The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3196: With foreign objects

"Shut up!" Standing on the hammer, Dahan chilled and screamed: "No nonsense!"

The identity of Dahan is the highest among the three. When he sees his anger, the old man naturally dare not say anything, and he closes his mouth.

However, the heart of this big man actually has the same doubts as the old man.

Even if Ji Kongfan's performance is extraordinary, he can gain control of Scorpio by observing the lines on the palace wall, but only so, the facts should not cause his master to pay such attention.

Even, even if Master pays attention to it, it’s a big deal to send one or two disciples to come and watch it.

However, Master only wants to let the three of them drive this hammer, and come to the ancient domain with great fanfare.

Although Master is arrogant about doing nothing, he only needs to look at the performance of Ji Kongfan, but this manipulator is not known to anyone in the whole world.

It is equal to telling everyone that God's refining door looks at Ji Kongfan.

Under such circumstances, who else dares to stop Ji Kongfan from leaving traces on the palace?

In this way, the three of them, really, as the old man said, is running to give Ji Kongfan the next domain monk to support the field.

However, these things, they know it, they can't say it naturally. After all, at this moment, I don't know how many eyes are concerned about it.

I am afraid that all of them include Master.

Dahan shook his head, but I really couldn’t understand why Master paid so much attention to Ji Kongfan!


The big fat man lying on the bed, squinting at the side of the sky, said: "Why, you still refuse to admit defeat?"

"Whatever you look like, Jiang Yun, it is impossible to surpass this Ji Kongfan!"

"Hurry and steal the source of the fruit from me!"

The fat man’s words are just in exchange for the ignorance of the Scorpio. He believes more than anyone else. Jiang Yun can’t always be so flat!

Jiang Yun is of course also happy for Ji Kongfan.

Although he knows the true purpose of Ji Kongfan, the practice of Ji Kongfan is to make the edge of other people from the mountains and seas obscured.

It is true that Ji Kongfan’s strength is indeed strong, but in addition to him, there are several strong people who entered the lower level with him, such as Shura, and the shadow of Jiang Yun, Jiang Ying!

The strength of Jiang Ying is not much more than that of Shura. According to reason, it should be sharp on the ancient roads, but because of the existence of Ji Kongfan, it is perfect for Jiang Ying and others. Hidden and won't attract anyone's attention!

However, Jiang Yun also knows that this is only temporary. It is absolutely impossible for Ji Kongfan to continue to smash all the scorpio in this way.

Even, I am afraid that the next three heavens, Ji Kongfan wants to gain control of Scorpio, it is not so easy.

But in any case, Ji Kongfan's appearance turned out, so that Jiang Yun at least no need to worry about the lower-level battlefield, just wait until Yu Ji recruits himself, ask about the situation of the infinite battlefield!

For the next two days, it was safe and sound.

More than one hundred monks in the middle-level battlefield, who did not bother other people, all waited alone.

On the third day of the morning, when the sky that had been transformed by the technique was just lit, a melodious bell had already sounded.

Jiang Yun and others naturally know that this is the notice of the beginning of the final test.

Everyone did not need nonsense, and each stood up and came to the center of the city, and stepped into the square as the center.

Along with a heavy footstep sound, the guardian monk of the Double Scorpio also rushed to the scene, still holding the instrument, and looked serious, as if he were facing the enemy.

Obviously, Ji’s deeds have brought them more pressure.

Although I know that there should be no one here, like Ji Kongfan, will kill them to take control of Scorpio, but they can't help.

Above the sky, Yue Yuankang and others also appeared.

There is no expression on Yue Yuankang’s face, and it seems that he has not been affected by Ji’s business.

After his eyes swept through Jiang Yun and other lower-field monks, he said faintly: "You must have been able to guess, and this final test I arranged is related to the dream."

The lower-field monks are all silent, they have already thought of it.

"The rules are also very simple. They can live away from the dreams I have laid, even if they pass!"

"do you understand?"

The people were still silent, and Yue Yuankang smiled coldly, and he saw his palm lifted up and pressed to the square below.

Suddenly, on the empty square, there are countless prostitutes emerging immediately, and like living things, constantly detaching around the entire square.

When everyone wants to come, I think that as with Amano, there will be a space array to send myself and others into the dream that Yue Yuankang has already arranged.

However, when everyone looked down and looked at the rune that was free under the feet, in the palm of Yue Yuankang, a three-inch copper bell suddenly appeared, and it swayed gently.


The crisp sound of the brass bell was clearly introduced into everyone's ears.

In an instant, more than 50 of the lower-field monks became stunned. Among the eyes, the spirit gradually receded.

Jiang Yun naturally heard the sound of the bronze bell, and even knew it well. This is a magic weapon and a tool for Yue Yuankang to display illusion.

Let the people who hear it enter the dream by sound!

"The stone marsh did not say anything wrong. This thousand magical days are above the illusion. It is indeed very general."

Jiang Yun is proficient in both illusion and dream, so it is clear that true illusion does not need to rely on foreign objects.

Take Jiang Yun himself, his eyes are derived from the nine color imprints that Grandpa gave him, which is the power of nightmares. Just look at others with your eyes and you can easily bring the other person into a dream.

Like Jiang Yun, it can't be said that it is the peak of illusion. If you encounter an opponent with higher strength than him, he still needs to distract the other party's attention before you can bring the other person into a dream.

And once the illusion is really at its peak, it is simply impossible to prevent.

Therefore, for Yue Yuankang, he still needs to use the sound of the bell to bring himself and others into the dream, and he is also speechless.

Even, he did not know, if he forced to resist, Yue Yuankang can successfully bring himself into the dream.

In addition to Jiang Yun, there are a lot of lower-field monks, but also a clear-eyed.

People like Shen Minglie and Xia Zai are obviously powerful, and they are not affected by the sound of the bell.

Yue Yuankang was not in a hurry, his eyes were on everyone, and the brass bells in his hands still kept a kind of constant frequency, and they swayed one after another.

"Dangang Dangdang..."

Although Yue Yuankang's ability to display illusion, in Jiang Yun's view, it is very general, but under the continuation of his persistent copper bells, there are still more and more people, gradually entering the dream.

Jiang Yun’s eyes swept through his body and saw that six or seven people, along with himself, were still battling the sound of the bell, and he was ready to give up resistance.

If everyone waits for a dream, only Jiang Yun is still awake, then Jiang Yun will certainly become the object of more people's attention.

Jiang Yun does not want to be like the limelight.

However, just as Jiang Yun closed his eyes, his heart suddenly jumped.

Because the sound of the brass bell that came into his ear was no longer a sound, but it seemed to have two bells and sounds.

"Don't it, Yue Yuankang saw that we haven't entered the dream for so long, so we have to come up with another scene?"

"Just, these two bells, how close, one seems, a little far?"

Although Jiang Yun wanted to open his eyes and look at it, in order to let himself enter the dream, he continued to close his eyes.

But only a moment later, his heart was once again moving, because the sound of the two bronze bells turned into three!

Moreover, the sound of the three bronze bells is no longer a near, one far, but as far away as they are.

This made Jiang Yun really curious, and opened his eyes secretly.

The next moment, Jiang Yun’s eyes are suddenly big!

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