The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3786: The Great Skeleton

Jiang Yun and his team of five people had already passed the second hall directly under the power of Hao Di.

At this moment, they should be in the third hall.

But the sight presented in their eyes made all five people's expressions suddenly abruptly!

Around them, there is no pillar of Panlong, which is extremely large, nor the crystal ground of brilliance.

There is, but endless darkness, as if in the seams.

Looking at it, all directions are dark, and nothing else exists.

Moreover, five people entered this darkness at the same time, and logically, they should be gathered together.

Even Jiang Yun and Lu Zisu had approached them intentionally before.

But now, instead of being gathered together, five people are no longer on the same line, but are in five different positions!

Especially Jiang Yun, on the opposite side of himself, on the other side of the dark, saw the demon element of the demon race!

Others may not have noticed anything wrong with their respective positions, but Jiang Yun can see at a glance that the positions of the other four people, except himself, are like four points, forming a square.

To Jiang Yun, the four people seemed to be surrounded by darkness.

As for Jiang Yun himself, although it is also in this square, it is not at four points.

To be precise, he is inside the square!

More importantly, in this darkness, especially above the four positions of four people, Jiang Yun also noticed the breath of the formation method!

This caused Jiang Yun to frown, and said to himself: "Why is there a change of position, is it intentional, in order to cope with this?"

"What kind of test will happen at this level?"

"Also, how do I feel like I'm a superfluous person!"

When Jiang Yun thought about it, the other four were looking around, with doubts on their faces, wondering what the difference was in the darkness.

However, apart from doubt, the four of them are also a little nervous at the moment.

A total of thirteen people were initially qualified for the inheritance of the emperor.

Now that I have just gone through two halls, I have eliminated eight people, and each hall has eliminated four people.

If the four are eliminated here too, it means that this level will determine who will eventually get the inheritance of the emperor!

Therefore, they are all guessing whether this level will allow one person to fight each other until only one person is left in the end!

The appearance of this speculation made them look more murderous and vigilant in the eyes of each other.

At the same time, within the Chaos Realm, including the Emperor's Cave, the five illusive figures of Hao Di, at this time, suddenly, like the current, gradually rippled, and also made the picture appear in his body. It became blurred.

Immediately, without any warning, these five figures of Hao Di suddenly exploded together and disappeared, as if they had never appeared!

At this moment, all the people of the four ethnic groups immediately became confused.

"How is this going?"

"Why didn't we show it?"

"Yeah, this should be the last hall. Immediately it will show who owned the Emperor's inheritance in the end. Why didn't we show it at this time!"

A monk groaned, "Will it be to protect the person who finally inherited the Great Emperor, so Hao Di deliberately kept us from watching!"

"After all, if everyone saw with their own eyes one of the five inherited the emperor's heritage, then after they came out of the emperor's cave, I am afraid that someone would want to do it!"

This idea was immediately rejected by other monks: "There are only five of them, and they can't hide it if they want to hide it."

"If five people can finally come out, then the other four will definitely know who has inherited the emperor."

"If only one comes out, it doesn't even need to guess!"

In short, everyone has been talking about the sudden disappearance of the picture, but no one can reach a final conclusion.

And despite not seeing anything, all the four clans still refused to disperse and gathered together, waiting for the final result.

Where the Dai people are, always paying attention to Jiang Yunrou's every move, at this time, he jumped up suddenly and rushed to a building not far away, exclaiming: "Uncle Mu!"

Jiang Mu, the village head of Jiang Village, the middle-aged man who had stopped Jiang Yuerou before, appeared in front of Jiang Yuerou, and looked at her blankly and said, "What's wrong!"

Jiang Yuerou stretched his fingers and said to the sky, "I can't see it!"

Jiang Mu frowned and said, "It's that Hao Di who doesn't want to let others see, I can't help it!"

Jiang Yuerou, however, took a step forward and lowered his voice, "Uncle Mu, are you really helpless?"

Jiang Mu shook his head and said decisively: "No!"

Jiang Yuerou said unwillingly: "Will he be in danger?"

"how could I know!"

Jiang Mu cried and said, "Girl, do you think I know everything?"

Jiang Yuerou continued: "Uncle Mu, don't think I don't know. Just when I attacked the entrance of the emperor cave, that Emperor Hao clearly prepared to shoot at me."

"But you took me away in front of him, and he just let it go. Uncle Mu, do you know something about Hao Di?"

Hearing Jiang Yuerou's words, Jiang Mu took a deep look at her and shook her head again: "I don't know, maybe, when we go back, we can know something!"

"Well, go ahead and retreat, and stop thinking about these messy things!"

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Mu waved his sleeves and sent Jiang Yuerou back to the thatched house.

And he himself turned into the building behind him!

With the door of the building closed, Jiang Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said to himself: "This girl, my mind is really extremely keen!"

"I didn't expect that she just noticed the action I took to save her!"

"However, she's right. There has never been an emperor called Haodi in the realm of this emperor!"

"The origin of this Hao Emperor is indeed open to question!"



At that moment, in the darkness where Jiang Yun and others were in, a sudden shock trembled, and the five people who were already a little nervous changed their looks together, and all of them had gathered all their powers by accident. Eyes kept looking around, ready to go, ready to shoot at any time.

It is not the whole darkness that is oscillating, but only the center of darkness surrounded by four people, except Jiang Yun, is oscillating.

In this shock, there is a light gradually shining!

Although the light is not bright, the eyesight of the five people are all extraordinary, so they have clearly seen the situation in the light, and they can't help but breathe in their respective breaths, and their faces are shocked!

Because of that light, it comes from a skeleton!

A seated, complete skeleton slowly emerged from the darkness.

This bone, as if sitting here, still maintains the posture before death.

There was a faint light on the bones.

And in the slightly opened mouth of the bone, there is a crystal clear jade Jane!

Even Jiang Yun did not expect that in this darkness, a skeleton would suddenly appear!

However, after the horror, everyone's eyes quickly gathered on the jade bamboo in the bone's mouth!

Five people's minds came up with the same idea almost at the same time!

"Is this skeleton, is that Hao Di!"

"That jade Jane, will it be the inheritance of the emperor!"

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