Yun rarely uses it.

The eternal demon statue, one of the nine sacred objects, comes from the collection of the heavens.

When Jiang Yunlin left the lower domain, the road was named after him. It is best not to use it. But now, facing the wilderness of the wilderness, Jiang Yun must use it!

However, he also has a certain degree of certainty. Apart from these people who are present today, the use of the eternal demons will not be known to others.

Immediately after the emergence of the demon body, he raised a hand and greeted the palm of the hand that Amano fell.


The two palms collided together, and the sound of the loud noise made the whole array of the world of the volatility violently shocked.

Then, the palm of Amano crashed, and the huge body of the demon body, after a slight sway, although there was a crack on the body, it did not collapse.

This scene alone will make everyone feel shocked.

Jiang Yun actually blocked the palm of Amano!

Only Jiang Yun knows it well, since entering the domain door and embarking on the ancient road of the heavens, he has always been hidden in the illusion of the nine people in his own body, and all of them are lively.

Because, in the ancient domain of the spirit, it is the power of heaven.

The nine sacred objects are from the collections of the gods, and the power used is also the power of heaven.

They first fell into the lower domain, exhausted the power, although they absorbed their own power as much as possible by absorbing the soul, but innumerable years, not only failed to recover, but weakened.

But now they have entered the ancient domain of the spirit, just like returning to their own homes, and began to absorb the power of heaven by their own greed.

For Jiang Yun, this is a great piece of good news, and one of his reliance on the battle with Amano.

At this moment, the demon body of the silence did not let Jiang Yun disappoint, and joined hands with himself, and actually smashed the palm of Amano.

This naturally makes Jiang Yun’s confidence rise in the heart, raising his hand and waving, and the refining pen is already in his hand.

Taking out the statue of the dead is an adventure of Jiang Yun.

And then, he wants to make a bigger adventure, is to use his own blood, to draw the refining print!

See his hand was crushed Jiang Yun, Amano although some accidents, but no panic, faint: "! Sure enough, a little strength, however, stop here."

"Hey, fate!"

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