The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5591: Cut the fetters, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the Realm of Illusion, everyone heard this voice and understood what the voice said, but almost everyone's face showed incomprehension.

This is not the first time the Eye of Illusion Reality has been opened, and the competition between Reality Illusion Domain and Bitter Realm has also been going on for a long time.

No matter which side wins more loses more, at least everyone agrees that only these two domains are eligible to compete for the places in the Eye of Fantasy.

But now, suddenly the two parties have become three parties, and there is a realm that most of the realm cultivators have never heard of, and they have to participate in the competition, which naturally makes them incomprehensible. What is this realm? What place, and why is it eligible for this competition!

For the monks of the Ascetic Region who knew the existence of the Dao Region, it was also at a loss.

They not only knew the existence of Dao Domain, but also knew that although Dao Domain was said to be a land, in fact, no matter its size, or the strength of monks, they could not be compared with Suffering Domain.

Both, one sky, one earth.

Among the Dao realm, the only and most famous person is Jiang Yun!

But even if Jiang Yun is not dead, just Jiang Yun alone, can it represent the entire Dao Realm, to fight for the qualifications to enter the Eye of Reality by the numerous cultivators of the Gohe Magic Array Realm and the Suffering Realm?

Even the Jiansheng who is from Dao Domain frowned slightly, suspecting that the Dao Domain that this voice said was not the Dao Domain he belongs to, but another Dao Domain.

However, in the desolate world of Magic Realm, there is an inconspicuous middle-aged man. After hearing this voice, he looked up at the sky above with a look of resentment on his face. , I'm talking about my domain!"

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that my Dao Realm would also be eligible to compete for the qualifications to enter the Eye of Illusion."

"It's just that, it's not me, the master of the Dao Realm, who did this, but it's a bit ironic!"

"The person who can make a respectable disciple change his mind should not be Jiang Yun, but one of the other two me!"

"It's impossible to be old with bitterness. He represents the domain of bitterness and wants to return to the realm most. How can other people divide up the qualifications to enter the Eye of Illusion and Reality and reduce his hope!"

"Then, it can only be the guy from the ancient demon!"

"That guy is not only the most memorable, but also the most cunning. He doesn't want to return to the real world."

"The reason why he wants to compete for the qualification to enter the Eye of Illusion and True on behalf of the Dao Realm, I am afraid that the real goal is to let Jiang Yun destroy the Eye of Illusion and True, and completely sever the hope of the ancient demon."

"Or is it……"

At this point, the man stopped speaking suddenly, and the resentment on his face turned into a look of shock. After a long time, he continued: "He is not so bold, right?"

"Is he dragging in all three statues?"

Shaking his head, the man continued: "No matter what the real purpose of the ancient demon guy is, these three domains will all start to mess up."

"If I want to live, I have to improve my strength. It's just relying on the strength of this body, but it won't work."

"The only way is to quickly find Gu Xiu and merge with him!"

After speaking, the man stood up and rushed out towards the sky.

And with the departure of the man, everything in this barren world began to... annihilate.

Although this world does not have much vitality, as a world, it can at least exist for a long time.

But because of the arrival of this man, he let him finish the remaining time in a short moment.

Because there is no spirit in this world!

The disappearance of a barren world did not have the slightest impact on the huge realm of fantasy, but the realm of fantasy at this moment is already in chaos.

Everyone is using various means and various ways to find out who the person who has just spoken is, and to find out which realm the Dao realm is.

Some people even wonder if this is a joke made by a certain strong man.

Until not long after, Yuan Fan’s voice rang in their ears, telling them that the person who was speaking was a strong man who guarded the Eye of Illusion and True, and told them that this was true, so that they didn’t have to panic. Only then gradually comforted them.

And the cultivator of Magic Realm who calmed down did not take the news too seriously.

Because they are full of confidence in the monks participating in the competition in their domain.

Regardless of whether it is Dao domain or other domains who join the competition to compete for the qualification to enter the Eye of Fantasy Reality, it is nothing more than to die. The final winner will still be the monk of True Realm!

In this way, time gradually passed, and after nearly six months had passed in reality, Jiang Yun finally regained consciousness within the realm.

When he opened his eyes and walked out of the dream, he saw the envoy sitting on the statue of Master at a glance!

The envoy looked at Jiang Yun and hurriedly stood up, with a smile on his face and said: "You finally woke up!"

Jiang Yun looked at the divine envoy for a moment, did not ask him why he came back, but also smiled and said, "The old people, are all settled?"

The envoy nodded and said: "All are set up."

Jiang Yun continued: "Which world is Fang inconvenient to tell me?"

"In the future, if I have the opportunity, if I can pass through their world, I can also stop by and see them."

"No need!" The envoy smiled and shook his head: "They are not children, and no one needs to take care of them forever."

"I have given them enough. Whether they can survive in the future and what they can live is up to them."

"What's more, I have erased the memory of me in their souls. It doesn't make sense to go or not!"

This sentence made Jiang Yun couldn't help but move slightly.

The reason why Jiang Yun wanted to ask the place where the old people were placed was because he knew that since the envoy chose to come back, it meant that he would merge with his master and cease to exist from then on.

And his only fetters in this world are the old people, so what he can do is to give him as much care as possible.

But I didn't expect that the envoy would be willing to erase the memory of the old people of him!

This is tantamount to completely cutting off his fetters and preparing for death.

Jiang Yun sighed silently in his heart, and did not continue with this topic, but deliberately stretched his waist and changed the topic: "Did something happen in the True Realm during this period of time?"

The **** nodded vigorously and said, "Something big happened!"

"On the day you rescued the old people from the illusion, a voice was suddenly heard throughout the illusion, saying that the opening of the eye of illusion is that besides the competition for qualifications between the illusion and suffering, there are more. It's a realm!"

"What!" Jiang Yun was suddenly startled.

At that time, he was healing in his dream, and he could not hear Yun Xihe's voice at all, so he naturally didn't know about it.

The divine envoy continued: "At the beginning, this news also caused quite a sensation in the True Realm, but soon Yuan Fan also spoke to the truth, confirming the authenticity of the news, and after two years, The test proved to begin."

"Now, there is still a year and a half before the competition."

A year and a half, this time is a little earlier than before.

The light in Jiang Yun's eyes flickered, and he couldn't care about asking other things: "It shouldn't be too late. Let's go now. If there is anything, let's talk about it on the road."

"it is good!"

The envoy extremely simply followed Jiang Yun and stepped out of the realm.

Standing in the boundary, Jiang Yun, although anxious in his heart, noticed that the divine envoy was turning his head to look at the Guiyi Realm below, so he still intentionally stopped his figure and asked him to separate from the Guiyi Realm.

And the voice of the envoy sounded again: "Thank you, let me know what emotion is!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I didn't let you understand it, but you understood it yourself!"

The envoy smiled, reluctantly retracted his gaze at Gui Yijie and said: "Let's go!"

On the next road, Jiang Yun was full of heart, carrying a divine envoy, and rushing with all his strength.

When another half year passed, the two finally arrived at the eighth world that must be passed to the Eye of Fantasy, Zhaotian Realm!

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