The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3488: See also Yu Ting

Just then, the door to the private room opened, such as jade has come back again, followed by a low-headed maid.

Tie Ruan also hurriedly closed his mouth and swallowed his second half.

After entering the door, the maid was confronted by Jiang Yun and Tie Ruo, who said: "Qinghe sees the two sons."

Iron, such as a man, came to the front of Qinghe, and unceremoniously reached out and lifted the other's chin.

This sudden move made Jiang Yun, a side of the scene, frown.

Such as jade is a flash of light in the eyes!

Don't look at the Qingshou. These women are just maids. They say that they are hard to listen to. They really want to be the playthings of the guests and satisfy all the requirements put forward by the guests. But from the bottom of Ruyi’s heart, they are sisters of each other. .

However, if Jade’s luck is better, it will be seen by the shopkeeper, which will become the management of Qiankun Building.

But this does not mean that she has forgotten her past identity and forgot her sisters.

Just as jade took a deep breath and wanted to remind the iron as a man to pay attention to his identity, the iron man like this has turned his head to Jiang Yundao: "Big brother, look at it, the last time we were in the room, not this woman! ”

Jiang Yun slightly glimpsed, his eyes looked at Qinghe, and his brows also wrinkled slightly: "Jade girl, this maid, the one we saw last time, is indeed not the same person!"

Such as jade's face showed a surprised color: "How is this possible?"

If only iron is like this, such as jade, it will be considered that the other party is entangled in Hu, but since Jiang Yun said so, it is natural.

Even Jiang Yun is aware that this matter is indeed embarrassing.

When I came to the iron and the last time, I saw that the other was a maid named Yu Ting. How is it like a jade, but it is a maid who is the clearing of the lotus.

Moreover, Jiang Yun can also see that if Yu does not lie, there is no need to deceive himself on this kind of thing.

If Yu looks at Qinghe, the brows are wrinkled: "Qinghe, what is going on here?"

If Yu is really confused, I remember very clearly. On the same day, I told the Qing Li to come to wait for Jiang Yun, and how inexplicably became what Yu Ting.

If someone is bullying the Qing, she can still help the Qing to say something good in front of the shopkeeper.

But if it is Qinghe himself doing something wrong, then once the treasurer of the shopkeeper sins, no one can protect her!

Therefore, she actually wants to figure out more than Jiang Yun and Tie Ruan, what happened.

Qing He opened his mouth and just wanted to talk, but at this moment, the light of the entire auction house suddenly darkened.

The auction, officially started!

At this time, whether it is Jiang Yun or jade, they can't take care of the maid.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the cold flashed and waved: "If you are a jade girl, this matter is temporarily stopped. You must take the Qinghe girl to go to work!"

"When the auction ends, I hope the girl can give us a satisfactory answer!"

Seeing the iron on the side like a man still talking, Jiang Yun also made a look at her: "Well, everything will wait until the end of the auction."

"Reassured, there will definitely be a reasonable explanation!"

Since Jiang Yun has spoken, the iron is like a man, but he can only nod his consent.

Even if she hadn’t finished it, she didn’t go on.

Because Jiang Yunlian has a million or tens of millions of Chishui Shenmu, he did not hesitate to hand over to Ruyi for auction, in exchange for an opportunity to enter the private room.

It is conceivable that this auction is very important for Jiang Yun.

I can't interfere with Jiang Yun anyway.

Such as jade is also full of doubts, but she does have other things, and there are other people who need to greet, so nodded: "Well, the two are assured, after the auction is over, if I can't give two explanations, then we The treasurer will inevitably explain to the two."

After that, after the jade, the plume will be withdrawn.

Jiang Yun’s attention has been completely concentrated in the auction below.

At this moment, the auction venue is already full of seats, ninety-nine private rooms, although not seen from the outside, but also completely occupied by people.

The entire venue, with only a bunch of white light, was completely concentrated on the center of the slowly rising round auction.

The auction platform stopped until it reached the height of Baizhang.

Then, the light shrouded in the auction platform, but suddenly rushed to the top, so that everyone's eyes, involuntarily with the light, looked at the highest point of the venue.

There, there was a beautiful shadow that appeared and slowly fell towards the auction.

This shadow, with a layer of tulle on his face, is marked with a ban on it, blocking the knowledge of everyone.

Although she couldn't see her looks, the clear eyes that were exposed were endlessly inspiring.

The woman was wearing a long red dress, her body was bumpy, and the light was always on her body, making her look like a fairy, getting closer and closer to the auction floor.

With the appearance of this woman, the eyes of some people in the entire auction venue were attracted by this woman, even if even Jiang Yun is no exception, everyone wants to see the true face of this woman.

Only the iron frowning, who always frowned, thought about Yu Ting, after seeing this woman, her eyes were wide and even grabbed Jiang Yun’s clothes corner: "Big brother, she, she That is Yu Ting!"

Ginger cloud glimpsed a little, turned his head and glanced at the iron as a man said: "Can you be sure?"

Jiang Yun's memory is amazing, his eyesight is extremely old, but anyone who has been seen by him sometimes recognizes his face even if he changes his appearance.

However, in front of this woman who fell from the sky, although she could not see the appearance, her body and eyes did not make Jiang Yun feel familiar.

Therefore, Jiang Yun will have some doubts about iron as a man.

Iron as a man nodded and nodded, saying: "I can be sure that although her appearance has completely changed, her blood can't change!"

Jiang Yun’s face showed a faint color.

Iron is like a man, different from other people, not through the appearance of body, etc., but through the blood!

Therefore, no matter how the other party is ever-changing, as long as the blood is unchanged, it will not be able to get through the iron as a man!

Jiang Yun’s eyes narrowed and he stared at the rain.

At this time, he also began to seriously consider this matter.

This woman who descended from the sky should obviously be responsible for hosting the auction.

But before I had to make a face-lift, with a name that didn’t exist, I went to my own room to be a maid, and there are naturally ghosts!

Just why is the other party doing this?

Jiang Yun once again looked at the iron as a man said: "Right, you just said, the blood of this rain..."


At this moment, the woman was in the air and had slowly opened her mouth.

The sound is pleasing to the eye, not only surrounded by the vast auction venue, but also clearly introduced into everyone's ears.

Jiang Yun also closed his mouth and did not finish the words. The eyes looked at the woman deeply.

"Thank you all for coming, the little girl is like a dream, I am very honored, this auction conference will be hosted by me!"

Like a dream, this name also makes Jiang Yun think of jade, knowing it, this is naturally a pseudonym.

Moreover, this name alone means that the identity of the other party and Ruyu should be the same, perhaps the management of this Qiankun auction house.

As the dream then said: "For the rules of our auction of Qiankun auction house, you must have known."

"And there are more items in this auction, so I will not bother your precious time. Let's start the auction directly!"

When it comes to this, the dream figure finally falls on the auction floor and spreads the palm of your hand: "The first item in the auction today is this holy wood lotus seed!"

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