The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3289: Guardian spirit

Jiang Rou’s words made Jiang Yun’s slight glimpse and slowly sat up from the bed.

In fact, for this news, Jiang Yun is not unexpected, and even thought of it.

In order to protect the Jingling people, Jiang Yan has repeatedly applied various techniques to fight the five spirits.

In the end, I will not hesitate to use the technique of banned mirrors to temporarily improve my strength.

Although until now, Jiang Yun did not know the specific identity of Jiang Yan, and even did not know the appearance of Jiang Yan, but he was able to speculate on the life track of Jiang Yan.

He must be a member of the Mirrorling Spirit. When the Mirrorlings were robbed, they did not know what way they had escaped the enemy's pursuit and silently hidden in the world of mirrors for countless years.

Perhaps, when he was hidden, I am afraid that he will be misunderstood and complained by his people. He will think that he is greedy and afraid of death.

But in fact, he is silently forbearing, waiting for the opportunity to save his own people.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun appeared, he did not hesitate to use all his power, and even sacrificed his life.

For such a person, Jiang Yun really is a heartfelt admiration.

"Take me to see him!"

While talking, Jiang Yun has stood up.

Although Jiang Roo was worried about Jiang Yun’s physical condition, he also knew that he could not delay this time, so he hurriedly wiped his tears and turned and walked outside the house.

Jiang Yun silently followed Jiang Ruo's body and walked out of the house door. He walked to another house without taking a few steps.

At the door, Jiang Mingyuan and several Jingling people stood there, and their faces were covered with worry.

Seeing the emergence of Jiang Yun, Jiang Mingyuan hurriedly greeted him, without waiting for him to speak. Jiang Yun had already said one step at a time: "Jiang Shu, I came to see the seniors."

Jiang Mingyuan nodded: "The old man has been waiting for you!"

Jiang Yun no longer said anything more, pushed the door open and went inside.

This is a very ordinary cottage. It is small in size. There is no furniture in the house. There is only one futon, and Jiang Yan is sitting on the futon.

At the moment, Jiang Yan, although sitting there really, is strange, his face is still very vague, people can not see his appearance.

Jiang Yun stepped forward to Jiang Yan's front, and bowed to Jiang Yan's fist: "Jiang Yun met his predecessors."

Jiang Yan looked up and pointed his finger at the ground in front of him: "Sit down and talk!"


Jiang Yun sat down on his knees, and although he faced a vague face, he did not feel uncomfortable.

Instead, Jiang Yan coughed two channels: "Is it very strange, why is my face like this?"

Jiang Yun did not deny it: "It is a bit puzzled."

There is a little helplessness in Jiang Yan’s voice: “Actually, I can say that I have countless faces, and I can say that I don’t have my own face.”

"Because, I am neither a spiritual family nor a human race. Strictly speaking, I am only the guardian spirit of the mirror spirit."

The spirit of guardian!

Although Jiang Yun does not know what is the guardian spirit, why can't he count as a spiritual family, but it is vaguely somewhat clear: "There are countless faces owned by the predecessors, should they be the faces of all the people of the whole mirror?"

This sentence, so Jiang Yan could not help but look up slightly, obviously a little surprised, but even nodded and said: "I don't want to be a descendant of Jiang's pulse, the master chose you to help me mirror the spirit, it is indeed not wrong. people."

"Yes, I am actually the owner who created it specially, and used it to guard the guardian spirit of the Mirror."

Hearing that Jiang Yan had his true identity, Rao was already guessed by Jiang Yun, but at the moment, his heart was still a little trembled.

However, he did not ask how Jiang Yan would know his true identity, but asked him along him: "The master of the predecessor, who do not know who?"

After Jiang Mo’s silence for a while, he replied: “The Lord of the Spirit, the Lord of the Spirit, the Lord of the Ancients!”

Although Jiang Yun has already guessed that the identity of the mysterious person who sent himself here must be extremely honorable, he also guessed that the original position of the Jingling people was extremely high, but the words of Jiang Yan were still deeply It’s shocking.

It turns out that the strong man turned out to be the owner of all the spiritual people, and the mirror spirits were the first strong ones of the entire spiritual family!

Next, I did not wait for Jiang Yun to ask, Jiang Yan has taken the initiative to tell Jiang Yun a past about the ancient domain of Ling.

The situation of the spiritual family is actually similar to that of all the worlds and all regions.

The spiritual family has its own king, and its strongest, that is, the spiritual master.

Under the Spirit, there are four spiritual sects, each with a family, a total of five great spirits, and all the spiritual people.

Although there are constant disputes and wars between the spiritual groups, in general, it is still peace, and it is also a life without competition.

Even the spiritual family does not know that there are other worlds besides the spiritual ancient domain.

Until one day, there was a human monk from the Tiantian Jiyu, inexplicably entered the ancient domain of Ling, which made the Lingzu know that there were also Tiantianji outside the ancient domain.

At that time, after passing through the contact with the Terran monk, the Lingzu not only failed to attack the other party, but also sent his guests back to the heavens, and because of curiosity, they specially reserved the Tianji and Linggu areas. Connected channels.

That is to say, since then, Linggu domain has ushered in its own nightmare.

It can be imagined that whether it is the collection of the heavens or the ancient domain of the spirit, after knowing the existence of the other world, it is full of curiosity.

Since then, all the people in the days have entered the ancient domain of the spirit, and the spiritual family has also sent people into the fields of the heavens, and the two worlds come to each other.

In the initial period of time, between the two worlds of monks, they can also get along with each other, and they are also exploring each other's world, whether there is any benefit and resources that can bring them.

Finally, when the collections of the heavens discovered that there was a kind of remedy that could enhance Shouyuan in the ancient domain of the spirit, the relationship between the two sides slowly changed.

In addition, among the Lingzu, there are many ethnic groups whose strength is extremely strong.

Especially the mirror spirits who are the spiritual masters, the kind of magical techniques that make the heavens have taboos.

Therefore, after a random reasoning, the Tianji Jiyu was no longer satisfied with the existence of the Lingzu, and launched a war of invasion for the Lingzu.

Originally, the strength of the spiritual family as a whole, although the rush of the war, but it can also have a battle with the days of the field.

What's more, the Lingzuo is fighting on its own territory, occupying the land and benefiting people, and even fainting still prevails.

If the war situation has been developing like this, the battle between the two worlds is likely to end with the defeat of the heavens.

Unfortunately, at the most critical time of the war, the spirits have traitors!

One of the four spiritual masters under the Spirit of the Lord, the Five Spirits, the Lord of the Five Spirits, betrayed!

I don't know if the Wulings themselves have a replacement for the Jingling and the Spiritual Masters, or they are tempted by the monks of the heavens.

In short, the five spirits turned their backs and helped the heavens to gather the domain, and in turn deal with the spiritual family.

Although the overall strength of the Wulings is not as good as that of the Jingling, as one of the four major spiritual groups, the strength of the Wulings cannot be ignored, and there are supporters behind the heavens.

Therefore, the war ended in the defeat of the Lingzu.

For other spiritual groups, the Tiantian Jiyu did not rush to kill, but for the Jingling and the other three major spiritual groups, the Tiantian Jiyu was a big kill.

Even the last five sects who were traitors did not receive the promises given by the previous days, but like other spiritual groups, they were also sealed and repaired.

As for the lord, and the other three spiritual sages, the heavens did not know why, they did not kill them, but they were imprisoned.

The place where the prison is imprisoned is only known to a few people in the Tiantianji area, even if the five spirits do not know.

Having said that, Jiang Yan sighed deeply: "This is what my spiritual family has!"

Jiang Yun finally understood the ins and outs of the matter. He was incomparably sympathetic to the Lingzu, but he could not go to comfort Jiang Yan.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun then asked: "How did the predecessors know my true identity?"

Jiang Yan suddenly looked up and pointed at Jiang Yundao: "Because you are coming to redeem!"

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