The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3324: Gatekeeper

With the fall of the voice of the spirit, Jiang Yun’s breathing has become unconsciously rushed.

Regarding his own life and the whereabouts of his parents, it is always the biggest doubt in Jiang Yun’s heart.

When I was young, Jiang Yun thought that he was an ordinary orphan. It was Grandpa and Jiangcun who took him in. He lived without heart and lungs, and he never thought about his parents.

However, when he left Jiangcun and embarked on the road of spiritual practice, his life was like a slap in the face, and a little bit gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

However, at that time, he thought he was abandoned by his parents.

Although some complained, even hated their parents, but the blood is thicker than the water, but it is to let him want to know their news, want to ask them why they abandoned themselves.

Until he saw the nameless, knowing that the parents sent themselves to the mountains and seas, not their intentions, but because of helplessness and protection of themselves, all his hate and blame disappeared, leaving only thought To find their thoughts.

Although the nameless name has already told him that his parents may have escaped into the four places.

But the nameless person is a person. In the end, it is loyalty and traitor. Jiang Yun’s heart is always in doubt, so he is not convinced of the name of the Tao.

Now, the confidante of his father, not only finally saw his parents, but also personally sent them away.

This means that you can finally know the whereabouts of your parents and know the truth about your life, which makes him not excited!

Looking at Jiang Yun's appearance, the spirit master can naturally understand the feelings of Jiang Yun at the moment, reach out and gently lie on the shoulders of Jiang Yun, the heavy road: "Your parents, certainly alive!"

In such a simple sentence, let Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly come down!

The spirit master also took back his own palm and closed his eyes. After a long silence, he continued: "Although the spiritual ancient domain has fallen to the point of today, the cause is indeed because your father first discovered the ancient domain of the spirit."

“Although many spiritual people, even many of my mirrored spirits, have complained about your father...”

"But I never blamed him!"

"Because even if you don't have your father, there will definitely be others who will discover the ancient domain of the spirit. The heavens will certainly attack the ancient domain of the spirit, but the time is different."

"Even, I am very glad, I am very grateful to your father!"

"Grateful for his appearance, I am grateful to him for letting me know. It turns out that there are days outside the world, and there are bounds outside the world. Thanks to him, when my spirits are in dire straits, I will not give up on my spiritual family, and I will help each other!"

"Unfortunately, his practice is to offend many people in the days of the world, and for him, for your parents, for your Jiang's pulse has brought disaster!"

"Say, you should actually blame us for being spiritual!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and looked indifferently: "Predecessors, these things have already passed, and now there is no meaning in pursuing who is right and who is wrong."

"As you just said, even if there is no father to help the mirror spirit, but the strength of the father and Jiang, will eventually cause jealousy and dissatisfaction of some people in the days."

"At that time, they will still find other reasons to attack my Jiang's pulse!"

"Unless I am really invincible in the world, otherwise, I will not escape the fate of the genocide!"

After experiencing so many things, after knowing his own life, Jiang Yun has long realized that many things are not so simple, right or wrong.

Even, many times, it is impossible to judge who is right or who is wrong.

After all, each person’s position is different, and the angle of view is different.

Therefore, he really did not attribute the cause of his own Jiang family to the Lingzu.

Jiang Yun’s words made the spirit’s face reveal a strange color.

Looking deep into Jiang Yun for a moment, the strangeness on her face gradually became gratified and appreciative: "Your character is really like your father."

"You Jiang's veins, all of them are strange men, but they don't blame me for mirroring the spirits, and you are surnamed!"

Jiang Yun said a little bit: "Is the name of the Jingling family related to my ginger?"

The spirit owner smiled and nodded. "My mirrored spirits actually have no surnames. After meeting your father, we have a surname for the mirrored spirits!"

Jiang Yun suddenly realized that the original "Ginger" surname of the Jingling family was actually because of his father!

Obviously, the spirit of the Lord is out of love for his father, so that all the Jingling people have been changed to "Ginger" surname...

Next, the spiritual master told Jiang Yun in detail about what happened in the past year.

Most of the things in front, Jiang Yun has heard from Jiang Yan’s mouth.

The father accidentally broke into the ancient domain of the spirit, met with the spirit and became a good friend.

When the father left the ancient domain of the spirit and returned to the collection of the heavens, the existence of the ancient domain of Ling was also exposed to the front of the heavens.

Afterwards, the Tiantianji area launched a war against the ancient domain of the spirit. The father not only did not help the heavens to gather the domain, but in turn helped the spiritual family, causing many people's dissatisfaction.

Therefore, there was a first battle initiated by Gu's for Jiang, until it led to the end of the Jiang family.

In the case of Jiang’s crisis, the spirit master also knows, but at that time, she also led the Lingzu to counter the various fields, and could not go to help.

Although she sent a spiritual respect, compared with the huge collection of the heavens, it is still weak and does not change the fate of Jiang’s demise.

After Jiang was annihilated, within a few days, the lord saw a couple of seriously injured Jiang Qiuyang, and they were sent to the four-story!

"Jiang Yun, when your parents told me that the four provinces are the final retreat of their husband and wife."

"Just because you are too young, they can't guarantee that you are safe in the four places, so you have to send you away in advance."

"They also said, maybe one day, you will enter the ancient domain of the spirit and will see me."

"They told me to tell you, they never forgot you, and always remember you!"

Having said that, the spirit owner is already bursting into tears.

Although she said it was simple, the situation at the time was naturally not as easy as she said at the moment.

Jiang Yun was standing there, his eyes closed slightly, silent and did not speak.

As of today, he finally knows clearly, he really knows his own life, knows the reasons why Jiang was annihilated, and knows the whereabouts of his parents.

However, he is more aware that for himself, everything is just the beginning.

As a human being, he does not say that he will avenge his parents and avenge Jiang, but at least he must find his parents and let his family reunite.

After a long time, Jiang Yun opened his eyes and said: "What is the place where the predecessors of the spirits are hiding?"

Since the spiritual master personally sent his parents into the four provinces, then the entrance to the four borders must be hidden in the ancient domain of the spirit.

The spirit master can open the entrance, and it is definitely a great understanding of the four environments.

However, what Jiang Yun did not expect was that the spirit owner shook his head and said: "I don't know!"

Jiang Yun looked at the spirit master, saying one word at a time: "Predecessors, I know that the four borders are bound to be full of danger, and I don't want to enter now."

"I just want to know more about it, do a lot of preparation, and when I have enough strength, I will enter it!"

When Jiang Yun wants to come, it should be that the spirit owner is worried that he is anxious to find his parents, so he deliberately refuses to tell himself.

The main face of the spirit smiled and said: "Jiang Yun, I did not lie to you, I really don't know what the four places are, what kind of place is it!"

"Although I am a spiritual master, in fact, my identity is just a janitor. In my capacity, I am not qualified to enter the four places!"

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