The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4501: See it, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

The words left by Jiang Yun and the angel patrol were heard clearly by everyone, and they were stunned.

After all, for them, most of them just learned about the domain warfare, knowing that besides the heavens, there are other domains. Where can they think of it, now there are other cultivators coming.

Therefore, they did not recover at all for a while.

However, someone recovered and asked: "Where!"

Everyone followed the sound and found that the sound came from the line of gaps. The person who spoke was Jiang Yun's uncle, the immortal old man.

Naturally, the immortal old man was asking Jiang Yun where the other people from Jiyu were.

After a few breaths, Jiang Yun's voice was also heard from afar: "The place where Array Miss Tianzun domain and Hongchen Tianzun domain meet!"

With the falling of Jiang Yun's voice, the figure of the immortal old man has soared into the sky, leaving the boundary, stepping into the boundary, raising his leg and stepping, and after one step, he also disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, he also followed Jiang Yun and the angel patrol.

Within days of absence, everyone else had already recovered.

Everyone was watching the direction where Jiang Yun and the three of them disappeared, silent, with complex colors on their faces.

Although they already knew about domain warfare and knew that domain warfare might start at any time, even if it was the fate of heaven, they still felt that domain warfare was still far away from them.

Even, most people think that Jiang Yun's fight with other Jiyu monks is a lie.

But now, the cultivators of other Jiyu have really stepped into the Heavens Jiyu again.

If only Jiang Yun said so, then they might still doubt it.

But since even the angel patrol said the same, they naturally wouldn't doubt it.

What's more, now the two forces are fighting, Jiang Yun and Xuantian, the two strongest of the two sides, if it weren't for people from other Jiyu to arrive, they wouldn't be able to put everything down and leave immediately.

This shows that in their hearts, domain warfare is already the most important thing in the universe!

After a moment of silence, the Fengming Tianzun turned his head and looked at the people around him: "Everyone, let's also go and meet the monks in other Jiyu. How is it different from us!"

Although the news that someone had arrived in other Jiyu gave them a lot of shock, they were all the highest group of people on the Jiyu Station in the heavens.

Now that they had accepted the facts of domain warfare, they immediately began to consider how to increase the odds of winning the heavens in the domain warfare.

As for other sets, you and others don't know anything about it, so the most basic thing is to understand the enemy.

In addition, they are also very curious about whether the monks of other Jiyu are stronger or weaker than their own Tianjiyu in terms of cultivation methods and magical powers.

Therefore, everyone naturally nodded in agreement.

The group of people rushed out of the array and stood in front of Slaughter Tianzun and the others.

Fengming Tianzun looked at the other party and said: "I said before that the domain battle is imminent, we should not kill each other, but you don't listen."

"Now, what do you think?"

"Should we go to see the cultivators of other Jiyu together, or continue to fight?"

"If you still want to fight, then we will accompany you to the end."

The Void Tianzun on the side spoke first: "Naturally, I want to see it."

After speaking, he also ignored other people at all, took a step on his own, and disappeared.

Hongchen Tianzun said with a smile: "With that strength, it's better to keep hitting outsiders."

When the voice fell, she also followed the Void Tianzun and disappeared without a trace.

Slaughter Tianzun and the other six people stared at the Fated Heavenly Lord in front of him, and said after a moment of silence: "Let's go take a look."

The departure of Jiang Yun and the angel patrol made them both comparable in strength.

Don't say no one can beat anyone, even if they can win, but as long as Jiang Yun is not dead, then they will never think of peace, so it is better to stop first and check the situation first.

"Well, when you want to fight, we will accompany you at any time."

Feng Ming Tianzun laughed, turned his head and coldly glanced at Wanhuan Tianzun who was still nailed in the distance, and said, "Wanhuan, you killed me several of the Fengzun people, I should have killed you too."

"But if you kill you now, you won't be able to win, so I will save you for the time being and come back to get it."

Fengming Tianzun retracted his gaze and turned to Jiang Qiuge and the others: "Let's go!"

Zhen Que Tianzun didn't want to go, after all, this was his site.

He was worried that after he left, Slaughter Tianzun and the others would turn back and take away his own formation.

However, let him stay alone, he didn't have the courage, so he could only follow everyone behind and left as well.

Naturally, the ancient clan, Feng Ming Tian, ​​Hu Tian, ​​and the people who were lacking in heaven also all left.

With the disappearance of the Fengming Tianzun and others, after killing a few people, they looked at the Wanhuan Tianzun who was aside.

Several people walked over, instead of making fun of Wanhuan, they wanted to save Wanhuan.

It's a pity that after turning around Wanhuan for a long time, the Slaughter Tianzun said helplessly: "Wanhuan, the power left by Jiang Yun, we can't break it."

Wan Huan still couldn't speak, she could only open her eyes as hard as she could, and there was a whining sound in her throat, hoping everyone could find a way to save themselves.

There is no way for everyone, and they are not close friends on weekdays, but because they have come together temporarily because of the common enemy, Jiang Yun, it is impossible to bother to save Wanhua.

Lei Yintian said: "Wan Huan, you are not in any danger right now. Let's go to Jiang Yun, rest assured, we will let him release you."

After dropping this sentence, the group of people also took their men and turned and left.

Within days of the huge array of absence, only Wanhuan Tianzun and his group of disciples were left nailed there.

His disciples wanted to save him, but even Da Tianzun couldn't help it. They were even more powerless and could only silently stay by his side.

The eyes of Wanhuan Tianzun were already staring with blood, and let him spread his limbs like this and stay here, it would be better to kill him.

Even if he can survive this time, from then on, he will become the joke of the entire universe!

This also made his hatred for Jiang Yun beyond words!

He could only say in his heart over and over again: "Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, I will never let you go, I won't let you go!"

Jiang Yun had already forgotten the existence of Wanhuan.

At this moment, with a solemn expression on his face, he hurried towards the gap between the Array Que Tianzun domain and the Hongchen Tianzun domain.

He didn't know how Brother Junlin entered the universe of heavens.

But now the nightmare beast that he has absorbed is distracted, and what he controls is the power of the area in this area.

Nothing in this area can be concealed from him, so just now he clearly felt that the universe of the heavens had been torn apart, and there were outsiders who entered the universe of the heavens.

However, he didn't know whether the other party was still from the first domain of Tiangang, or how many people they had arrived.

But thinking about it, the incoming people should also have something like a blind leaf, which can conceal their own breath.

"The domain war hasn't started yet, first they entered with King's Landing, and now others have entered."

"We must find a way to prevent this situation, otherwise, we don't have to wait for the real start of the domain war, we will have already lost!"

Jiang Yun knew very well that the other people sent by Jiyu were definitely extremely powerful.

Then if they carry out assassinations and kill the Great Heavenly Sovereigns of the heavens one by one, the heavens will be completely defeated.

"Only by becoming the domain master, even if you cannot completely prevent the cultivators of other cultivators from entering the cultivators of the heavens, at least someone will enter, and I can know the first time."

At this moment, a voice rang in Jiang Yun's ear and said: "Last time, did you fight with the people from the first domain of Tiangang?"

The person who spoke was naturally the angel patrol, and he followed Jiang Yun all the way.

Jiang Yun glanced at the patrol angel coldly, and asked instead: "Surveillance, why didn't you let us prepare for battle in the heavens?"

The angel patrol said indifferently: "This question, after you become the domain master, I will tell you!"

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