The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6294: Cloud War, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun's body was divided into two, still under the action of the suction, and flew to the two sides, which is the source of the two suctions.

In just an instant, Jiang Yun's body stopped flying and was wrapped in a cloud, unable to move.

However, this finally allowed him to see exactly what happened.

Simply put, it is the clouds that exist in this area. Although they are continuous, they are actually separated.

But now, among these clouds, two big clouds have appeared, and like competitors, they have begun to form cliques and compete for other clouds, making this place divided into two camps!

A small number of clouds will spontaneously choose one camp to join.

And most of the clouds, just like Jiang Yun, were completely divided into two by the powerful suction released by the two big clouds, and joined two different camps respectively.

Naturally, this kind of differentiation has caused the number of clouds in this area to disappear at an extremely fast speed, but the initial two large clouds are expanding and growing at the same speed.

After seeing the situation clearly, Jiang Yun couldn't help but think of it.

"Could it be the two biggest clouds, consciousness has already been born, there is going to be a big battle, decide their status here!"

"But I didn't realize that consciousness was born from them!"

As a demon refiner, Jiang Yun should be able to detect if Yunduo really gave birth to that consciousness.

Then, he thought of another question: "Doesn't it mean that you have to fight yourself in a situation like mine?"

This discovery made Jiang Yun smile in his heart.

Now he has completely merged with the two big clouds separately.

If there are other people here at this moment, all they can see are these two big clouds, and Jiang Yun would not be found at all.

And even if Jiang Yun didn't want to participate in this cloud war, in his complete state before, he couldn't resist the suction released by the two big clouds, and now it is even more impossible to break away from the big cloud.

Therefore, all he can do is hope his guess is wrong.

If unfortunately he guessed correctly, then he needs to consider how to protect himself as much as possible in this war.

He didn't want to be killed by the cloud when he turned into a cloud.

Then his method of death was not only extremely aggrieved, but other people probably couldn't imagine how he died.

In Jiang Yun's constantly turning thoughts, there were finally only two big clouds left in this area.

The other clouds have completely integrated into these two big clouds.

At this moment, the size of these two big clouds, although Jiang Yun could not see their full picture at all, he could feel that he was in the big cloud, like a drop in the sea, inconspicuous.

Therefore, he estimated that the volume of these two large clouds, none of them, should be no smaller than the monster mountain of Yao Yuanzi.

Jiang Yun also noticed that the two powerful suctions had also disappeared.

Although this area has completely restored its calmness, the atmosphere is extremely solemn, and it is full of wind and rain!

"It seems, I guessed it right!"

Jiang Yun, who is in the midst of different big clouds, has a particularly clear view of the situation, and can finally be sure that his guess is correct!

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Yun's thought fell, the two big clouds surged almost at the same time.

At this moment, Jiang Yun only felt as if he had not become a cloud, but had become water, and he was in a torrent of water.

Under this surging, two big clouds have also rushed towards each other!

And he also knew very well that at this moment, he couldn't do anything at all.

As a big cloud, Jiang Yun felt that the speed of the big cloud was not fast, but when he looked at the other half of his body opposite, he could see that the speed of the big cloud was almost to the extreme!

If these two big clouds are chasing oneself, let alone use their speed to the extreme, even if they keep smashing the formation stones, they will easily be caught up by the big cloud.

At this extreme speed, Jiang Yun has the urge to close his eyes and dare not look!

But he was forcibly suppressing this impulse in his heart, widening his eyes as much as possible, watching the distance between the two big clouds shrinking.

Finally, two big clouds collided together!

There was no earth-shattering explosion, and no dusty scenes appeared. The two big clouds touched together silently and began to merge!

At this moment, Jiang Yun's eyes lit up.

Because, at such a close distance, from his eyes, he can clearly see that all the clouds belonging to two different camps, although they should be merged, but because the speed of their impact was too fast before, they caused them. There was fierce friction between each other!

And under this kind of mutual friction, among the clouds, light spots began to appear.

This is the beginning of Thunder!

As the friction between the clouds became more intense, and the area of ​​friction became wider and wider, those lightning spots were gradually stretched and enlarged, and soon became like hair, already possessing the basic shape of Thunder.

And this kind of friction between cloud and cloud is still continuing, which makes the volume of these thunders also continue to grow and thicken!

Staring fiercely at this scene, Jiang Yun suddenly realized something in his heart: "This is clearly the birth process of Thunder!"

"Thunder is not born out of nothingness, let alone appearing out of thin air, but from a special kind of battle between these clouds."

"Because of the particularity of the clouds, causing them to rub against each other, this is where the thunder is born."

"It's no wonder that in every tribulation, a tribulation cloud will appear first, and then a tribulation thunder will be born in the tribulation cloud."

"In other words, as a monk, if you want to truly master the rules of thunder, and to maximize the power of thunder, the premise is that you must master the power of the cloud, and even understand the rules of the cloud."

"Now, I have turned into a cloud, and I am participating in a rare battle between clouds. Isn't it the best time to master the power of the cloud and understand the rules of the cloud!"

Among the various powers that Jiang Yun mastered, there was indeed no power of the cloud, and there was no way of the cloud.

And now, he has understood that the origin of the power of thunder is actually the clouds.

So, whether you want to continue to make your own way of thunder proving the Dao three times, or deepen the effect on the rules of thunder, the easiest and direct way is naturally to start from the source of the birth of thunder.

This is like learning, not only to know what is happening, but also to know why!

In the next moment, Jiang Yun no longer wanted to protect his body that was divided into two, but completely let go, regarded himself completely as two clouds of different camps, and began to formally join this cloud and cloud. In the battle between!

The mysterious person who has always been hidden in Jiang Yun's body said with a voice that only he can hear: "Others understand the rules through the source of the rules."

"And when you are inferior to others in the realm of strength, if you want to beat the opponent on the same rules, you can only understand the origin of the rules."

"If you can succeed, then this will be your biggest bet, and it should be able to motivate the people behind the scenes!"

"Who is this person?"

Jiang Yun couldn't hear the secret person's thoughts at all.

Of course, even if he heard it, he didn't have time to think.

All his attention was focused on the friction between clouds and clouds, focused on the observation of clouds and thunder, forgetting time and everything.

At the same time, at the same location in this cloud pool about a million miles away, Feng Qing, the master of the cloud pool, looked into the depths of the cloud pool, frowned slightly, and said to himself. : "Someone is comprehending the rules of thunder."

"Just because of this person, did I block the entire Yunchi Realm?"

Feng Qing just stared at the depths of the Yunchi. After half a month's time passed, his complexion suddenly changed, and his whole body grew even more!

Except for Feng Qing, the expressions and reactions of everyone in the entire Yunchi Realm are the same as him!

Because, at this moment, the cloud pool, which was covered by the earthly deity, could only be reached through the teleportation array, appeared faintly at this moment!

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