The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3704: First lower domain

After asking this question, Jiang Yun, although looking calm, was faintly showing the expectation.

No matter from the mouth of his father or from the mouth of Dao Mingming, Jiang Yun already knew that the lower realm he was in was different.

Until now, there are still many secrets that have not been unlocked.

It is precisely because of the existence of these secrets that these powerful men in the heavens gather.

Even the power of the ancient realm of causal old people is trying to make some connections with the lower realm.

At the beginning, Jiang Yun only knew that there were two ancient ancestors. Later, he added the nihilistic seal of the nirvana.

Then, there are causal old people sitting in the lower realm, and angel patrollers are strictly prohibited from entering the lower realm.

Now, even Hongchen Datianzun even arranged an avatar early in that area.

Although Hongchen Tianzun said it was because of himself, Jiang Yun did not believe it.

Even if he was Jiang Qiuyang's son, he would not attract the attention of so many strong people.

If it is to find the whereabouts of his father, it is unlikely.

Because Jiang Yun suspected that those big deities might already know that his father had fled to the Four Realms!

This makes Jiang Yun really curious, what secrets are hidden in the lower realm in order to make these strong men hesitate so much.

Therefore, Jiang Yun wants to take this opportunity to see if he can find out something from the mouth of Hongchen Tianzun!

Hongchen Tianzun looked at Jiang Yundao with a smile, "Want to know? Drink with me!"

"A jug of wine, a question!"

"However, the ugly word is ahead. What I want is for you to drink. If you dare to use the cultivation as a way to dispel alcohol, don't blame me!"

The words fell, and Jiang Yun didn't wait for Jiang Yun to react at all. Hongchen Tianzun's hand raised his hand, and he saw that there were a bunch of jugs on the top of Su Ji!

Looking at these hip flasks, Jiang Yun couldn't help but hesitated for a moment. He really did not expect that this big deity would make such a request.

But Hongchen Tianzun himself has grabbed a pot of wine and poured it directly into his mouth!

Hongchen Tianzun, this is the graceful manner, the look of pouring wine at the moment, added a sense of boldness to her.

Beauty is like jade, and the wine is fragrant!

Beauty and wine, pleasing to the eye!

After a little hesitation, Jiang Yun also reached out and grabbed a pot of wine, which was also poured into his mouth.


After drinking a jug of wine, Hongchen Tianzun threw the jug in his hands behind him and looked at Jiang Yun with a smile.

After Jiang Yun also finished drinking the wine in the pot, Hongchen Tianzun grabbed the second pot of wine before he said, "The lower realm you are in is very special, and we call it the first lower realm!"

First down domain!

Hearing these four words, Jiang Yun yelled again: "Is it the first subdomain born?"

Hongchen Tianzun said with a finger on the hip flask, "This is the second question!"

Jiang Yun shook his head with a bitter smile and did not talk nonsense. He grabbed the second pot of wine and started pouring.

Hongchen Tianzun did not bully Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun drank, and she followed.

After drinking the second pot of wine, Hongchen Tianzun continued: "Your lower realm is not the first lower realm born."

"But it was the first strong person to enter the heavenly domain without our consent, or without our knowledge, so we call it the first domain!"

Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved. This was really news that she never knew.

Jiang Yun, who has already stepped through the gate of the realm and crossed the ancient ancient realm, knows clearly how difficult it is for monks in the lower realm to enter the heavens.

A long time ago, although there should not have been a battle in Linggu Realm, this person could have concealed the great gods such as Hongchen and Sky Survey into the heavens.

It is conceivable that even if this person is not very powerful, he certainly has something outstanding.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but asked curiously, "Who is this strong man?"

After asking, Jiang Yun took the initiative to pick up the third pot of wine.

As the third pot of wine drank, Hongchen Tianzun shook his head and said, "Until now, we don't know who he is!"

This answer made Jiang Yun almost angry and broke the hip flask in his hand.

Fortunately, Hongchen Tianzun smiled again and said, "We don't know this person who entered the heavens, but when we noticed, he had already changed his face and disappeared."

"We've been looking for him for years, and we have a few suspects."

"Your father Jiang Qiuyang is one of them!"

"What?" Jiang Yun frowned tightly, staring at Hongchen Tianzun: "Do you suspect that my father entered the heavenly domains from the first lower realm?"

"You don't need to drink alcohol for this question!" Hongchen Tianzun looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Why, do you think that your father isn't the Heavenly Lands entered by Xiayu?"

Hearing this sentence, and then facing Shang Hongchen Tianzun staring at his own eyes, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly woke up.

Although I already knew that my father was from the ancient realm of the heavens, but others did not know.

This Red Dust Tianzun seems to be answering his own question, but in fact is also taking advantage of his own words.

No wonder she has to drink a jug of wine before answering a question.

This is clearly trying to get yourself drunk!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun deliberately said coldly: Lord Tianzun, thanks to you, I have never seen my father in this life, how do I know where he came from! "

Hongchen Tianzun smiled slightly: "Don't be angry, the reason we doubt your father is not baseless."

"If you think about it, your father has no origin, as if he jumped out of nothingness, and he is extremely powerful, which makes it difficult for us to think about him!"

Jiang Yun did not speak this time because he acknowledged that Hongchen Tianzun was telling the truth.

These great deities are the kings of the heavens, and the sudden appearance of their father even threatened their throne. It is indeed easy to cause their doubts.

"After your father was defeated and fled by us, the first thing we thought of was whether your father would escape to the first realm."

"We naturally went to the first domain immediately, but ended up with nothing."

"And the first time at that time, to say something you don't like to listen to, is really a barren land."

"Don't talk about monks there, there are very few living beings, and they all live the primitive life of drinking blood!"

"But never thought, after a period of time, then Xia Yu suddenly prospered."

"Especially monks, they started to appear in large numbers, just like the outbreak of spiritual practice!"

When Jiang Yun heard this, he understood something. The sudden change in the first domain should be the long-life lock that he wore, and the nine holy relics have found a suitable group of people.

In order to restore their own strength, the nine holy relics must guide the monks to practice, and in turn absorb the monks' strength.

And in his own piece of long-life lock, there are various powers, such as the power of silence, the power of Danyang, and so on.

In short, these two conditions appeared at the same time, which also caused the first down to become prosperous and began to have a large number of monks.

Hongchen Tianzun continued: "We had paid attention to the first lower realm, and now this strange situation suddenly appeared, and we naturally went to the first lower realm again."

"I didn't expect that we were stopped back this time."

Jiang Yun's heart moved again: "The old man of cause and effect!"

I once saw the appearance of a causal old man in the memory of the wind of silence!

And from then on, the causal old man is probably sitting in the first domain of the town, and stopped the red dust Tianzun and others who want to enter it.

Hongchen Tianzun stared at Jiang Yun's face, and said with a little disappointment: "I thought you could drink another pot of wine, but it seems that you have already guessed who we stopped by!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and didn't speak.

But Hongchen Tianzun suddenly leaned forward, his face was almost stuck to Jiang Yun's face, exhaling like Lan said: "then you want to know, what happened later."

Jiang Yun stared at Hongchen Tianzun's face and nodded silently.

The smile on Hongchen Tianzun's face bloomed.


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