The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3291: Intimacy

Jiang Yun is wondering for the sudden change in Jiang's attitude, and the tone of the vomiting.

Until he heard that he had finished saying this, Jiang Yun was a glimpse, but then his face changed.

His own life experience, or his first-time experience, is completely blank. Of course, he will not remember whether his father and himself have mentioned this spiritual master.

However, Jiang Yan said this in such a tone, and also specifically stated that he was born after the father and the lord knew...

This means that Jiang Yun naturally understands.

After a long time, Jiang Yuncai asked: "The spirit master, is the woman?"

"Of course!" Looking at Jiang Yun's reaction, Jiang Yan nodded: "Your father, and the Master of the Spirit, is a good friend, and can be said to be the same!"

"The Lord of the Spirit, although not a human race, but also has a human form, has a posture of falling into the country, and your father, it is considered a strange man."

"The Lord of the Spirit has never touched a human race. After spending some time with your father, I have a good impression on your father..."

"As a guardian spirit, I don't know what happened between the Lord of the Spirit and your father, and I don't dare to guess."

"But, just because the Lord of the Spirit appreciates your father, Jiang Qiuyang, a foreign monk who can break away after entering the ancient domain of my spirit!"

Jiang Yun’s brain has been confused again.

Although I have long thought of the relationship between the father and the mirror spirit, but I did not expect it anyway, it turned out to be such a relationship.

At this moment, remembering what Jiang said just now, Jiang Yun’s heart could not help but raise a thought: “Is it true that my mother is not a person who has a lifeline, but a...the spiritual master?”


Jiang Yun suddenly shook his head, and his soul had the lock of the gods left by the mother. It was a forbidden surgery.

My mother, even more, gave up a soul, secretly guarding herself.

If the lord is his mother, how can she be a ban on the sequel, and how can she separate her soul to protect herself!

More importantly, Jiang Yun remembered that he had seen a memory of his father when he was born.

At that time, the father was leading the first attack of Jiang's pulse against Gu's.

According to Jiang Yan’s words, Jiang’s first step was to be annihilated before the ancient domain was captured. When the father confronted Gu’s, the lord was still leading the spirits and resisting the heavens. Attack, how could you leave the spiritual family, become your mother, and give birth to yourself!

As these thoughts swiftly passed through the brain, Jiang Yun’s heart gradually calmed down and looked at Jiang Yan: “Do you think that I might be the son of the Spirit?”

Jiang Yan issued a bitter smile: "I don't know, because as I said earlier, what happened between your father and the spiritual master, I don't know, I don't dare to guess, just doubt. ”

Jiang Yun grew a sigh of relief and waved his hand: "Then you guessed wrong, I can't be the son of the spirit, my mother has another person!"

Seeing Jiang Yan still want to continue to ask questions, Jiang Yun hurriedly said: "Well, seniors, get down to business."

"Tell so much, you still haven't said, what do you and the spiritual master, through what, I am the descendant of Jiang's pulse?"

Jiang Yun really did not dare to let Jiang Yan say it anymore.

Although he can be sure that his mother is definitely not a spiritual master, there seems to be some ambiguous experience between his father and the spiritual master.

As a human being, how can I go to disagree with what my father did, so this hurriedly opened the subject.

Jiang Yan obviously also knows that Jiang Yun does not want to continue on this issue. He silently said: "Because the relationship between Zun and Ling Master has been very close, I will know the characteristics of your Jiang’s practice and know that I am spiritual. The spiritual pattern of the family, you can also cultivate."

"Because at the beginning, the Lord of the Spirit also gave the spiritual pattern of my family to the deity."

"As for how I can recognize you as a descendant of Jiang Qiuyang, the reason is very simple. The domain devices you used before, I have seen it in your father!"

"If it's two pieces, it's probably a coincidence."

"But I have seen at least seven of you on your body, and that is no coincidence. It is enough to prove that you are the descendant of Jiang Qiuyang."

"I think, the Master of the Spirit, you should have seen the domain devices that you have exhibited, so I judged that you are the descendant of Jiang Qiuyang."

Jiang Yun's brow can't help but wrinkle slightly. The answer given by Jiang Yan can be said to be both in his own expectation and beyond his own expectations.

After entering the ancient domain, if you have the possibility of exposing your identity, you can only be a sacred object.

In order to be more certain, Jiang Yunwei said after he sank: "I don't know, did the seniors still remember how many domain devices have been seen in my father? What are their names?"

Jiang Yan thought for a moment: "A total of nine pieces, I saw seven pieces on your body."

"The two pieces that I didn't see are the heaven and earth altars and the indefinite soul fire!"

So far, Jiang Yun can finally be sure that Jiang Yan did not lie to himself. He did see the nine sacred objects owned by his father.

The altar of heaven and earth, I have actually used it, but it is in the ancient domain of the spirit, not in the boundless world.

The indefinite soul fire has been swallowed up by its own fire, and it is integrated with life.


Jiang Yun shook hands and raised, and eight other nine sacred objects, including the altar of heaven and earth, all appeared in the house. At the same time, his life was also rising.

"Predecessors, are they?"

Jiang Yan turned his head and looked at the nine sacred objects. He nodded and said, "Yes, it is them."

"According to your father's statement, he also just got these nine domain devices. It is not too clear about the role of these domain devices. Therefore, he took it out and asked the spiritual master for advice. This was what I saw."


Jiang Yun’s body was shocked: “When my father came to Linggu, I just got these nine pieces of domain?”

Jiang Yan nodded again: "I faintly heard some conversations between the deity and the spiritual master."

"Like Zun seems to have just gotten from nine places, and then inexplicably came to our spiritual domain."

Four hidden!

Jiang Yun’s mouth almost blurted out these three words!

I have guessed before that the Jiuzu sacred objects and the Guantian Temple may have been brought out by my father from the four borders. Now Jiang Yan’s words have finally given him the best proof.

"In that year, my father entered the four provinces and brought out a bunch of domain devices. It was originally intended to revolve around the heavens, but I did not know why, but I came to the ancient domain of this spirit inexplicably and saw the spiritual master of the Lingjing people. ""

"So, my guess is correct before. The four borders and the mirror spirits, or between the spirits, must have some relationship!"

"Even, is it possible that the entrance to the four borders is actually hidden in the ancient domain?"

Jiang Yun pressed his inner excitement and continued to ask Jiang Yan: "Predecessors, have you heard of the Four Quarantines?"

"Four Treasury?"

After repeating the three words, Jiang Yan shook his head and said: "I have never heard of it!"

“No?” Jiang Yun brows slightly wrinkled: “Is the predecessor knowing, where did my father get the nine pieces of the domain?”

"I don't know, but the Master of the Spirit knows..."

"Cough!" After the words were not finished, Jiang Yan suddenly coughed up sharply, and the body was curled up together. After a long time, he stopped and took a strong breath: "Jiang Yun, I don't have much time. It is."

"Other things, I can't talk to you any more. Now, I just want to ask you, you still want to help me mirror the spirit!"

Jiang Yun also saw it. Jiang Yan’s state is extremely poor. Although there are still many questions to ask, I know that it is not the time to ask.

Therefore, he solemnly said: "I said, I will make atonement for my father!"

"Well, bring me to the mirror family, leave this boundless world, and find the Lord!"

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