The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6372: The Way of Vientiane, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this time, Jiang Yun knew very well that it was impossible to hide the fact that he knew Little Beast from the Weiyang Girl and Yao Yuanzi, so it would be better to simply admit it generously.

Under Jiang Yun's touch, the little beast's body was completely relaxed, and he opened his mouth, and said in a crying voice: "Do you know who I am?"

These words of Little Beast made Jiang Yun's body suddenly stiff. He didn't expect that after a long time apart, he would say this first sentence!

Although the little beast can still recognize his breath and can feel that he is his relative, this does not mean that his memory can be restored.

Without the memory of the past, naturally he does not know who he is or where he comes from!

Jiang Yun believed that Xiao Beast should have asked many people about this question, but no one could answer him.

And although I can answer him, but I can't say it.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun spoke: "You are a little beast, a different emperor beast that vowed to become the emperor of beasts!"

Jiang Yun didn't know whether there was any saying about emperor beasts in the real realm, but in the realm of dreams, especially in the original Tao realm, monster beasts were divided into levels.

The most advanced monster is the Emperor Beast.

When the little beast was first born, it was not the emperor beast, but after several good fortunes, it finally succeeded in evolving into the emperor beast.

The reason Jiang Yun wanted to give Xiao Beast this answer was that he hoped that he could temporarily settle down and continue to cultivate hard to realize his own wishes.

"Emperor Beast?" Little Beast repeated these two words, a confused look appeared in his eyes, and he obviously didn't know what the Emperor Beast was.

Jiang Yun was cruel and took the little beast from his shoulders and put it in front of Yao Yuanzi and said, "Senior, you must have noticed that I know this little beast. He has no name, so he is called Little Beast. ."

"I don't know whether he can enter the predecessor's Dharma vision, but I hope that the predecessor can accept him as a disciple."

Originally, Jiang Yun didn't care about who Yao Yuanzi wanted to accept as his disciple, but now that he knew that the monster that Wei Yang had recommended to Yao Yuanzi was a small beast, he changed his mind.

Yao Yuanzi, although not the ancient emperor, in Jiang Yun's view, his strength is not weaker than that of the ancient emperor.

Jiang Yun doesn't know whether there is a demon among the three demons, but apart from the three demon, the supreme one among the demon is Yao Yuanzi.

If the little beast can worship the demon yuanzi's door, then for the little beast, just like Lu Xiaoyu and Xueqing, it is a great fortune.

Especially if Dreamland can't escape the fate of being extinct after all, then Jiang Yun hopes that the little beast can get shelter by virtue of being a disciple of the Yaoyuan child, and can continue to live in the realm.

Even, become the supreme demon in the future!

Yao Yuanzi didn't ask what was the relationship between Jiang Yun and Little Beast, nor did he not hesitate to accept Little Beast as his disciple because of Jiang Yun's request.

He just looked at the little beast with his eyes and divine consciousness, but it was a pity that he could not see anything other than the fact that the roots of the little beast were indeed extraordinary.

This made Yao Yuanzi glance at Wei Yang's woman in a puzzled way: "Wei Young, why do you think he is suitable to be my disciple?"

The girl Weiyang smiled slightly and said, "Because his practice method is very similar to yours."

"Similar to me?" Yao Yuanzi said with a surprised expression: "Are you sure?"

The girl Weiyang turned to Jiang Yun and said, "Boy, I don't know much about Dreamland's cultivation method. Since you know him, you should know the cultivation path of this little beast, right?"

Jiang Yun still stroked the little beast's hair gently with his hand, nodded and said: "I naturally know that his path of cultivation is called the Tao of Vientiane in Dreamland!"

Jiang Yun worried that the demon Yuanzi would not understand, and continued to explain: "Simply put, the little beast can change a lot."

"Furthermore, its changes are not just about changing the appearance, but really changing from the inside to the outside to be exactly the same as other monsters.

The Tao of Vientiane, to be honest, Jiang Yun didn't know if there was such a Tao. The name was obtained by a demon refiner, and Jiang Yun felt that it was quite consistent, so he used this name.

In the Dao domain back then, because the overall level of cultivation was too low, most of the monster races basically only practiced one type of Dao.

In other words, it is a certain attribute that Yaozu has when it is born.

For example, the fire demon repairs the way of fire, and the water demon repairs the way of water.

But the little beast is different!

He himself is a mutant monster egg. Before he was born, Jiang Yun stayed on him all year round, absorbing a lot of monster energy and Dao energy, and even got the help of five Dao demon spirits, so that after he was hatched , You have the five elements.

The Five Elements is the foundation of all paths.

Coupled with the demon-qi and Dao-qi absorbed by the little beast, it has changed the little beast’s body structure invisibly, so that the little beast can be based on the Five Elements Dao, supplemented by Dao-qi and Dao-qi, so as to be able to derive from all things. road.

Just after Jiang Yun's words fell, Yao Yuanzi suddenly stood up, his eyes widened, and stared at Jiang Yun and said, "What are you talking about, what kind of cultivation does this little beast practice?"

Seeing such a big reaction from Yao Yuanzi, Jiang Yun was a little puzzled, but Weiyang's daughter laughed and said, "Old monster, I'm right!"

"This little beast is more than just a suitable disciple for you. If he is not from Dreamland, I would doubt if he is your illegitimate child!"

"Boy, according to your statement, the old monsters also practice the path of Vientiane, and if they master the rules of Vientiane, they can also change a lot, and they can even change the power of other rules!"

"Especially the various rules that the monster monk masters, it seems that there is no such thing that he cannot change."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't be called the supreme among the demon!"

Listening to Weiyang's explanation, this time, it was Jiang Yun's turn to stare wide-eyed and his face was shocked!

Jiang Yun still didn't know the strength of Yao Yuanzi and the power he mastered.

However, when Jiang Yun himself fought Ren Tu, Jiang Yun used his blood to deal with Ren Tu, but it made people slaughter again and again, and again and again think that Jiang Yun was a disciple of Yao Yuanzi.

Jiang Yun felt strange at the time, and didn't understand why Ren Tu had such thoughts.

And now that Jing Weiyang said this, Jiang Yun finally realized it.

Yao Yuanzi and Little Beast, the path of cultivation and the power they master, are essentially the same!

It's just that Yao Yuanzi walked far farther than Little Beast.

Yao Yuanzi not only mastered the power of Vientiane, but also further comprehended the rules of Vientiane!

In other words, Yao Yuanzi can also use the power of blood, the rules of blood, and various other power rules related to the monster race!

On the way to the Weiyang Girl, Jiang Yun asked Yao Yuanzi about the specific criteria for dividing the strength between the real-order emperors.

Although there is no completely accurate standard, the more rules the real-rank emperor understands, the stronger his strength is relatively speaking.

So, the demon yuanzi who has understood the rules of Vientiane, it is no wonder that his strength is so strong that even Dao Zun does not know how strong it is.

After thinking about all this, Jiang Yun's palm, which had been fixed on the little beast's head, suddenly used force to directly press the little beast's body down on his stomach, and at the same time said, "I don't want to be a teacher yet!"

Yao Yuanzi is simply a master tailor-made for the little beast!

Although Xiao Beast looked blank and couldn't understand what everyone was talking about, he did not disobey Jiang Yun's words at all, and immediately said obediently: "Disciple Xiao Beast, see Master!"

Looking at the little beast who was honestly performing the apprenticeship, Yao Yuanzi recovered his senses, with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

He just wanted to speak, but his complexion suddenly condensed slightly, and then returned to normal, and said to the little beast: "You show your Vientiane Way and let me see it!"

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