The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6369: Rule of fate, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Tianzun went all the way to visit Girl Weiyang, but because he didn’t want to disturb the old friends of Yao Yuanzi and Girl Weiyang, they didn’t even enter the world where the girl Weiyang lived, so she left like this. This is really great. It went beyond the expectations of Jiang Yun and Yao Yuanzi.

With such an easy-going attitude, let alone Tianzun, it may not be possible to replace it with an ordinary true-ranked emperor!

On the contrary, the female teacher and apprentice Weiyang didn't feel surprised. The female Weiyang smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to be so surprised, Master Tianzun has this temper."

"However, what she said is right. If she stays, we will have to avoid talking. If she is gone, we will be more comfortable."

"Okay, go to my place!"

After speaking, Wei Yang brought her disciples and turned to go ahead, while Jiang Yun and Yao Yuanzi looked at each other.

Yao Yuanzi was a little better, although he was also a little unexpected in what Tianzun did, but he didn't have anything to hide from Tianzun.

Jiang Yun is different. He has too many secrets on his back, so he naturally thinks more than Yao Yuanzi.

After hesitating slightly, Jiang Yun couldn't help but questioned the mysterious man: "Senior, do you think Tianzun came to test me on purpose?"

The mysterious man responded: "I don't know, but I can be sure that she didn't look at you with divine consciousness when she appeared just now and when she was talking to you."

No matter how strong Tianzun's strength is, once he uses his divine sense, even if he can hide it from Jiang Yun, he definitely cannot hide it from a mysterious person.

"In short, if you just look at her attitude, she is an approachable and reasonable supreme."

This is the final evaluation given by the mysterious man.

Jiang Yun didn't ask any more, but opened his palm and looked at the pill that Tianzun had just given.

With Jiang Yun's eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to judge that this pill is a nine-tier pill, which is of great value and is of great benefit to the monster race.

In other words, even in the small things like sending a meeting ceremony, Tianzun did it so that people couldn't fault it.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun couldn't think of a reason, so he simply gave up and continued thinking, followed Yao Yuanzi, and flew towards the place of Weiyang Girl.

Jiang Yun didn’t dare to ask for the pill given by Tianzun, but in front of Miss Weiyang, Jiang Yun couldn’t throw it away. He could only put a few seals on the pill and put it in a storage. In the waistband of the object, it was temporarily hung on the waist.

In this way, after a while, Jiang Yun finally came to Weiyang's residence.

Weiyang's residence is a palace, built in the center of the city, extremely luxurious, luxurious enough to pave the road with true essence stone!

Regarding this, Jiang Yun could also accept that, because Weiyang's girl lacks anything, she won't lack resources for practice.

In the palace, the girl Wei Yang had already prepared a banquet. After greeting Jiang Yun and Yao Yuanzi to take their seats, she ordered the other two disciples to leave, leaving only Lu Xiaoyu here to pour wine and serve dishes.

It can also be seen from this point that Weiyang Girl is quite fond of Lu Xiaoyu.

Next, Jiang Yun was in charge of eating and drinking, and at the same time pricked his ears, listening carefully to the conversation between Yao Yuanzi and Wei Yang.

However, the two people talked about the past, and they didn't even have the slightest relationship with Nan Ion, so Jiang Yun went in with his left ear and out with his right ear, and didn't care at all.

When he was full, Yao Yuanzi put down his wine glass, turned to look at Jiang Yun, and said with a smile: "Yufengxing, it’s rare for Senior Weiyang to be so happy today. If you have any questions, you can ask She asks for advice."

Obviously, this is Yao Yuanzi deliberately giving Jiang Yun a chance to speak.

His cautious thinking naturally didn't conceal Wei Yang's daughter. The latter smiled and cursed at Yao Yuanzi: "Okay, you old monster, now you have fun with me."

"Why, let me instruct Yufengxing, this favor counts as your failure?"

Speaking of this, Miss Wei Yang looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Feng Xing, you are no longer considered an outsider. If you have any questions, just ask!"

Jiang Yun deliberately hesitated for a while and said, "The junior thanked the senior first, and the junior really has a few questions about the soul, and he is always puzzled."

"I have a good friend who was divided into two souls a long time ago, and he was divided into different regions."

"What I know is only half of his soul. Until recently, this half of his soul suffered an accident and has disappeared."

"The relationship between me and him is irresistible. I can't bear to let him disappear forever, so I found his other half of the soul and showed him my memory, hoping that he could..."

Before Jiang Yun could finish speaking, Wei Yang's daughter waved her hand and interrupted: "Needless to say, half of his soul should be refusing to accept the memory of the other half, or even admitting that he and the other half of the soul are the same soul. Relationship, right?"

Hearing Weiyang's daughter accurately uttering the response of her elder brother, Jiang Yun immediately beamed with joy and nodded and said: "Yes!"

The girl Weiyang smiled slightly and said: "Bring your friend here, I have a way to make him your friend again!"

"Really?" Jiang Yun stood up suddenly with excitement, but immediately said with a face: "Senior, can you teach me this method?"

"My friend's situation is a bit special, I'm afraid I can't bring him over."

The current Dongfang Bo doesn't recognize the memory of Dreamland at all, so how can Jiang Yun bring him from the Zun domain to the front of Weiyang Girl?

The girl Weiyang shook her head and said, "It's not that I didn't teach you, but that I taught you, and you can't treat your friend."

Jiang Yun asked puzzledly: "Why?"

Weiyang girl thought for a while and said: "You know the predestined method, there is a connection between the heaven and the earth and all things, and the soul is naturally the same."

"In fact, the souls of living beings, let alone being divided into two, even if they are divided into countless parts, they are still connected with each other by predestination, and they can even understand each other's experiences through predestination."

"In your friend's situation, as long as you find a way to continue the relationship between the two remnants, you can make him remember all the experiences of the other half of the soul."

"It's just that the soul's condition is hidden in the deepest part of the soul, and ordinary people can't feel it at all. It is either to comprehend the rules of the soul or the rules of the condition, and then it is possible to continue the soul's condition."

"And, it's just possible!"

"After all, the soul is not an object. Like a mortal soul, it is much more fragile than any object. Your friend has only half of the soul left and is even more fragile."

"A little carelessness in the process of helping your friend continue the predestined method will completely dissipate his soul."

"Therefore, if you want your friend to become your friend again, I can only do it myself, or you can find a strong man who understands the law and has the same strength as mine."

After listening to Wei Yang's explanation, Jiang Yun immediately understood.

Jiang Yun naturally knew the predecessor, but he didn't expect that after one soul was divided, he could use the predestined method to let each other remember the memories of the other divided souls.

What made Jiang Yun even more surprised was that there were also rules in the fate!

At this time, the demon Yuanzi on the side smiled and said, "Wei Young, you mentioned the rules of the fate, but it reminds me of it."

"For so many years, true realm talents have emerged in large numbers, and almost every rule that exists between heaven and earth can be understood by cultivators."

"But it seems that there hasn't really been a great emperor who understands the rules of predestination, which is a weird thing."

As Yao Yuanzi’s voice fell, Jiang Yun, who was looking up at him, suddenly realized that at this moment, Yao Yuanzi’s face showed a dazed look, and his eyes lost his look, as if he was drawn instantly. The soul is gone.

Not only the Yao Yuanzi, but the Wei Yang girl who sat across from him also had the same dazed expression!

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