The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5779: Real world breath, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Looking for the monument was extremely strange to the many monks present, including the three soul concubines.

Naturally, they would not ask about the origin of the Xunxiu stele, taking it for granted that it must have been refined by human beings, and would never have thought that this Xunxiu stele was a thing of the earthly respect.

Ren Zun's palm lightly pressed on the body of the monument.

It can be clearly seen that there is a dazzling color light on the body of the respected person.

The next moment, the light turned into flowing water, rushing towards the Xunxiu monument.

Suddenly, the Xunxiu monument began to vibrate violently.

On the four sides of the stele body, not only is there a light shining, but its volume is also gradually increasing.

After a full quarter of an hour, looking for the size of the monument, from a distance, it was as wide as a city gate, reaching hundreds of meters wide and as high as hundreds of meters, quite majestic.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, a crack appeared in the center of the search monument.


In another series of loud noises, the cracks slowly opened to the sides of their own, exposing a huge black hole in all directions.

The area of ​​this black hole is not small, even if dozens of people are in parallel, it will not feel crowded.

Looking at the black hole that appeared, everyone naturally knew that this was the gateway to the realm of dreams or the realm of fantasy.


The eyebrows of the person were split, and a group of colored light flew out from it. After a few wriggles in the air, it swelled up and turned into an identical person.

Obviously, that light is part of the soul of the human respect.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of this task, Ren Zun did not hesitate to use his soul clone.

The avatar turned his head and glanced at all people said: "This channel is the first time I opened it. I don't know what's going on in it."

"So, I will go in to find the way in advance, if there is no problem, you will enter again."

After speaking, the avatar of Ren Zun has turned around and stepped into the black hole of looking for a monument.

About a moment later, the deity of the human being said loudly: "Okay, you can go in!"

With the fall of Ren Zun's voice, the three slave heads, with three thousand Jia slaves, took the lead in one file and stepped into the black hole.

Three thousand Jianus have always been in charge of pioneering the path, so they will take the lead.

After Jianu, there are the eight great families, and finally the three soul concubines, who are in charge of the battle.

The deity of the human being is always standing next to the Xunxiu monument, while maintaining the stability of the passage, while watching everyone.

In this way, the team of more than four thousand people finally entered the channel.

Ren Zun also took a breath, a rare excitement appeared on his face, muttering to himself: "When they return, it will be the day when I rise."

This time the attack on Dreamland and Magical Realm, from the perspective of Ren Zun, there will definitely be some deaths and injuries on his side, but in the end he will be able to achieve his goal and return with Sijingzang and Jiang Yun.

At the same time, Situ Jing, who was confined here, trembled slightly in the territories, his face showed pain.

The search for the monument was originally the result of her life in the first life. No matter how good the respect was concealed, she would still be able to detect it once she used it.

Therefore, she clearly knows that the hidden space channel in the Xunxiu monument has been opened, and the human beings have set out to go to the realm of dreams and the realm of fantasy.

She had the same idea as Ren Zun. She didn't think that in the face of the deployment of the Ren Zun army, Dreamland and Magic Realm still had the slightest chance of winning.

Even if the nine tribes and nine emperors suppressed in the Four Realms Tibet are united, they cannot be the opponents of the respect.

She knew more clearly that although Ren Zun's main purpose was Sijing Zang and her younger brother Jiang Yun, it did not mean that Ren Zun would not move other regions and other creatures.

The battle between the real-ranked emperors, even in the real domain, would choose a place with no one as much as possible.

Otherwise, the attacks they randomly displayed could destroy a world and countless creatures.

The spatial structure of Dreamland and Magical Realm is much more fragile than Real Realm.

Naturally, the destructive power caused by the real-order emperor's shot is also more powerful.

This made Situ Jing had to worry about the safety of her master, her brothers and sisters, Jiansheng, and the people she also cared about.

It's a pity that the earth-sovereign restricted her actions, preventing her from rushing back to the dream realm to fight alongside them.

"Ren Zun has set off!"

At this moment, the voice of Di Zun also rang in Situ Jing's ear, and his tone was filled with excitement.

Earth Zun also very much hopes that Ren Zun's trip to the Dreamland will be a complete success, so that he can take Jiang Yun over.

Looking at the respect, Situ Jing suddenly trembling and said, "Father, please, let me go to Dreamland!"

Situ Jing couldn't just sit here like this, letting those people he cares about die at the hands of the respected person.

Situ Jing's words made the expression on Di Zun's face slightly stagnant, but immediately turned into a smile and said: "Yes, I know how to use emotions."

"You haven't called me for a long time, and now in order to save people, you have let go of your stubbornness. This is also a kind of growth."

"However, it's useless!"

Di Zun shook his head and said, "Stay here with peace of mind, and wait for Ren Zun to return in triumph!"

"Father!" Situ Jing said anxiously: "As long as you agree to let me go to Dreamland, from then on, I will obey and never defy your orders, even if you refine me into a monument for seeking repairs. , I won’t have the slightest complaint."

"Please, please!"

Situ Jing's expression of pleading, if it weren't for the fact that her body couldn't move, she would have already knelt down to Di Zun.

Seeing that the deity was completely indifferent, she immediately said: "Father, if you don't let me go, can you return the soul of the big brother to him."

"As long as the soul of the big brother can be complete, I can't go!"

If Dongfang Bo's soul can be restored to integrity, then he can fully exert the role and power of Sijingzang.

Even Sikongzi could no longer forcibly seize control of Sijingzang, let alone suppress Dongfang Bo in turn.

Sijingzang is more than just a spatial artifact!

That was the hope of the earth-zun in order to enable him to transcend above the supreme. Of course, he considered the possibility of being snatched by the other two.

Therefore, after Sikongzi's Four Realm Tibet was handed over to him, the Earth Zun added many methods to it.

Even, it is no exaggeration to say that the Four Realms Zang, to a certain extent, can contend against the Supreme for a short time!

However, it was precisely because of the power of Sijingzang that Di Zun was worried that Sikongzi or Dongfang Bo would betray him, so he pulled out half of Dongfang Bo's soul and stayed by his side.

Outsiders don't know about these things, only Situ Jing, who is the daughter of Di Zun, vaguely knows some.

Therefore, she will make this request now.

If Dongfang Bo can restore all its strength, combined with Sijingzang's help, not to mention defeating the respect, but at least it can protect more people, and even bring Sijingzang and return to the true realm.

As long as he enters the realm of the realm, even if he wants to pretend to be deaf and dumb, he will need to intervene.

Otherwise, let the cultivator of the real realm know that the respect of the human being robbed the respect of the respect of the earth, the respect of the ground actually ignored it, that would have a big blow to the prestige of the respect of the earth.

Looking at Situ Jing, whose facial features have been distorted, the respect of the earth gradually reduced the smile on his face, and he pondered for a long time and said: "If the respect of the person can smoothly catch the person I want, then I will consider it when the time comes. The other half of the soul, send it back!"

After dropping these words, the figure of the earth-zun has disappeared, leaving behind Situ Jing, who is still full of bitterness.

Although Di Zun agreed to his request, before that, Dreamland and Sijingzang would inevitably have to pay a painful price.

However, Situ Jing really had no other way.

Dizun's ability to retreat has finally brought a little hope to Sijingzang and Dongfangbo.

In the bitter realm, Shi Wuhen, who had just appeared in the boundary with Jiang Youdao, was about to go through the river of time to the realm on his own. His pupils suddenly shrank, his complexion changed drastically, he suddenly turned his head and looked towards. In the direction outside the dream domain, four words were murmured: "The breath of the true domain..."

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