The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3307: Ancient animal descendants

In the six years, although it is not long, the pattern in the Linggu domain has undergone no small changes.

Millions of foreign domain monks, at the very beginning, are killing each other, regardless of the enemy.

In particular, many monks who had some hatreds were taking advantage of this opportunity to kill them.

However, with the unity of the Lingzu and the gradual growth, the foreign monks realized that if they waited for themselves to kill each other, it is very likely that no one can leave the ancient domain.

As a result, the foreign domain monks temporarily gave up the battle and turned to form an alliance.

Nearly one million foreign monks have been divided into thirteen alliances, of which twelve are naturally led by twelve major forces in the world.

And another alliance is the lower domain monk!

Although many of the lower-field monks originally wanted to join the alliances of the heavens, but in the eyes of the monks in the heavens, the lower-field monks were also the target of their hunting, so the forced lower-field monks had to form their own. The alliance.

In addition to the lower-level alliances, the remaining 12 alliances, each with tens of thousands of alliances, are tyrannical and ruthless.

The alliance of foreign monks is not good news for the spiritual people.

Although Linggu is a spiritual territory, it is precisely because of this that every spiritual group is reluctant to give up their own ethnic land, making them become their own battles.

Not all of the Ling ethnic groups are strong and powerful, but the vast majority are weak.

Once they encounter an attack by a foreign monk alliance, they will be attacked by tens of thousands of anti-natural monks, which makes them impossible to be opponents!

Even if the distress signal is sent to other spiritual people, other spiritual people either dare not come to the rescue, or because the road is far away, there is no time to come over.

This has led to this, but all the spiritual people who have encountered the attacks of foreign monks are basically the fate of being destroyed.

After dozens of spiritual beings were annihilated, the remaining spiritual people realized that they were holding on to the ethnic land and had no meaning. Therefore, they had to give up their respective ethnic groups and seek alliances with other spiritual groups.

Such alliances have no help for the spiritual people. When they are gathered together, they will cause even more casualties.

In desperation, the Lingzuo can only choose to escape from their homes, dragging their homes in the ancient domain of the spirit, hiding in the east and west!

In this way, it has really reduced the death of the spiritual family to a certain extent.

Only in this way, the number of killings of foreign monks will naturally decrease.

There are quite a few alliances, and sometimes even a few months have passed, there is no one spiritual group.

To this end, the Tianji Ji domain decided to continue to merge the remaining two major battlefields.

That is to say, all the foreign monks and all the spiritual people are now in the same space.

This is the situation that Jiang Yun learned from the soul of the beasts of the beasts.

Naturally, he also understood why he could meet a small beast in this area.

However, he is also more worried about other people in the mountains and seas, do not know where they are now, and whether they are still alive.

Jiang Yun sat there and said: "Now should I go to find other people, or continue to find the spiritual master?"

Looking for the spiritual master, Jiang Yun does not know how long it will take.

However, if you go to other people, he also does not know where to go to look for this ancient domain.

"Or look for the spirit owner first. After all, if you can save the little beast, I am afraid that there will be only the spirit owner."

"And, since the lord is the master of the ancient domain, she may have a way to help me find Xue Qing!"

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun looked at the tiger's side: "Are you resting?"

The tiger clicked on his huge head and suddenly asked: "Would you like the runes of the beasts of the beasts, the kind of runes that the nine of them gathered together?"

The awkward question asked by the tiger made Jiang Yun’s heart move. He remembered the image of the tiger and some similarities with the ancient beast that they often gathered. So he did not answer: “You should not be The descendant of the ancient beast?"

After a long silence, the tiger’s eyes gradually revealed a strong fierceness. The voice said softly: “Yes, our family is the descendant of the ancient beast!”

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed and he noticed that the tigers were talking about their “family”!

The tiger continued: "The reason why the beasts of the beasts can condense out the ancient beasts in the runes is to extract the blood of our family, and summon them with the special exercises of the beasts."

Although the tiger said that it is an understatement, Jiang Yun has already understood that the price of the rune ancient beast is the life of the tiger family!

Sure enough, the tiger continued: "Our family, now only me."

"And I can survive because I want to avenge my people, so I gave up my dignity, gave up my resistance, and became an elder of the Beasts, the favorite beast of the regular Master!"

The tiger is not a favorite beast of the regular society. Before entering the ancient domain of the spirit, his master gave the tiger temporarily to him in order to ensure his safety.

Speaking of this, the tiger suddenly turned to look at Jiang Yundao: "I see it, you not only have a hatred with the beasts, but you are also proficient in the ability of the beast, even more than the beasts!"

"So I want to ask you to help me!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Is it revenge for you?"

The tiger admits: "Yes, when you go to the Beasts, bring me, as a reward, before the beast is destroyed, I am willing to recognize you as the Lord for your drive."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Wan beast days, I will go to them, but I don't need you to recognize me as the main, I am still saying that, after entering the days of the world, you are free!"

"Okay, let's get out of here!"

Jiang Yun stood up and said: "These things are now considered, it is still too early, and we will be able to enter the days of the days and talk about it!"

The tiger stopped talking, and stood up silently, carrying Jiang Yun, leaving the world and continuing to go in the direction of the spirit owner.

Just after the tiger and Jiang Yun left for about an hour, in the world, two figures appeared again, a young man in a green shirt, a white woman with a beautiful appearance.

It is Wu Linghua and Wu Chang of the Five Spirits!

Wu Yao spent his eyes sweeping around: "The Terran monk has just left here."

Wu Chang smiled and said: "As long as you don't lose it!"

"I can't lose it unless he gives up the mirror spirit!"

"Okay, then let's continue!"

When Wu often raised his hand and prepared to leave with Wu Yaohua, the palm suddenly stopped in the air, his eyes slightly picked up, and he looked up at Tiandao: "The domain door of Linggu domain is open, and there are days. The people in the domain have entered."

Upon hearing this, Wu Yaohua’s face suddenly changed: "Isn’t it for the sake of the family?"

Wu Chang has already recovered his true strength and is close to the existence of the nine great gods.

Only a few days after they left the Five Spirits, the domain door of the Linggu domain was opened, which made her not worry!

If the days of the sects are really coming for the sake of the Wu dynasty, then let's not talk about it, even the entire five sects will truly usher in the catastrophe!

"Old age, or you must hide first!"

Wu often waved his hand, stopped Wu Yaohua's words, closed his eyes, and stood quietly for a while: "It should not come for me. They left a few mirrors. There are some names and figures on the mirror."

Wu Yaohua’s face is full of incomprehensible words: “Mirror, number of people?”

This question has not been answered by Wu Yaohua.

Because of her ears, and even the ears of all the monks and spirits of the entire ancient domain, the voice of the purple singer was heard.

"This is the battle list, and finally the top 100 monks on it can enter the heavens!"

"In addition, from this moment on, the position of the top 100 monks will appear in the jade of each of you!"

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