The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6345: play hard, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Ji Kongfan's plan was concise, simple and clear, but when the five Primordial Spirits and the Sea-Monster King heard them, all their faces were shocked.

The eight great families, the slaves of the top three, plus a Wu Chenzi, together, on the bright side, at least can be worthy of the entire true realm, except for the three, nearly one-third of the strongest combat power.

If only attacking one of the forces, everyone can accept it, but Ji Kongfan actually wants to attack all these forces at the same time, it really makes everyone feel too crazy.

Seeing everyone's reaction in his eyes, Ji Kongfan naturally understood their thoughts and said blankly: "This plan sounds a bit crazy, but it is the most effective."

"In addition, the attack I mentioned is not really to completely uproot them and kill them all. It just needs to kill the extreme and true emperors among them."

"This goal is not difficult!"

"Not difficult?" Taigu Yaoling said with a wry smile: "Brother Kong Fan, I am afraid that you have an understanding of their true strength, but it is not detailed enough!"

"Although apart from Wu Chenzi, among the eight great families and the top three slaves, there is no pseudo-respect or the ancient emperor, but the masters of the eight great families and the top three slaves definitely have the ability to increase their strength in a short period of time. Forbidden spells or magical tools of the pseudo-respect."

"Especially their respective ethnic lands, or their souls, are even protected by the power conferred by humans."

"Simply put, the Patriarchs of the Eight Great Aristocratic families, Wu Chenzi and the head of the Sanjia slaves, can actually regard them as pseudo-respected powerhouses."

"This is the twelve pseudo-sages!"

"The five of us, plus the Shanghai brother, plus the ghouls, there are only seven."

"Out of the law, at least five or six pseudo-honors must be sent there, and the number is equal to them, in order to have some chances of winning."

"Furthermore, our Primordial Spirit can take action, but the forces we have created will probably be difficult for them to take action."

"After all, even if the human being is successfully destroyed, there will be earth and heaven."

"If they find out that someone from the Primordial forces has participated in this war, then we shall be prepared to wait for death."

"Therefore, this also means that in places outside the law, a certain number of true-order and extreme-order emperors have to be sent."

"Brother Kong Fan, I will ask you, can you get so many powerful people out of the law?"

The words of Taikoo Yaoling are not alarmist talks, but facts.

In the true realm, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, even the ordinary sect family, knows to hide their own strength, not to mention the respect of the people.

Their true strength will never be what they see on the surface.

As for the auxiliary foreign objects such as forbidden spells and magical weapons that can temporarily increase their strength, they will not lack.

"Yes!" Taikoo Buling also said: "There is also the most important point, Brother Kong Fan doesn't seem to have considered it either."

"Even if everything goes well, when we attack them, we can have an advantage, but once the true emperor falls, I am afraid that the respected person will know immediately."

"At the speed of human respect, he can instantly appear in the clan lands of these forces under his command."

"Once the respect arrives, we still have to wait for death."

After Yao Ling and Bu Ling finished speaking, Ji Kongfan smiled slightly and said, "I have considered all these issues mentioned by both of you."

"And that's why I asked you to cooperate."

Everyone looked at Ji Kongfan puzzled, wondering what method he had to deal with these problems.

Ji Kongfan's gaze swept across the five Primordial Spirits, and he said word by word: "I'll be honest, in fact, apart from the tool spirit and the rune spirit, you are not good at fighting people head-on."

"However, looking at the entire realm, no one dares to despise you."

"Because you are not strong in fighting against people head-on, but in your own mastery."

"As far as I know, the eight great families, the slaves of the top three, and even all the medicines, magical implements, talisman stones, etc., which are needed by Ren Zun's subordinates, are from you."

"And the eight great families, the location of their respective clan lands, and the guardian array they laid down, basically have the guidance of the array spirit and the burling."

"You can start in these areas."

"If the Patriarch of the Eight Great Aristocratic Family is poisoned, the forbidden spells or magical tools are suddenly unable to be used when fighting with us, and the family land is temporarily blocked, so that no breath will be leaked out, what you said The problem is not a problem anymore, right?"

Ji Kongfan's remarks were a lot more obscure than the plan just now.

But everyone present became a fine old guy, and naturally understood what he meant when he heard it.

This also made them all gasp!

While supplying the elixirs, magical implements, talisman, and formations to Ren Zun's hands and feet, although this method is not on the table, it does have a miraculous effect!

What's more, their five Primordial Spirits only reached a cooperation agreement with Ren Zun not long ago.

At this time, Ren Zun firmly believed in them.

Respect's subordinates, naturally, will not doubt that there will be any problems with the spiritual resources they send.

Even if they doubted, and even carefully checked these cultivation resources, they couldn't find any problems at all based on the knowledge of the ancient spirit in the refining equipment.

Unless the respected person personally inspects.

But Dignity, how idle it is that he will check for many of his hands to check whether the medicines they take are poisonous, and whether the magic instruments they buy are defective!

Therefore, this method is absolutely feasible!

After a long silence, the Primordial Device Spirit looked at Ji Kongfan and said, "How did you come up with these methods?"

Ji Kongfan smiled faintly without explaining, but only Jiang Yun, who was sitting by the side, could understand.

The Primordial Spirits existed at the top of the real realm. With their status and status, they would really kill them, and they would never have thought of such a shameless way.

But Ji Kongfan is different!

Like Jiang Yun, Ji Kongfan climbed up from the bottom layer of heaven and earth.

The pain and hardship they experienced was beyond the imagination of the Spirit of the Ancients.

Jiang Yun still has some rules of his own when he acts, such as trying not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Just like just now, in order to repay Feng Beiling, he would rather let go of Wangchuan.

And Ji Kongfan, if he says he has a rule, there is only one—for his own goal, he will use all means!

In addition, the Primordial Spirit and the Sea-Monster King are creatures of the true realm, living under the pressure of the three deities all year round, so that they already have an instinct for the three deities that they may not even want to admit. Of fear.

Therefore, they could not think of these methods, but Ji Kongfan could think of them.

After another moment, the Sea-Monster King opened his mouth and said: "Where is Renzun? How are you going to deal with Renzun?"

"Human is not dead, even if we kill him and become a lonely man, he will still be able to make a comeback."

"And if you want to kill the respect, these methods of yours have no effect."

Respect is the foundation that everyone has to deal with.

Ji Kongfan said little by little: "The strength of the respected person is too strong, especially in the real realm, he is almost immortal."

"Therefore, after solving the forces under Ren Zun, I need to find a way to introduce Ren Zun into a place outside the law."

"The place outside the law is not affected by his rules, so that he is no longer an immortal existence."

"However, to be honest, I haven't thought of a good way to get the respect of people out of the law."

It's not that Ji Kongfan didn't think of a way to get Ren Zun out of the law, but that he didn't have time to think about it.

Even the plans he mentioned just now were only thought of after he knew that the Earth Zun was about to attack the Dreamland.

And he still didn't say a word.

If his plan can be successful, even if it can't solve the human respect for the time being, then at least it should be able to play the role of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, and make the earth respect alert and give up attacking the dream domain.

In the final analysis, all these plans originated from Ji Kongfan's selfish desire to protect Dreamland.

The five Primordial Spirits and the Sea-Monster King became his tools!

He is not afraid that these strong men will see through his true intentions.

Anyway, everyone is now in the same boat, and his status as a master outside the law is enough to make these people dare not abandon the boat.

As Ji Kongfan's narration came to an end, everyone was plunged into contemplation.

Jiang Yun looked at the crowd and suddenly said, "Maybe I have a way to deal with Ren Zun!"

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