The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6356: Closest person, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The ones who came are naturally Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing!

At this moment, Jiang Yun only felt that the blood in his body was boiling!

Not only because of the sudden appearance of Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister, but also because of what the Second Senior Sister said!

Although Jiang Yun already knew that the second elder sister had not lost the memory of her time in the dream domain, he did not expect that the second elder sister would not shy away from telling the relationship between the three of them.

Let alone in the real world, even in the dream world, Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing are Jiang Yun's closest friends.

Jiang Yun dreamed of being able to recognize the senior brother and sister.

But for various reasons, they can only be like strangers.

However, now that this dream has finally become a reality, one can imagine the excitement in Jiang Yun's heart.

The faces of An Caiyi and the fat old man were shocked.

Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing, one is the righteous son of Dizun, and the other is the daughter of Dizun, how can they not know each other!

Similarly, they couldn't imagine that Jiang Yun would be the younger brother of the two, and the three would be in the same relationship.

However, the fat old man was just shocked, and An Caiyi's eyes flashed a thoughtful look.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's fingers joined together, and without hesitation, he immediately slashed the palm of An Caiyi's hand that was grabbing her arm!


An Caiyi only felt that she had never felt it before, but it was an extremely powerful weird force that came out of Jiang Yun's fingers.

This force didn't really attack him, but it let his palm involuntarily break away from Jiang Yun's arm.

This surprised An Caiyi again, wondering how Jiang Yun did it.

But when she wanted to catch Jiang Yun again, Jiang Yun was in a big sleeve, and with the unconscious Yu Wen Lanqing and Shen Lang, they came to Situ Jing and Dongfang Bo, and directly pointed at them. After worshipping, the voice trembling in his mouth said, "Big Brother, Second Sister!"

With a smile on her face, Situ Jing stretched out her hand to support Jiang Yun's body and said, "You still look comfortable with your own appearance."

Since Jiang Yun went to Haiyan, although his name was still fake, his appearance had already restored his original appearance.

Dongfang Bo stood there with a bit stiff body, motionless, just watching Jiang Yun's Situ Jing's behavior with his eyes, his face was full of doubts.

Dongfang Bo didn't know who Jiang Yun was, but what was strange was that he really had an inexplicable familiarity with Jiang Yun.

And this kind of weird feeling, not long ago, he felt it in a monster called Yu Fengxing!

Jiang Yun raised his head and met Dongfang Bo's gaze.

Looking at the reaction of the big brother, Jiang Yun can naturally see that the big brother has not recovered his memory at all, and still does not recognize himself.

This made him hurriedly turned his head and looked at Situ Jing.

From this look, Jiang Yun even discovered that even though the second senior sister had a smile on her face, there was a touch of sadness hidden deep in her eyes!

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to ask, Situ Jing had already spoken first: "I originally thought that the meeting of the three of us must be a warm picture, but I didn't expect that there would be so few eyesores. Guys are here!"

"You go aside first, and we will have a good chat after we clean up these guys."

After speaking, Situ Jing looked at Dongfang Bodao again: "Big brother, do you believe me?"

Even though Dongfang Bo was confused, but when he heard Situ Jing's words, he hurriedly reduced all the doubts on his face, nodded solemnly and said: "Believe!"

Situ Jing stretched out his finger and passed Jiang Yun one by one. Dongfang Bo and himself said afterwards: "Then I tell you, the three of us are not only brothers and sisters, but also the closest people!"

"He is our little brother."

"Now, someone is going to bully Junior Brother, what do you think we should do?"

Dongfangbo Wei hesitated, and heavily spit out a word: "Kill!"

After that, Dongfang Bo had already turned around and looked at An Caiyi and said, "I am a big brother, I will deal with her!"

After the words fell, Dongfang Bo took a step forward and came to An Caiyi's face.

But Situ Jing was even more direct, raising his hand and pointing, three flowers flew out from the fingertips, two shot at the fat old man, and one shot at Ren Tu!

Naturally, this is Situ Jing's ancient Taoism that Situ Jing learned from her master in the realm of dreams. The three flowers gather on top!

At this time, she used Taoism to make a move, which was indeed a bit beyond Jiang Yun's expectation.

However, Jiang Yun only glanced at Situ Jing's body, and then turned his attention to the body of Senior Brother!

Because, Jiang Yun clearly remembered that when he saw Senior Brother at Di Zun a few months ago, the strongest Senior Brother was only the Extreme Great Emperor.

And now, the old woman hiding in An Caiyi's body, because it wasn't the deity who came, even if it wasn't a false one, her strength should be comparable to that of the ancient emperor.

Senior brother facing each other, it is impossible to be an opponent at all.

But as Jiang Yun looked at the big brother, he was shocked to find that the big brother raised his hand and just casually grabbed An Caiyi, causing An Caiyi’s complexion to change drastically, and her figure rushed towards An Caiyi. The rear retreats swiftly.

At the same time, An Caiyi's hands were emptied, and a big golden seal stood in front of her.

That Fang Dayin exudes a very simple and vicissitudes of life, and it is covered with lines, which at first glance is the top magic weapon.

However, as soon as Dayin appeared, he heard a muffled sound, and the middle part was directly penetrated, revealing the shape of a palm.

Instead of waiting for the first muffled sound to disappear, another muffled sound came.

An Caiyi uttered a scream, and there was a palm-shaped wound on her shoulder like that Fang Dayin.

Jiang Yun could see clearly that the big brother didn't use brute force to punch a hole in the bodies of Da Yin and An Caiyi.

But when his palm touched Dayin and An Caiyi's body, he went straight through.

It was as if at that moment, the palm of the big brother became part of Da Yin and An Caiyi, so it was not hindered at all.

"The power of assimilation!"

Jiang Yun knew that the power of assimilation must be exerted by the big brother.

However, the big brother's use of the power of assimilation was more magical and terrifying than Jiang Yun knew.

The big brother's shot speed is extremely fast. At this speed, he can assimilate his palm into the same object at the moment he touches a different object.

Moreover, the palm of the big brother has been assimilated twice.

This is absolutely impossible to replace Jiang Yun.

"This is still the assimilation power displayed by the big brother, if the earthly respect personally displays it, then no one can stop it!"

This thought flickered in Jiang Yun's mind, and he didn't think deeply, but still stared at the big brother with his eyes tightly.

Because the big brother's shot was so clean and neat, it hardly caused any aura fluctuations, so Jiang Yun couldn't judge whether the big brother's just shot was only relying on the magic of assimilation power or his own strength. It's also improved than before.

At this time, blood spurted out of An Caiyi's mouth, and that beautiful face was also distorted because of the pain, but her eyes were full of spiteful colors, staring at Dongfang Bo.

Dongfang Bo was expressionless, and already raised his hand twice.

After Jiang Yun hesitated, he said to Dongfang Bo Chuan: "Brother, this person was temporarily controlled by someone else's physical body. Please be merciful and don't kill the true owner of this physical body."

So far, Jiang Yun naturally understood that An Caiyi was fine, so he didn't want her to die in the hands of Senior Brother.

Dongfang Bo nodded and said: "Yes!"

The raised palm changed from grasping to pat.

Although his actions still seemed to be an understatement, An Caiyi's face showed a look of horror.

However, at this moment, Dongfang Bo's body suddenly swayed slightly, as if he was drunk and could not stand firmly, the palm of his hand stopped in the air.

Taking advantage of Dongfang Bo's body shaking, An Caiyi immediately turned and left without hesitation.

Dongfang Bo stabilized his figure, and when he was about to continue to shoot with his half-pressed palm, he suddenly opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood.

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