The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3395: 砸向命门

This is a square altar with nine round stone pillars on it, and each column has a faint breath.

"What is this?"

Gu Yang and others who just came back to see the altar and couldn’t help but ask.

The gods who have never spoken before, the face has a color of interest, and stretched out his own chin: "Look at this shape, in line with the trend of the heavens and the earth, it should be an altar."

"And, among the nine pillars, there are souls, no, it should be the existence of the spirit."

"Interesting, there is actually nine spirits in one of the instruments."

"Just, the strength of this spirit, some are too weak!"

They naturally don't know this altar, but the old age in the collection of the heavens is the ray of light in the eyes: "The altar of heaven and earth!"

The altar of heaven and earth, originally belonged to the lonelage, that is, the sacred object of the group belonging to the master of Jiang Yun.

However, now Jiang Yun already knows that the sacred objects of the ruined Jiuzu are from the four provinces.

In the past, his father was not used in the Tianji area, so no one knows the monks of the Tiantianji.

What's more, now that he has exposed his identity, naturally he has no scruples, and this has summoned the altar of heaven and earth.

The old man on the side heard the words of the ancient and not old, and asked inexplicably: "What heaven and earth altar?"

"A musical instrument!"

The old man simply answered the sentence and ignored the old man. His brow was slightly wrinkled and he said: "The fourth time at this time, the sacrifice of the heaven and earth altar should be to display the nine sacrifices and enhance the strength."

"But, he has already shown another secret to improve his strength!"

“Don't he want to use both secrets at the same time?”

Although the ancients did not know the technique of taking the reincarnation, Jiang Yun’s nine sacrifices were taught by him.

Therefore, he naturally guessed what Jiang Yun was going to do.

However, even he could not believe his guess.

You should know that there are many secrets that can temporarily improve your strength, whether it is the collection of the heavens or the sub-domains, but basically you are not allowed to superimpose the two secrets.

Two different secrets, even if they work the same, are different because of the different conditions and strengths required to perform them, which can lead to conflicts.

A better situation is that only one kind of secret law works, and the bad one is that the two secret laws conflict with each other, but they do not play any role.

Gu Laozhen still really guessed it!

Over the years, although Jiang Yun has mastered these two secrets, he has always chosen a secret method to enhance his own strength.

But now, he only has one chance to completely blast his own life.

He must raise his state to the strongest and release as much power as possible.

In addition, his previous inferences about the situation of the spiritual master made him unable to determine how much power the Nine Sacrifice can exchange for himself.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he decided to use these two secrets at the same time!

With the emergence of the altar of heaven and earth, Jiang Yun's hands have been extremely fast and incomparably produced one after another complicated prints, shot to the nine cylinders above the sacrifice.

And, from his mouth, he also spit out seven words: "With my soul, one sacrifice!"

In the end, Jiang Yun chose to use his soul as a sacrifice for sacrifice.

No way, in addition to his powerful enough soul, he can't take other things as a sacrifice, so he can support him to complete nine sacrifices.

Although the sacrifice of the soul will definitely affect his state, Jiang Yun believes that as long as he can successfully open the door of life and step into the fields of the heavens, he can enter the reverse world.

By that time, there will inevitably be the power of heaven and earth to heal any injury, including the soul.

Of course, if his sacrifice is still given to the spiritual master, then the spiritual master can naturally heal his soul.

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, he saw a cylinder above the altar of heaven and earth, and suddenly lit up.

Clearly visible, there are countless lines on the road at a fast speed, crawling the entire column, making the column look a bit more vicissitudes and mystery.

"Two sacrifices, three sacrifices..."

Next, Jiang Yun continued to make a printdown to the altar of heaven and earth, offering his soul!

The columns above the altar of heaven and earth are also illuminated one by one.

"Nine Festivals!"

In the end, Jiang Yun made the last print, and spit out the last three words!


The nine pillars of the altar of heaven and earth finally light up, emitting a dazzling light, rising to the sky.

It is like a dragon that has turned into nine rays, rushing to the vast ancient domain of the spirit, with the soul of Jiang Yun, to communicate with the ancient domain of the spirit, to exchange enough powerful power for Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's black hair has turned into a gray color, his face is also full of wrinkles, and the whole person exudes a strong sense of death.

However, his eyes are still clear, and he is deeply watching the nine dragons that have disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, the patrolling angel who always watched Jiang Yun’s every move and drip change faintly said: “This seems to be a sacrifice technique.”

"With his own soul and vitality as sacrifices, sacrifices go out, and in exchange for the power of temporary inflation."

The other twelve people nodded in deep thought.

With their cultivation and eyesight, nature can easily see the characteristics of the Nine Sacrifice.

Feng Ming Tian Zun’s gaze flashed: “When you are in the sky, do you think that Jiang Yun, now, is it possible to open his life?”

Upon hearing the words of the goddess, the patrolling angel looked up at him and showed a touch of color in his eyes: "So, is the brother of the hope that he can open the door of life, or does he hope that he can open the door of life?"

Fengming Tianzun smiled slightly: "I hope and don't want it!"

The patrol messenger continued to ask: "How do you say this?"

"I don't want, of course, I don't want him to escape from our encirclement!"

"And hope..."

Feng Ming Tian Zun’s words were turned to Jiang Yun, and then he said: "After all, life is a door, even if you are my identity, I have only seen the record of the text."

"If you can see for yourself that someone can successfully turn your life into a door, it is an honor for us."

The lack of Tian Zun unknowingly gave a sneer: "I am honored? Sealed brothers, the life of a real monk in the district is the door, for us, what is the honor?"

Feng Ming Tian Zun does not mind the attitude of lacking Tian Zun. His face still smiles with a smile: "Since the lower monk can pass the life as the door and go directly into the heavens, will it..."

“Can we also enter a higher level of heaven and earth in a similar way?”

Hearing this sentence, the expressions on the faces of the other twelve people were all stunned, and one by one was in deep thought.

Because of the words of the gods, it is obviously intended, and also gave them some inspiration.

The patrolling angel asked straightforwardly: "Feng Mingxiong, is it, what do you feel?"

As everyone knows, the life of the gods is bound to come, and at this time, he said such words, naturally let the patrolling angels can not help but doubt, is not the death of Tianzun at the dying, there is no other unknown discovery!

Feng Ming Tian Zun shook his head. When he just wanted to talk, he suddenly closed his mouth and looked around.

The wind suddenly burst into the wind!

Not one, but nine!

Nine roads are vast and majestic, full of powerful winds of strength, whistling from nine directions, and Qi Qi’s body has flowed toward Jiang Yun’s body.

Obviously, this is the power borrowed by Jiang Yun!


Jiu Daofeng, who went to the succession of Jiang Yun’s body, also let the breath of Jiang Yun’s body rise wildly!


Although Jiang Yun's appearance is still old, but his breath at this moment has climbed to a peak, and he also raised his hand without hesitation, and smashed the past toward his own life!

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