The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3393: Awkward person

In the tremor of the life gate, that has opened the two gates of 90%, and began to slowly move toward the middle.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also clearly felt that there was a force that made him unable to compete at all. He suddenly fell from the sky and shrouded his body.

This power, just like a seal, will be self-cultivated and begin to be sealed a little.

Jiang Yun's cultivation as a realm, with the gradual closing of the life gate, gradually began to fall.

"Let's leave the Southwest Gate!"

Feel the weakening of Jiang Yun's body, and Tian Zun took back his eyes and looked at him. Shen Sheng spoke to other people.

The ancient domain of Ling is not only a domain door, but a total of twelve, and they can leave without any domain door.

However, now the patrolling angel has completely sealed down the entire spiritual domain, leaving only a southwestern gate as the only exit.

Although the patrol angels can open several more domain gates, but with the strength of Guyang, going to the southwest domain door is just a matter of taking a few more steps, so it is too lazy to trouble.

With the fall of the Tianzun voice, he himself has taken the lead and turned toward the southwestern gate of Linggu.

The other six strong players are following the demise of Tian Zun, and they are also stepping away.

Here, Jiang Yun, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, can't interfere and attack him until he has finished the process of turning his life into a door.

Naturally, it is not necessary for the thirteen strongmen to stay in the ancient domain of the spirit and guard Jiang Yun.

Therefore, according to the plan discussed before, the soldiers are divided into two ways.

Six people separated all the way to stay here.

If Jiang Yunhua’s life fails, they will immediately grab Jiang Yun.

The other way is to divide seven people and return to the collections of the heavens. In order to prevent Jiang Yun from making a successful life, step into the days of the world, they can find the whereabouts of Jiang Yun in the fastest time.

In fact, staying in the ancient domain of the spirit to continue to monitor Jiang Yun, even if only one person is enough.

However, between the thirteen people, no one trusts anyone at all.

In particular, killing, nothingness and life-saving three were in the past to protect Jiang Yun.

If they are allowed to turn around the fields, they may intentionally let go or hide the position where Jiang Yun appears, so they will all leave them.

And, let the three people in the sky, the red dust and the gods are also watching them.

The speed of the seven strong people walking is naturally very fast. After a few steps, the southwestern domain gate is already far away.

But at this time, there is a tangible shackle that spreads from the unknown furnace at a faster speed than them. It instantly fills the entire ancient domain of the spirit and comes to the southwestern gate, covering the domain gate. Above, the domain door has become a mirror!


Still, the patrolling angel first noticed the release of this sly person, and his eyes suddenly looked at the direction of the unknown furnace. He said coldly: "You don't think we really dare to kill you!"

Obviously, the spirit master understands the plan of the patrolling angels, so he is desperate to shoot, and wants to completely seal the ancient domain of the spirit with his own strength, not let Gu Yang and others leave, and help Jiang Yun.

"No problem!"

Gu Yang’s voice came from far away: “With her current strength, how can we stop us and break me!”

At the same time as the voice fell, Gu Yang had already come to the southwest domain door and punched directly on the mirror.


The mirror was easily broken by Guyang, and turned into a fragment, re-exposing the southwestern gate.

And the spirit of the unknown in the furnace, the body like a screaming tremble, the clear eyes are filled with endless blood.

There was a bitter smile on the face of the lord, and he whispered softly: "I'm sorry!"

When the voice fell, her eyes closed and she was completely fainted.

I don't know if she is sorry for this sentence. It is what Jiang Yun said, or what Jiang Qiuyang said.

Just at the moment when the spirit master was in a coma, the ancients who were in the fields of the heavens were old, and the eyes suddenly flashed in the cold: "Guyang came out, and sealed the domain door!"

Without waiting for the voice to fall, the ancient old man had raised his hand and went straight to the southwestern gate.

"not good!"

Seeing the old man, the old man next to him is also hurriedly whispering: "You will follow me!"

Jiang Li and greed can't help but feel a little glimpse. There is no reaction at all, but there is no time to think about it. Hearing the voice of the old man, he immediately shot it!

All the monks gathered here saw it, and four huge palms appeared out of thin air, and they overlapped and fell heavily on the southwestern gate.

Looking far away, it is like adding a cover to the domain door, blocking the domain door.

The seven men of Guyang, who are preparing to step into the domain and return to the collections of the heavens, naturally see the four palms.

Not only that, but with the fall of the four palms, the ancient yang that rushed to the front, it was the first to feel the power of incomparable power, rushing out from the four palms, and slamming into itself. On the body.


Hit by this force, Gu Yang's mouth suddenly spurted out a stream of blood, while the body shape is also unable to control the backward retreat.

A soft wave of Lei Yin Tian Zun immediately behind him, a soft force immediately wrapped his body.

And then, the face of Lei Yin Tian Zun is also abrupt.

Not only did he not be able to stop Gu Yang’s retrogression, but he was backed up by the same force contained in the palm of his hand.

Until the Raytheon after the Thunder singer also promptly shot, this prevented them from retreating.

And this also made the eyes of the three people show the horror.

Because it is equal to the three of them joined hands, only blocked the four palms!

In other words, the strength of the four palm masters, although weaker than the three of them, but the difference is not much, at least the strongest of the Tianzun level.

What's more, I don't know if the other party has spare time!

Wan Xing Tian Zun quietly said: "How can there be so many strong people of the Tianzun level here, who are all!"

Gu Yang reached out and pressed his chest, his eyes flashing.

Although he does not know who it is, but the power that just hit him, there is clearly a force he is familiar with, so that he is not difficult to guess the identity of the other party!

However, just when he just wanted to open his mouth and tell others that this person's identity, his ear was the first step to sound the old voice: "Dare to reveal my identity, you Gushi, will destroy the family!"

This sentence, let Gu Yang suddenly closed his mouth, afraid to open his mouth.

If you change to someone else and dare to say this to him, he will not believe it at all, but he has to believe in this person’s words.

Not old!

This is the ancient training of Gu's!

His own Gu Shi, even if he is offended by the angels, is fearless, but he can't offend himself... it is not old.

However, recognizing the ancient is not old, but let Gu Yang also understand a lot of things!

At that time, they had a name called Gudang, and they were cut off by the ancients.

To this end, Gu Yang deliberately used the technique of learning from the ancients to go to the lower domain where Gudang had been to, and wanted to find out what was going on.

It is a pity that in the lower domain, the old man who was causal was actually encountered and was disciplined by the elderly causal.

At that time, Guyang realized that the old man and the old man were both old and old, and they kept one person at the same time.

And until now, he finally knows that the two people who want to protect, is actually Jiang Yun!

"Guyang, are you okay?"

The voice of Lei Yin Tian Zun made Gu Yang return to God.

Gu Yang shook his head and said: "Nothing, these people, although I don't know who it is, but the strength is too strong."

Lei Yin Tianzun’s eyes are gloomy: “In the days of the heavens, the four people can fight for the three of us, although there are, but not many.”

"And, the other party even dared to shoot us directly, and we are enemies."

"If the guess is correct, the other party should be a good person!"

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