The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3343: Wu Ling Ling Zun

Wu Yaohua!

Hearing the voice of the woman who suddenly sounded, Jiang Yun was a glimpse, but then he changed his face and heard who the voice came from.

For Wu Yaohua, the Wuling people, although Jiang Yun only met with the other party once, and even did not even say anything, but they were deeply impressed.

Because at the beginning, Wu Yaohua was able to perceive the breath of the mirror spirit that existed in her body, and always followed her, so she would not hesitate to take advantage of the beasts of the beasts and the five spirits. It is killing.

However, Wu Yaohua’s indifference in the face of death is too eccentric, not only not afraid, but also let Jiang Yun remember her name.

This also made Jiang Yun feel even more strange at the time, and her impression was even more profound.

Deeply profound, since Wu Yaohuaren are already dead, Jiang Yun naturally does not put it in his heart.

But now, this sound is clearly, it belongs to Wu Yaohua!

Sure enough, with the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, Wu Yaohua’s voice also sounded again: “It looks like you really remembered my name.”

"Yes, I am Wu Yaohua!"

At this moment, under the earth of the Five Spirits, in the darkness of the deepest cave, there is a cave hole protected by a large number of formations and prohibitions.

The hole in this hole is extremely large, and there are numerous large and small eggs filled with mucus, like eggs, with eggs that are half tall.

Each egg exudes a sinuous color of light, which is not too dark.

Among them, one of the eggs has burst open, sitting inside a woman who is also covered with mucus, naked, is Wu Yaohua!

After being killed by Wu Xie, Wu Yaohua broke out of the egg in the five spirits.

After the appearance, she has already seen the five spirits who have been chased and killed by countless coffins, and saw the three tribes who were dragged by Zhu Wen and Yuan Hu and saw the Wutong who was there. I saw Jiang Yun who stood on the ground and was protected by a large number of coffins.

Although Wu Yaohua did not know what happened just now, it is not difficult to see that the coffin is not controlled by the tribe, and the three clans are also likely to die at any time.

In short, the entire five spirits are really at stake!

The root cause of all this is naturally Jiang Yun!

Therefore, Wu Yaohua took the initiative and gave a voice to Jiang Yun, hoping that Jiang Yun could put himself in the five spirits.

When Jiang Yaohua admitted her identity, Jiang Yun’s heart was really shocked.

Although he himself had experienced the resurrection of death, his resurrection was because the Lord's soul was protected.

When he killed Wu Yaohua at that time, it was clear that the soul of Wu Yaohua had been smashed by himself and there was no possibility of resurrection.

Can Wu Yaohua, but has been reborn!

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yuncai asked again: "Wu Yaohua, who are you, why you can die and resurrect!"

Wu Yaohua also hesitated and said: "I don't know who I am, but the five old people, but I said that I am a five spirits!"


This answer makes Jiang Yun's pupil shrink suddenly.

The Five Spirits Respect is one of the four spiritual consciences of the ancient spiritual domain, second only to the spiritual master, and is the supreme existence of the five spiritual groups.

However, the spirit owner said that the spirit of the five spirits has fallen.

Even the reason why the five spirits can save a large number of ethnic groups, the heavens have not killed them, but also because the five spirits are dead, so that everyone in the days of the field believes that even if left five It is impossible for the Lingzu people and the Wuling people to pick up any storms.

Nowadays, this Wu Yaohua actually said that she is the Five Spirits!

That doesn't mean that the five spirits of the year were swindling, but how could her swindlers survive the spiritual master and smash the thirteen strong men of the heavens?

Jiang Yun once again asked: "What is the five old people who think that you are the five spirits, do you not even know who you are?"

If it is changed to other times, Wu Yaohua is absolutely impossible to explain these things with Jiang Yun, but now she knows that if Jiang Yun is not allowed to get a satisfactory answer, then Jiang Yun can not continue negotiations.

Therefore, Wu Yaohua quickly replied: "I don't have any memory about Wuling Lingzun, but I am indeed an undead body. If I die, I can still be resurrected."

"The reason why the five ethnic groups think that I am the Five Spirits, because it is said that my death is to help them restore their strength."


Jiang Yun is a bit stunned. Until now, he has never heard of a certain life that can be immortal.

And if there is an immortal body, then isn’t it equal to the life of immortality?

Isn't this the ultimate for all monks to pursue?

Wu Yaohua did not give Jiang Yun the opportunity to continue to ask, and then said: "Well, Jiang Yun, can say, can't say, I have already told you."

"My five spirits have provoked you to be in the first place. It is indeed that we are wrong. Now, you can propose any conditions, how can you let go of my five spirits!"

Jiang Yun also quickly calmed himself down, no longer entangled Wu Yaohua's things, but thought about the consequences of killing the Five Spirits and letting go of the Five Spirits.

To be honest, Wu Yaohua’s appearance and negotiation with himself are really beyond the expectations of Jiang Yun.

However, this is to let him at least not have to go and help them to sneak!

At this time, seeing Jiang Yun not talking for a long time, Fu Yi could not help but ask: "Jiang Yun, how long do you have to think about it, if you don't want to, then you can say nothing when I just said nothing, anyway, you People have been rescued, and we don't want to have more troubles, let's go now!"

Jiang Yun looked at Fu Yi and said: "Let me think about it again."

After dropping this sentence, Jiang Yun immediately said to Wu Yaohua: "Wu Yaohua, your words, can represent the entire five spirits?"

Wu Yaohua said with a bitter smile: "Since they think that I am a five spirits, then my words can naturally represent the entire five spirits!"

"Good!" Jiang Yun nodded. "As long as your five spirits recognize me, then I can spare you!"

Wu Yaohua suddenly took a look, really did not think that Jiang Yun would have a big lion opening, put forward such a condition.

“Impossible!” Wu Yaohua soon woke up and said: “What is the difference between acknowledging you and destroying us?”

"You have a very strong relationship with the spiritual master. Even if you can let us go, the spiritual master cannot let us go."

"Don't you be able to turn your face for our five spirits and spiritual masters?"

"The difference is big!" Jiang Yun said faintly: "Not to mention, why should I turn my face with the spirit?"

"Take me the Lord, you are my people!"

"The relationship between the spirit and me is indeed very shallow, then since you are my people, she will not kill you!"

Wu Yaohua’s eyes suddenly smashed the road: “Impossible! The spirit master will never let us go!”

After all, the Five Spirits are not only the traitors of the Lingzu, but are also rejected by the Tianji.

Regardless of whether the ancient domain of the spirit is restored to freedom, no matter who is stronger between the heavens and the ancient domains, the five spiritual groups can only live in the cracks and are looked down upon by the two camps.

The reason why the Five Spirits at all costs, always hides the existence of five elites of their own family, is to survive for their own family, in order to be the master of the ancient domain of the spirit, and thus have the qualification to compete with the heavens.

But now, Jiang Yun actually said that as long as he is recognized as the main, the spirit master will let go of the five spirits, which makes Wu Yaohua refuse to believe in any way.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "You believe and believe, it doesn't matter!"

"In short, either you now let the whole five spirits recognize me, at least let you escape the catastrophe today, or you will fight with me to the end, today is the day of your five spiritual family!"

"Let's think about it, I have limited time!"

Just when Wu Yaohua was in a tangle, suddenly a scream came!

The voice comes from a family of five Lingzu, and Wu Yaohua finally bite his teeth: "I promise you!"

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