The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5521: Back again, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Hearing Yuan Ning's voice, Jiang Yun's avatar and Yuan An immediately flashed, and they had already rushed out of the room to see Yuan Ning and Jiang Yun's deity standing next to Yuan Ning.

Jiang Yun's soul clone breathed a sigh of relief, and he couldn't even speak. The whole person had directly stepped into the deity's body, merged with the deity, and passed his memory to the deity.

After seeing Jiang Yun's clone, Yuan Ning on the side immediately showed a shocked expression and pointed to Jiang Yun and said, "You are..."

Before Yuan Ning finished speaking, Yuan An suddenly coughed, interrupted her, and blinked at her.

Yuan Ning closed her mouth, the shock on her face turned into a look of incomprehension.

Only now did she understand that her uncle, the person she asked herself to find, was Jiang Yun!

However, because she has been in retreat during this period, and the news of Jiang Yun's fall, there are not many people who actually know, especially in the realm of fantasy, so she is really at a loss, and she doesn't understand what Yuan'an did. God is mysterious, what the **** is it?

After Jiang Yun merged with the clone, he closed his eyes slightly, and instantly knew all the things that had happened before.

Naturally, he already knew everything about the origin of Yuan Ning next to him and the purpose of everything Yuan An did.

Taking a deep look at Yuan'an, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand, took out the awakening wood, and handed it to Yuan'an, saying: "This thing, the thing belongs to the original owner."

Yuan An looked at Xingmu, his complexion suddenly changed, and he just wanted to speak, but Jiang Yun had already spoken again: "Although I have returned things to you, I wrote down both favors."

"There is still something to do in the universe of the heavens, I won't delay, leave!"

Jiang Yun directly squeezed Xingmu into Yuan'an's hand, turned around and nodded to Yuan Ning, only then took a step forward and rushed towards the universe of the heavens.

After Jiang Yun left the original realm, Yuan Ning finally couldn't help but said, "Uncle An, what is going on?"

Yuan An sighed and said, "This matter is a long story, let's go in and talk about it!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun finally returned to the universe of the heavens. As the domain master, his powerful spiritual consciousness immediately spread to the Fengmingtian, and he saw the situation there in his eyes.

Although it didn't take long for the soul clone to go to the original world to ask for help, Yu Hanqing and his four attendants were extremely efficient.

In such a short period of time, they have all completed the soul search of the creatures in the universe of the heavens.

Yu Hanqing didn't know when, she had already sat on the soft couch again, letting the four attendants keep busy, and arrested the people who were related to Jiang Yun one by one.

Today, there are hundreds of thousands of this group of people.

Naturally, most of them are members of the fateful clan!

Although the family members of the Fengming Clan are indeed relatives with Jiang Yun, in fact, Jiang Yun and the Fengming Clan have been in contact for a short time.

Even most of the tribe hadn't said a word to Jiang Yun.

However, Yu Hanqing would not consider these, he was holding on to the principle of killing mistakes and not letting go.

Jiang Yun didn't show up in a hurry either.

Now, while he wanted to see how Yu Hanqing was going to deal with these people, he also had to think about how he could kill Yu Hanqing.

Because he already knew that Yu Hanqing could also borrow the power of Jiyu's great formation.

If Yu Hanqing is really pressed, once he uses the power of the big formation and holds the idea of ​​ruining the same, then Jiang Yun is not afraid, but the creatures of the universe and the nightmare souls may be affected.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also believed that as Ren Zun's disciple, Yu Hanqing should have a life-saving thing given by Ren Zun.

At this time, the great emperor of the Taishi family walked in front of Yu Hanqing and said respectfully: "Senior Yu, basically everyone has been found. I don't know how you plan to deal with them."

Yu Hanqing sneered and said, "Of course, we must first awaken them and all the creatures in the universe of heavens."

"If you just kill them like this, wouldn't it be too cheap for them."

Fengming Tianzun and others are still affected by the power of nightmare beasts, chaotic and ignorant of what is happening outside.

Even if their souls were injured when they were searched for souls before, they did not wake them up.

Yu Hanqing came here for revenge and venting his anger. Naturally, it is necessary for these people to clearly understand the pain, and let others see the fear of these people when they were killed, so that he can feel happy.


The four great emperors agreed and immediately started to work together, but within a moment of effort, everyone had recovered their sobriety.

After everyone was sober, more than half of them immediately squatted on the ground with their heads under their heads, groaning in pain.

The consequences of being searched for souls finally manifested.

The rest of the people, after seeing the situation in front of them clearly, especially after seeing the Fengming Tianzun and others who were pulled out alone, their expressions changed slightly, and it was not difficult to guess what had just happened.

After Yu Hanqing glanced over everyone, she smiled coldly: "I just kindly gave you a chance, but you don't want it. I have to force me to find you one by one."

"Now, first interrupt their legs and let them experience my pain first!"

Upon hearing Yu Hanqing's order, the faces of the creatures in the universe suddenly changed, and the sentiments were so excited that they were already ready to take action.

And Yu Hanqing's four followers, of course, wouldn't care about their anger, they had already raised their hands and were ready to do it.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from far away: "Yu Hanqing, not only will your other leg be broken today, but your life will stay here forever."

This voice caused Fengming Tianzun and the others to let out a sigh of relief.

Even the four great emperors of the bitter domain were slightly startled.

Only Yu Hanqing frowned, "Who is so brave, get out of here!"

Before Yu Hanqing's voice fell, a figure had walked out of the darkness and appeared in front of him. It was Jiang Yun!

Looking at Jiang Yun, Yu Hanqing jumped up directly from the soft couch, pointed at Jiang Yun with horror on her face, and stammered: "You, aren't you dead!"

"I understand, you deliberately found someone to pretend to be Jiang Yun, thinking that this would scare me?"

Even though Yu Hanqing hated Jiang Yun so deeply, but his contact with Jiang Yun was really not much, so that he could not hear Jiang Yun's voice at all.

Even if he saw Jiang Yun with his own eyes at this moment, he still didn't believe that Jiang Yun was not dead.

Anyone might suspect that Jiang Yun is still alive, but Yu Hanqing alone does not.

There is no other reason, but his senior brother Yun Xihe killed Jiang Yun himself.

Others will deceive him, how could his brother deceive him!

When the voice fell, Yu Hanqing had already raised her hand and pointed towards Jiang Yun Lingkong.

Facing Yu Hanqing's finger, Jiang Yun seemed to have never seen him. With a wave of his hand, a gentle wind enveloped the Fengming Tianzun and hundreds of thousands of people, sending them all back to the Fengming Tiantian.

At the same time, Yu Hanqing's finger fell on Jiang Yun's body, but passed directly through Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun looked up, this time looking at the four great emperors, and said coldly: "Tai Shijia, Seeking Zhenzong, you really don't have a long memory!"

"I don't provoke you, but you provoke me in turn."

"It's a pity that you can't see the demise of your respective family sects."

"However, your clansmen and colleagues should catch up with you soon!"

"Dead!" As Jiang Yun said the word, a huge palm suddenly appeared next to the four Kuyu Territory Great Emperors, and grabbed them towards their bodies.

The four law-ranked emperors had no time to react at all, and they were firmly held by the palms of their hands.

This caused the four people's complexion to change drastically. They opened their mouths and wanted to talk, but Jiang Yun refused to give them a chance.

With a firm grip on the palm of the hand, the four law-ranked emperors were crushed into nothingness, and their form and spirit were destroyed!

Jiang Yun's current strength is comparable to the half-step extreme rank, and he is in the universe of the heavens. In his home court, killing the magic rank emperor is not much harder than killing four chickens.

Jiang Yun finally looked at Yu Hanqing again and smiled slightly: "I was indeed killed by your senior, but now, I am back again!"

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