The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3634: Die by myself

Jiang Yun froze!

Since I have learned the art of fixing the sea, it can be said that it has done nothing, and has been able to help myself at the most critical moments. I have never let myself down.

Especially after 60 years of dream life, he has become more adept at controlling the power of time.

However, now facing the strength should not be as old as their own Sang family, the art of Dingcanghai has even failed!

Shocked so much that Jiang Yun was stuck in place for a while, watching the black sharp blade formed by countless black sands in the hands of the clan and appeared in front of his eyes.

Jiang Yunya bit a bit, and there was a touch of cruelty in his eyes.

Although at his current speed, there are still ways to avoid or block this attack, he decided to try it out, just how sharp this sharp blade is.

Therefore, at the very moment when Jiang Jun made his mistake, Jiang Yun just missed his head and greeted the sharp blade with his own shoulder.


Although Li Li blade made a crisp sound of gold and iron when he hit Jiang Yun's shoulder, the black blade suddenly broke out again, cutting Jiang Yun's shoulder all the way, and all the way Go down until you reach the place where Jiang Yun's chest came, and brought out a long wound!

Blood suddenly poured out of the wound, staining Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun didn't even pay attention to the pain caused by the wound, but still stared at the sharp blade.

He is a body of silence. He has completed nine silences, and his tenacity is comparable to the domain device.

But now I can't stop this black blade!

The defense force is extremely strong, and the attack power is also amazing. Even his own Dingcang sea technique should be blocked by this domain device.

Such a powerful domain device made Jiang Yun completely move the possession.

The Sang family always saw that they were able to hit them with a single blow, and even hurt Jiang Yun. The fear of Jiang Yun in their hearts suddenly disappeared.

But when he wanted to continue to attack Jiang Yun while winning, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out and grasped the black sharp blade still stuck on his chest and pulled it hard.

Jiang Yun's current strength is so powerful that the old bodies of the Nasang family are trembling slightly.

However, on top of that black blade, there was also a huge power, which even easily countered Jiang Yun's power.

The old Sang family, who had stabilized their figure, immediately understood Jiang Yun's intentions, and Yin Yin smiled: "Why, fancy this extremely sloppy sand?"

"You are not the first to see it, but unfortunately, no one can take it from me!"

"As long as I don't agree with myself, even if it is out of order, the Angel Watcher can't take it away, let alone you!"

These words made Jiang Yun's heart move.

Before that, he always couldn't figure out what is the reason for this Sang family to be favored by the Emperor, and the relationship with the heavens is good, so that the Emperor must personally give them a formation?

If it's just because of their Sang family's medical skills, it's a bit unbelievable.

No matter how high the medical technique is, there are limitations. Even if it is seriously injured, it is definitely not the Sang family who can't survive reincarnation.

Therefore, this Sang family must have hidden other secrets.

Jiang Yun had no interest in knowing the secrets of the Sang family.

However, these old words of the Sang family now make Jiang Yun realize that this domain device named Ji Mingsha may be related to the secret of the Sang family.

These thoughts just flashed in Jiang Yun's mind, and he didn't think again.

Now Jiang Yun just wants to grab this extremely slick sand.

Therefore, immediately afterwards, nine color imprints appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes.

Jiang Yun believes that the old clan is telling the truth. This extremely inferior sand should be taken away only by his willingness, so it is better to bring the other party into his dream and let him promise to send the extremely inferior sand.

However, before waiting for the mark in Jiang Yun's eyes to rotate, the old man smiled disdainfully: "Is it a phantom? It has no effect on me!"

Sure enough, the nine-colored light emitted by Jiang Yun's eyes surrounded the old clan, but there was also a flash of black light on the extremely dark sand.

This extremely slick sand can not only resist the power of time, but also the power of dreams!


The Sang family laughed proudly and said, "Come and come, what else can you do, just use it?"

Jiang Yun's thoughts turned quickly.

Although this extremely slick sand looks extremely magical, it must have some flaws.

Otherwise, why should the Sang family be afraid of themselves before they are old?

It's just that Jiang Yun doesn't have much time to think about where the flaws in the extreme sand are now.

Now, it ’s been a while since the owner of the Sang family shredded to inform Jin Qunzun ’s rumor. It ’s been a while, Jin Qunzun may arrive at any time, and he must make a quick decision!

Especially want to grab this piece of extremely inferior sand!

Thinking of this, a cloud of Huang Quan rushed out of Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

Seeing Huang Quan, the old complexion of the Sang family suddenly felt a little surprised.

Because he had seen this Huang Quan before, and knew that Huang Quan could make time backward.

But he couldn't figure it out, what significance does Jiang Yun make at this time.

But soon he knew!

After appearing, this Huangquan surrounded him, but it didn't rotate. Instead, it boiled like a boil, and bubbled up one after another, rising up and surrounding him. Body week.

Looking at these bubbles, the old eyes of the Sang family suddenly contracted.

Because in these bubbles, he saw countless pictures.

These pictures have scenery, things, and even someone!

Even, there is that piece of extremely sand!

Maybe others don't know what exactly appears in the picture, but the Sang family is very clear. These are the things that they care most about in their lives, and they can't let go!

Looking at these things also made the old man temporarily forget that he was fighting Jiang Yun, but his face was filled with emotion and nostalgia, and his eyes kept sweeping through these bubbles.

"Puff puff!"

But at this moment, these bubbles started to burst one by one.

After each bubble has burst, the contents inside it will also dissipate.

Every time something dissipated, a touch of relief appeared on the old faces of the Sang family, as if they finally let go of their concerns.

Until the air bubble of that piece of sand is exploding, the shape of the sand that wears on the clan's body instantly melts and recovers into countless black sand particles.

Jiang Yun's eyes were swift, his wrists lifted, and a whirlwind caught all the sand.

At this moment, Jiang Yun also clearly felt that Ji Mingsha had no resistance to his actions, and had become the ownerless thing again!

"Clan old, what are you doing, that's extremely sloppy sand!"

In the distance, always paying attention to the owner of the Sang family here, after seeing this scene that was completely beyond his expectation, he finally could not help but burst into a roar.

Hearing the voice of the owner, the old man turned his head to look at him.

The indifferent look made the homeowner shiver tremble, as if he had become a stranger in the eyes of the clan old man.

The homeowner did not know, among the numerous bubbles that surrounded the clan old man before, there was a bubble inside that appeared like him!

Zuo Lao also said faintly: "What kind of sand is nothing to do with me."

"From now on, everything in this world has nothing to do with me."

"I can finally be relieved!"

The voice fell, and there was a serene smile on the face of the old man, and then he stretched out his hand and patted it towards his brows.


The Sang family is old and died by themselves!

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