The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6331: Secret of the Sea Eye, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun could clearly feel that the ripples in his palm were running rampant, he clearly wanted to escape from his palm.

Originally, Jiang Yun was also worried about the strength of the opponent, so he grasped it with his palm, and was ready for his palm to be crushed.

But at this moment, under the impact of the opponent, he did not feel the slightest pain, as if he had caught a small squirrel.

"What the **** is this!"

With this doubt, Jiang Yun hesitated, clasped his palm, placed it next to his mouth, sucked hard, and swallowed the opponent directly into his body.

No way, the speed of this thing is too fast, Jiang Yun worried that if he spread his palm, the other party will disappear again.

And when he swallowed it into his body, Jiang Yun didn't want to eat it, but just sent it into the world of his incarnation.

Although this move is very risky, at least there is no need to worry that the other party will escape so easily.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun himself entered the world!

Although Jiang Yun hasn't deliberately transformed this world for a long time, but because this world is his own body, as his realm of strength continues to improve, especially after preaching, there is a corresponding occurrence here. Various changes.

Now Jiang Yun couldn't pay attention to these changes, and he spread out his spiritual consciousness directly, looking for that thing.

It's strange to say that the thing has disappeared without a trace, and even the breath of life that has always been emitted can't be sensed. No matter how Jiang Yun looks for it, he can't find its place.

But Jiang Yun was very sure that he had indeed sent it here!

"No matter where you hide, in this world, I have the final say!"

With a move of Jiang Yun's heart, the huge world, and everything in it, suddenly began to shrink at an extremely fast speed.

After just a few breaths, this world has become the size of an ordinary room.

At this time, Jiang Yun finally discovered that a place of air not far away was slightly distorted!

"come out!"

Jiang Yun immediately reached out and pointed towards the air. After it was completely solidified in an instant, a nearly transparent orange-sized ball rolled out of it, and it rolled in front of Jiang Yun before stopping. .

Jiang Yun's eyes widened, looking at this transparent ball, he wondered if he had made a mistake.

Because when I was in the sea in the sea before, what I saw was a ripple, how come it turned into a transparent sphere?

Is it possible that what is the relationship between this thing and the respect of the earth, and the power of the assimilation of the respect of the earth, assimilated into water in the water, and assimilated into air in the air?

Jiang Yun stared at the ball without blinking, for fear that he blinked and the other party disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, although there are no eyes on the ball, Jiang Yun can detect that the opponent is also staring at him!

In desperation, Jiang Yun asked the mysterious person quietly: "Senior, do you know what this is?"

According to the mystery man’s previous statement, the opponent he sensed was either the water spirit or the source of rules, but at this moment, Jiang Yun could not sense the slightest water or the rules of harmony on the opponent’s body at this moment. The breath about it!

After a while, the mysterious person's voice sounded: "I have never seen such a thing, and now it does not have any aura!"

Hearing the mysterious man's answer made Jiang Yun a little disappointed, but at least it proved that his feelings were also correct.

Jiang Yun was still staring at the ball in front of him, thinking about what he should do now?

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun finally spoke to the ball and said, "Can you understand me?"

Since he didn't know what the ball was, Jiang Yun asked directly.

The fact that the other party can keep chasing oneself and knowing to avoid oneself is enough to show that he should have a certain sense of sanity.

Instead of guessing its identity here without clue, it is better to ask directly, if it can communicate with itself, all problems will be solved.

However, as soon as Jiang Yun's words fell, the ball in front of him, which was originally only a palm, suddenly skyrocketed.

In Jiang Yun's eyes, it was as if the ball turned into a huge mouth, biting towards him.

Jiang Yun was shocked and wanted to avoid him, but he suddenly realized that his body had not listened to it, unable to move, he could only watch the other person's mouth and swallow himself in one mouthful.

At this moment, the only thought in Jiang Yun's mind, is this the ultimate destination of this reincarnation?

At the same time, in the Sea-Monster King's palace, looking at the Sea-Monster King who was clearly a little angry, Lao Hai was completely stunned there, and he forgot to answer the Sea-Monster King's question.

Because, since he followed the Sea-Monster King, this was the first time I saw the Sea-Monster King's anger.

Seeing Lao Hai not speaking, the Sea-Monster King said coldly again: "Lao Hai, I'm asking you, who else is in the eyes of the sea?"

Lao Hai finally recovered and hurriedly said, "Before the old slave left Haiyan, there was only one human monk in Haiyan."

"But now, since Chao Tun has already started, the Human Race monk knows that Chao Tun is powerful, and he must have left the sea eye."

Terran monk!

These four words flashed a ray of light in the eyes of the Sea-Monster King and Chang Tiankun.

Chang Tiankun is naturally Ji Kongfan.

Ji Kongfan knew that Jiang Yun went to Haiyan to practice.

Therefore, when he heard that Haiyan Chaotun started, the reason why he said that he wanted to see Chaotun in Haiyan was because he was worried that Jiang Yun would be in danger.

And now Lao Hai's remarks inevitably made him a little worried.

He knows Jiang Yun better than anyone else, and the more dangerous the place is, the more Jiang Yun is willing to go.

The Sea-Monster King frowned and said, "Why would a human monk enter the sea eye?"

Lao Hai naturally did not dare to conceal: "His name is Dongfang, and he was sent by the Primordial Array Spirit himself, saying that he wanted to practice the power of water."

"But the old slave can see that his real purpose is to comprehend the law of water, so he pointed him into the eye of the sea."

"By the way, although he was only sent by the Primordial Array Spirit, in fact, he has a good relationship with the six Primordial Spirits."

Lao Hai simply explained the conflict between Jiang Yun and Qiu Laogui and other sea monsters.

After listening, the Sea-Monster King's expression sank: "He never left the sea eye."

"Go, let's go and see!"

Seeing the Sea-Monster King preparing to go to Sea Eye himself, Lao Hai smiled bitterly: "My lord, now the tide swallowing has begun, even if we rush now, we can't enter the sea eye, we can only wait until the tide swallowing is over."

The Sea-Monster King stomped bitterly and sat down again.

Even if it was him, when Chao Tun began, he didn't dare to go deep into the sea's eyes.

At this time, Ji Kongfan on the side smiled and said, "Sea-Monster King, it's just a human monk entering the sea eye, you don't need to be so worried!"

"Is it possible, what secrets or treasures are hidden in the eyes of the sea, are you worried that the human race cultivator will find them and rob them?"

After a moment of silence, the Sea-Monster King said: "Yes, you are right, there is a big secret in the eyes of the sea, and the human monk has indeed discovered it."

"As for whether he can take it away, it depends on his own good fortune."

Ji Kongfan raised the wine glass calmly, and said to the Sea-Monster King Yaoyao: "Since you want to see his own destiny, why are you so anxious, let's drink the bar!"

Ji Kongfan did not go and continued to ask, what big secret was hidden in the eyes of the sea, but he believed that Jiang Yun should have a great possibility to steal that big secret!

The Sea-Monster King also raised the wine glass, but quickly put it down again and said: "No, even if it is snatched by him, I have to see it with my own eyes."

"Brother Chang, you don't want to see Haiyan and Chaotunna, it's better to take a trip with us!"

Ji Kongfan smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

Seeing that the Sea-Monster King was really anxious, Lao Hai no longer discouraged him. Even if the Sea-Monster King went anyway, it was impossible to directly enter the Sea Eye, just waiting on the root earth.

Therefore, Lao Hai took the initiative to take out a stone formation that can directly lead to the root earth, and after crushing it hard, his expression suddenly changed: "No, the teleportation array has failed."

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