The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4656: Patrol, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!


Hearing Jiang Yun's answer, everyone's complexion changed drastically!

They thought that the yellow spring was like a certain formation, just trapping the 100,000 monks.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun was not trapped at all, but actually killed all 100,000 monks.

If there were only one hundred thousand monks who broke through the Dharma Realm and the Reincarnation Realm, then they would be killed, but among those monks, there are still many Heavenly Sovereigns and Great Heavenly Sovereigns, and together, there are hundreds of people.

Jiang Yun, however, was just a low-level Celestial Venerable who had just stepped into the suspended realm. However, under his magical powers, Heavenly Venerable and Great Heavenly Venerable had no resistance, so they were so easily killed.

Then the power of this supernatural power is far beyond their imagination, making them just feel incredible!

However, after understanding this point, it also lifted their spirits!

The overall strength of the universe of heavens is not strong.

The only ones who are strong are Ji Kongfan, Jiang Yun and the patrol angel, who have the power of quasi-emperor.

And in every field battle, whether it is offensive or defensive, the number of monks participating is at least counted in 10,000, and it is also dominated by melee.

Even if there are high-level combat power such as Ji Kongfan, it can contain the enemy's high-level combat power, but the fight between the middle and low-level combat powers, even if they have Jiang Yun's nine-blood chain formation, they are still at a disadvantage and will suffer death and injury. A lot.

Just like this great battle, the Heavens' Jiyu was obviously superior in number, but the number of dead monks also far exceeded the five Big Jiyu.

But now, with Jiang Yun's supernatural powers of life and death, one hundred thousand monks can be wiped out instantly.

That is definitely the strongest killer move in the domain battle, enough to make any Ji domain afraid of it.

Naturally, this also means that in the future domain battles, the pressure of the heavens will be much easier.

In fact, they looked a little high at Jiang Yun's supernatural powers.

Although this supernatural power is indeed mysterious and powerful, it is actually weaker than what everyone sees.

However, because the 100,000 cultivators in the five major regions are not in their heyday, but a group of defeated generals, and there is not much power left in their bodies, Jiang Yun can easily kill them all.

Of course, even so, killing a few tens of thousands of monks instantly would not be difficult.

At this time, the angel patrol showed a smile on his face, and suddenly said: "This life and death magical power is Jiang Yun's vision of life and death, and he is constantly wandering between life and death when he is fighting the robbery. "

"That yellow spring was originally formed by the force of life and death when Jiang Yun was in the lower domain."

"And not long ago, he borrowed the Yinsi Huangquan, and passed the life and death perception, so the life and death power of that Huangquan has become stronger."

"In addition, the big tree that represents infinite vitality plays a role in mutual growth and mutual restraint, so it can instantly kill a large number of enemies."

"This point, if you have the opportunity in the future, you can learn from it."

At this time, the angel patrol actually explained Jiang Yun's supernatural powers to everyone, which seemed a bit strange.

The people who heard it were still stunned at first, but after hearing it, all of them were silent.

Because they knew that this was the patrol angel doing his last duty, working hard to make the monks in the universe more powerful.

Jiang Yun naturally heard these words from the angel patrol, and said softly: "Don't worry, when this war is over, I will tell everyone what I felt when I just broke through!"

This kind of sentiment may not have much effect for the quasi-emperor powerhouse and Tianzun, but for the monks below the Tianzun realm, the help is really too great.

The simplest point is that Jiang Yun helped them break through the imprisonment of their thinking, breaking a rule that they had never dared to violate when they broke through the suspended realm, so that each of them would understand that the void is not only a condensed one. .

Maybe they can't be like Jiang Yun, but they have more possibilities and choices when they break through the suspended realm in the future.

After all, the monks below the Heavenly Sovereign Realm are the monks with the largest number of the entire universe, and they are also the true mainstay of the future universe.

If they can grow up, they can naturally greatly enhance the strength of the entire universe.

This is what the angel patrol really hopes for!

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, the smile on the patrol angel's face became more intense, and he nodded and said, "Okay, okay, okay!"

Looking at Jiang Yun, who was about to walk towards the 100,000 cultivators remaining in the five major markets, he opened his mouth again: "Jiang Yun, spare their lives!"

"What they just said is correct. In this battle, the loss of our universe is too great. We really need to let them join to supplement our loss."

"This time, it's only the first battle after the domain war started."

"In the future, there will be more wars waiting for us."

"What's more, in this domain battle, we have no hatred, no grudges, and they would not come to attack our universe if possible."

"They, too, are just involuntary, let them go!"

The angel patrol opened his mouth to intercede for the remaining 100,000 cultivators in the five major areas, so that the eyes of the 100,000 cultivators suddenly appeared, and they saw the hope of living again.

They could see that the angel patrol was absolutely extremely high in Jiang Yun's mind, and now he was about to die, then Jiang Yun should listen to him.

Sure enough, Jiang Yun's footsteps slowly stopped.

Jiang Yun was not a bloodthirsty person, but because of the heavy casualties in the universe of the heavens, plus the deaths of Yuan He and Feng Lingyu and others.

Especially the patrol angels are about to die, and this makes him so angry that he will kill all the enemies who have come, and go to pay tribute to the dead monks in the universe.

However, he also had to admit that the patrol angel was right.

In this battle, the victory of the heavens' Jiyu is a foregone conclusion, but the casualties of the heavens are really too great.

There were as many as 600,000 monks who participated in the war, but now only about 200,000 are left, and 400,000 monks have died. Among them, there are countless strong men such as the Great Heavenly Sovereign and Tianzun.

Although there are still many cultivators in the universe of the heavens, they are all those whose strength is in the realm of Fate.

In the face of a war, let alone participating in the war, there is no power to protect yourself.

And if the 100,000 cultivators in front of them can be joined, at least the strength of the heavens will increase.

However, without killing these people, Jiang Yun felt ashamed of the 400,000 dead monks.

Four hundred thousand is not just a number. Behind these four hundred thousand, there are also four hundred thousand families with their families and friends.

In one day, these families are all in fragments.

Their pain, their sadness, there is no way to make up for it.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was still, the angel patrol said again: "Come back, Jiang Yun."

"I have seen your strength, and you have allowed me to hand over the entire universe to you with confidence."

"My time is running out."

"I have some things to tell you, and some unfulfilled wishes. I hope you can help me complete them."

The words of the angel patrol finally made Jiang Yun made up his mind to let go of the 100,000 monks in front of him.

His gaze swept across the 100,000 monks who had survived, and said in a deep voice: "Remember, it is not me Jiang Yun who let you off today, but the angel patrol from the universe of my heavens!"

"In addition, letting you go does not mean that you can sit back and relax."

"In the future, if anyone dares to betray, then I will make him regret that he can survive today."

Then, Jiang Yun said to the monks in the universe of heavens: "Give all of them a slave mark, so that they will always be slaves of the universe of mines."

"From then on, let them make atonement for what he did today!"

Having said this, Jiang Yun turned his gaze to Jiang Shan, and said word by word: "Jiang Shan, the seven war superintendents, leave it to you, let me take a good look!"

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