The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6291: Lord of the Cloud Pool, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Chi Zhongjiu's face was like ten thousand years of ice, and his body exuded a strong killing intent!

Although in terms of power, he is indeed inferior to the ten major powers such as the Demon Yuanzong, and in terms of personal strength, he is also far from the king of Kui and others, but his identity as the president of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce, it was personally determined by the Di Zun .

No matter where he goes, relying on this identity, not to mention that he is admired by thousands of people, it is also a matter of urging, and everyone must give him a bit of face.

However, the director under him was still killed by others even when he personally appeared, which was naturally a shame for him.

More importantly, if this matter is known to the earthly deity, the first order that the earthly deity will give is not to arrest Jiang Yun, but definitely to abolish his status as the guild leader.

Just as Jiang Yun had imagined, although the entire Yunchi realm was developed by the Earth Zun himself, the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce was also set up by the Earth Zun.

But the entire area of ​​the respected land is owned by the respected land, and the respected land does not care about the benefits that a small cloud pool can bring to him.

Since the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce has been beaten and destroyed by others, it is because the people of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce are ineffective and incompetent.

It is even more impossible to expect Di Zun to stand up for the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce.

Things that happen by yourself, solve them by yourself.

If even this little thing requires the respect of the earth to come forward, what is the use of those subordinates that the respect of the earth requires them, the respect of the earth does not do anything at all, just patrol the area of ​​the respect of the earth all day.

Therefore, Chi Chongjiu hated Jiang Yun. He must kill Jiang Yun as quickly as possible, save the face of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce, and perhaps obtain the forgiveness of Di Zun.

Now, Chi Zhongjiu only hopes that Jiang Yun will do what he says and is really waiting for his arrival in the Yunchi world.

But he felt that this was really unlikely.

Chi Zhongjiu suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "Fengqing ah Fengqing, someone killed my subordinate, you actually stood by and watched. After I killed that person, I will definitely go to Master Dizun to sue you!"

When the voice fell, Chi Zhongjiu accelerated!

Chi Chongjiu thought that Jiang Yun would definitely leave the Yunchi Realm when he killed someone, but in fact, Jiang Yun was waiting for him!

The reason why Jiang Yun shot the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce was not only to ask for justice for Yu Jiao Niang, but also to gamble once!

And facing the director of a chamber of commerce in a small area, an extremely high emperor, Jiang Yun hasn't even used his true strength yet, and there is no need for someone to help him deal with the aftermath, and help him hide any traces.

However, if you can kill a true-ranked emperor under Dizun, then the nature will be different.

After all, with Jiang Yun's current strength, it is very possible to kill a true emperor, and he needs to use his great power!

If someone really doesn't want Jiang Yun to reveal his identity, then absolutely can't let everything related to Taoism appear in the true realm!

In addition, Jiang Yun deliberately let the bystander monks in the Yunchi realm follow him, not only for them to bring words to Chi Chongjiu for himself, but for them to inform their family sect friends, and thus Let more monks come to Yunchi Realm to see the battle between him and Chi Zhongjiu.

Jiang Yun believed that only monks would be interested in this battle.

Even the respect of the earth may come!

Then, under this situation, it should be enough to alarm the strong that might exist.

Since they have already gambled, Jiang Yun will naturally bet a big one!

Therefore, Jiang Yun must of course wait for Chi Chongjiu's arrival.

While waiting, he did not forget his true purpose of coming to Yunchi Realm, so he entered Yunchi again to see if he could deepen his understanding of the way of thunder.

All the monks who followed Jiang Yun watched Jiang Yun step into the teleportation formation, and then watched Jiang Yun disappear from the formation. They finally believed that Jiang Yun was indeed waiting for the people of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce to take revenge. !

Yunchi, wherever you enter, you can only exit from wherever you go, and there are no other entrances or exits.

As long as the people of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce can rush to this entrance and stay here within a month, unless Jiang Yun died in the Yunchi, they will definitely be able to wait for Jiang Yun!

In the crowd, Yu Jiao Niang was full of tangled expressions.

Because when Jiang Yun stepped into the teleportation formation, he had already transmitted the sound to her so that she could leave the Yunchi realm.

Yu Jiao Niang didn't want to leave.

She can also think of what kind of situation Jiang Yun will face next.

And although she most hoped that Jiang Yun would win, she was also worried about whether Jiang Yun would usher in a stronger enemy after winning Chi Chongjiu!

But if you don't leave, if you are discovered by someone else, you will hurt Jiang Yun again.

While Yu Jiao Niang was entangled, just as Jiang Yun had guessed, the monks who were planning to leave the Yunchi Realm all dispelled the idea of ​​leaving, and began to take out the jade slip of the transmission, to inform their sect family, and prepare Report the matter back quickly.

However, what surprised them was that all of their messaging jade slips failed, and they couldn't deliver the news at all!

"What's going on." Someone asked puzzledly: "Could it be that the person surnamed Fang just blocked the entire Yunchi Realm?"

"It should be impossible!" Someone replied, "This Yunchi Realm was created by Master Earth Zun, let alone the one with the surname Fang, except for the three adults, no one can block this Yunchi Realm."

The third voice sounded: "No, there is another person who can block the Yunchi Realm."


"Master of the Cloud Pool, Feng Qing!"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

Di Zun has always attached importance to the way of balance. Although he accepted Chi Chongjiu as the president of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce, he personally confessed his destiny to a Yunchi master who was specifically used to check and balance the pool. Chongjiu and Yunchi Chamber of Commerce.

It's just that the Yunchi realm master is too low-key, and there are rumors that Chi Zhongjiu is suppressing the opponent secretly, so the opponent rarely shows up, and he has been retreating in the Yunchi all year round.

In addition, in the entire Yunchi world, apart from someone coming to the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce to do business, nothing happened at all. The identity of the master of the Yunchi world is just a decoration, so over time, many people are Ignore the existence of this Yunchi master!

In other words, in the hearts of most cultivators, there is no master in the Yunchi Realm, only the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce!

Someone whispered again: "Didn't it mean that the master of the Yunchi realm is at odds with the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce?"

"Before the general manager was killed, the realm master of Yunchi should know that he didn't make a move to save him. Why is it necessary to block the realm of Yunchi to prevent the surname Fang from escaping?"

Someone explained: "They are not harmonious, but after all, they belong to the master of the earthly respect. At this time, they must temporarily put aside their grievances and work together."

"A director of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce has died, and his strength has been weakened. That is something the world master would like to see, so he didn't help him."

"But if the person surnamed Fang is allowed to run away, then Chi Zhongjiu will complain to Master Dizun, then the realm master of Yunchi will definitely not be able to escape."

"Or, it's possible that Chi Zhongjiu notified the realm master to block the entire Yunchi realm and wait for him to come."

No matter how people guessed, at least they couldn't send the news out, and couldn't inform their people that the same door came.

However, they didn't care too much, anyway, they and others were here, so they would definitely have to witness the battle between the surnamed Fang and Chi Chongjiu with their own eyes.

The big deal, after the end of the war, he and others will leave Yunchi Realm and tell others about it.

At this moment, in the depths of Yunchi, nearly a million miles away, under the package of countless thunders, an old man calmly put down the jade slip and a boundary stone in his hand.

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