The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3284: That's it


As the voice of Jiang Yan fell, he heard several loud noises like thunder, and suddenly came from all sides of this manor that had become ruined.


Then, there were countless white light beams, which were shot from the places where the sound was heard.

This situation seems to be somewhat similar to the mirror cage used to trap the five spirits, but the difference is that these white beams are all surrounded by Jiang Yun's body.

The feeling for Jiang Yun is like the fact that these beams of light have imprisoned themselves this time.

In the case of a scene, Jiang Yun is a confused, completely do not understand what the other side is to help themselves, but do not understand what kind of creation can bring.

Jiang Yun did not understand, Wu Longcheng, who had almost come to Jiang Yun, apparently understood what was going on.

Because, Wu Longcheng's eyes clearly revealed a panic color, the body is even more like a ball, suddenly opened his mouth, spewing a colorful misty mist from his mouth, just like the color coat on his body.

However, when the fog was separated from the body, it was no longer a slap in the face, but it suddenly solidified and turned into a colorful sword with a shape like a dragonfly!

The color shines, the sword is stunned, and it goes straight to Jiang Yun.

Although this sword has not stabbed Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun has been able to clearly feel that his body, under the cover of the sword, can not move.

The sharp swords have caused his skin to be split and countless wounds.

Even, even if you want to take out the ancient guns, you can't do it. You can only watch the giant sword getting closer and closer to yourself.

Domain device!

The five spirits, the strongest of the peaks of the law, even took out a domain device to deal with themselves.

It can be seen that he wants to kill his heart, how firm it is!

If you are stabbed by this sword, your own end is definitely a ghost!

Jiang Yun is not difficult to see, Wu Longcheng not only knows what Jiang Yan wants to do, but also is extremely afraid, so at this moment is also determined, in any case must stop, even at the expense of killing themselves.

This makes Jiang Yun heart can not help but smile.

I am still full of sorrow, but it has become the goal of Wu Longcheng and Jiang Yan.

One has to use his own strength to help, but one is to kill himself and avenge his son. At the same time, he also cuts off Jiang’s hope.

This makes Jiang Yun can't help but wonder if the two men are negotiating, and take the opportunity to take their own lives.

Of course, Jiang Yun knows that this is impossible.

Whether it is Jiang Yan or Wu Longcheng, it is a breeze to kill yourself. Where else is it?

So far, Jiang Yun does not expect Jiang Yan to bring something to himself. He can only bring regret and unwillingness to prepare for the arrival of death.

But at this moment, Jiang Yan’s voice sounded in his ear: “Take out your strongest strength, whether it is the secret of temporary promotion, or what kind of medicine.”

"Fast, don't hide it!"


Still waiting for Jiang Yun to understand the meaning of Jiang Yan's words, I saw that there were countless white light columns around my body, and suddenly there was at least a quarter of the light column, suddenly changing the position.

The change in this position made these beams of light suddenly converge together, welcoming the great sword of Wulongcheng.

Jiang Yun’s ear is also ringing again, Jiang Yan’s voice with a rush: “Fast!”

Although Jiang Yun is still unknown, but the body has been able to move, naturally it can be seen that Jiang Yan is helping himself.

In addition, Jiang Yun is not a person who is willing to sit still, so he can't even ask why, the golden light in the body is rising, and the lines on his face are spreading.

The body of solitude, the body of the avenue, and the body of the ninth reincarnation appear almost simultaneously, and are integrated into his body.

In fact, strictly speaking, Jiang Yun’s strongest strength should be after the performance of the Nine Sacrifice.

Because of the practice of reincarnation, at most, it is to increase its own strength by nine times.

There is no upper limit to the strength that the Nine Sacrifice can enhance, and it is entirely determined by the number of sacrifices offered by those who perform this technique.

If the number of sacrifices for your sacrifice is sufficient, it is possible that the strength can be turned a hundred times.

However, under this circumstance, it is of course impossible for Jiang Yun to display the Nine Sacrifice and the ninth reincarnation.


At the same time as Jiang Yun upgraded his strength, the dozens of light beams that had been condensed together had collided with Wulongcheng’s giant swords.

The strange thing is that although the movements are very large, apart from this, no matter whether it is a light column or a giant sword, there is no change. The two are all in the air and seem to be in a stalemate.

Looking at the face of Wu Longcheng, the palm of the sword is slightly trembling. Obviously, it uses a great force, but it can't let the giant sword in the hand advance.


Suddenly, the white light column also trembled.

From within, slowly extended a sword tip, a blade, until a full sword was extended.

And the sword in the hands of Wu Longcheng, the same sword, the same sword!


Looking at this giant sword, Wu Longcheng’s mouth uttered a roar of full of anger: "Jiang Yan, you are finished!"

Obviously, for the way Jiang Jiang used to copy his sword before, Wulongcheng was very helpless.

Can helplessly helpless, Wu Longcheng faced the giant sword copied from this handle, but also did not dare to take it lightly, had to temporarily let go of Jiang Yun, and the giant sword fighting together.

But even so, his eyes are still looking at Jiang Yun.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Yun could not help but feel shocked again.

Although he had already seen this copying technique, he never really thought about it. Even the domain can be copied.

He didn't know how long it would last for the domain that was copied through the technique.

But if the time is long enough, if the overall strength of the Mirror Spirit can be improved, then if the enemy is invaded, the Mirror Spirit can copy the endless domain as long as it has a domain device.

Even if it is a short-term possession, it is even more powerful for the Jingling people. No matter in any war, it is enough to cause no harm to the enemy.


Jiang Yan’s voice rang in the ear of Jiang Yun for the third time. It also allowed Jiang Yun’s attention to be temporarily recovered from the giant sword. He nodded hard and said: “Okay, but I am injured now. The strength will definitely be greatly reduced."

Although Jiang Yun still does not know what Jiang Yan is going to do, he must tell the other party the facts.

Jiang Yan did not pay attention to Jiang Yun’s reminder, but whispered a word: “Is it so good?”

Hearing this sentence, let Jiang Yun gasp almost vomiting blood.

If it is in full-fledged state, the ninth reincarnation will allow Jiang Yun's strength to cross a big realm, but today's situation is at most equivalent to the opposite of heaven and earth.

But this is hard to be placed in any area.

After all, not all the secrets of improving strength can easily cross the gap between big realms.

However, such a strength improvement, in Jiang Yan's view, is obviously insignificant, so that he is not very satisfied.

Fortunately, Jiang Yan’s words turned and said: "Okay, you are ready to welcome your creation!"

Jiang Yun suddenly widened his eyes and stared at himself. His knowledge was magnified as much as possible, paying attention to the changes in his body.

And soon, he knew that he didn't have to look at it so carefully.

Because among the white beams surrounding him, there are one by one.

Not others, it is Jiang Yun himself, countless Jiang Yun!

In other words, these white beams are still a reflection of the mirror light, and the same is copied from Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun said slightly: "What does this mean?"

“Is this the so-called big creation?”

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