The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6416: Waiting to see the show, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Within the end of the earth, as the cracks disappeared, everything has naturally returned to normal.

The Earth Zun also reduced the smile on his face, turned around, and spoke to the many monks who hadn't left before, "From today onwards, the Earth will continue to be closed until they return."

"Everyone, without my permission, must not have any contact with the outside world, let alone leave the earth."

"There are violators, Zhu clan!"

Although many monks saw that Situ Jing had also rushed into the crack, they thought that this must be the arrangement of the earthly respect, so no one thought it was strange.

And they didn't show any dissatisfaction with the continued closure of Di Ya.

They are the monks selected by the earthly respect, in order to improve their strength and work for the earthly respect.

They live on the edge of the earth all year round and have little contact with the outside world.

What's more, they also knew that the matter of attacking Dreamland was of great importance, and they absolutely couldn't let outsiders, especially the other two supreme ones, know about it.

The Earth Zun turned his head and glanced again at the place where the crack appeared before, smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to put away the huge battle drum in the air, and took a step forward, and his figure had disappeared without a trace.

The Heavenly Venerable Domain, the Vault of Heaven, this world similar to the edge of the earth, opened up by the Heavenly Venerable, has a realm in the realm that almost no one knows about.

The realm in this realm is naturally the residence of Tianzun.

At this moment, Tianzun leaned on a recliner near a lake, suddenly put down the bamboo slips in his hand, looked up in the direction of the end of the earth, and said with a smile on his face: "Earthzun, you finally started Something is done!"

"This time, you are also in a big fight, but I don't know if you can achieve your goals and get the results you want!"

Speaking of this, Tianzun stretched lazily and said: "However, this is also good, if you all keep your abilities and bide your time, wouldn't I have no good shows to watch."

After the words fell, Tianzun's figure had disappeared from the reclining chair and disappeared.

At this moment, Jiang Yun and others were walking in a passage that should be transparent.

Under their feet is a road composed of endless light spots. It seems that these light spots are substantial, but when you look closely, there is nothing under their feet.

When my feet fell, I really couldn't feel the solid ground. On the contrary, it was a bit like muddy ground that had rained, with the feeling of a deep foot and a shallow foot.

Except for the road of light spots under their feet, they were all covered in deep darkness in all directions, without the slightest light.

Jiang Yun didn't know what it would be like in the eyes of others, anyway, even if he looked at it with his eyesight, there was no feeling of distance at all, and he couldn't see anything.

It's as if someone is walking between two mountains that are infinitely far apart. Except for the road underneath, there is an endless abyss on both sides.

Moreover, Jiang Yun didn't even hear the sounds of other people when they were walking, feeling that the other person and himself were not in the same space.

Although Jiang Yun had traveled from the Dreamland to the True Realm, he arrived through the teleportation array and had not walked through such a channel.

When Ren Zun attacked the Dreamland, he used his divine sense to enter the passage, but at that time, he was desperate and didn't see anything at all, so he didn't know that this was actually the case in the passage.

Jiang Yun had also imagined at the beginning whether he could rise up into trouble when he was in the passage, and took the opportunity to solve several great emperors, but now, he dare not act rashly.

After all, he couldn't know what the consequences would be after he shot it.

Jiang Yun secretly said in his heart, "I don't know if this channel exists naturally, or was formed by the second senior sister with her own strength."

"If it's the latter, if the second senior sister suddenly lets the passage disappear, won't all of us be lost in this forever?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly flashed: "Perhaps, Senior Sister II really has this idea."

"However, there is a big brother, and I am here, but it is impossible for the second sister to do this."

Jiang Yun shook his head, stopped thinking about these things that couldn't become reality at all, and started thinking about his own countermeasures.

The feelings of others are almost the same as Jiang Yun.

Although the path of light spots under everyone's feet is not narrow, and two people walking side by side will not feel crowded, everyone consciously lined up in a line and walked forward one by one.

Perhaps because the situation here is really weird, no one speaks at all, and even prevents himself from making a sound as much as possible.

Fortunately, a team of more than one hundred people, even if they form a line, is only a few hundred meters in length, which is not too long.

Moreover, there are two pseudo-honors at the front and back of the crowd, so the person in the middle has no special feeling except for the weirdness.

The last one is Dongfang Bo.

Although he was closely following in the footsteps of Xiao Cunji, he would turn his head from time to time to look behind him.

In fact, he couldn't see anything and couldn't sense anything, but for some reason, there was always a faint thought in his mind, that is, whether Situ Jing would also enter this passage.

Dongfang Bo's guess is correct.

At the position where this passage was almost the starting point, the pale Situ was moving forward quietly and quickly.

Using one's own body as a medium to open this channel will naturally cause a certain amount of harm to Situ Jing.

The reason for requesting Di Zun to replace Dongfang Bolai to open this channel, in addition to considering Dongfang Bo's safety, she also wanted to contribute her own strength to Dreamland.

Last time, Dreamland was attacked by Ren Zun, and she couldn't do anything.

This time, her father was going to attack Dreamland, and she absolutely couldn't sit idly by.

All the people Situ Jing cares about are in the dream realm. Even if they die in the dream realm, it is much better to live in the real realm like a puppet.

Even, Situ Jing, like Jiang Yun, had the idea of ​​getting involved in this passage.

Of course, this channel was not created by her, but formed naturally, so Situ Jing couldn't break it.

However, Situ Jing once entered such a passage, so she is more familiar with this place than others.

She can temporarily hide in this light path below her body, allowing her to follow everyone behind, and quietly kill the people who are walking at the end one by one.

It's a pity that Di Zun obviously guessed her plan and deliberately let Dongfang Bo go at the end.

Don't say Situ Jing is not Dongfang Bo's opponent, even if it is, she can't kill Dongfang Bo.

It was also impossible for Dongfang Bo to let Situ Jing kill others.

Therefore, now Situ Jing can only narrow the distance with them as much as possible, looking for opportunities to sneak attacks without letting them find out.

The distance of this passage is not too long. After everyone walked out for nearly a quarter of an hour, Shou Lao's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears: "Everyone, there is a crack in front of me."

"After going out, it should be Dreamland, you guys get ready!"

Shou Lao's voice sounded like a gust of breeze, blowing away the sense of depression in everyone's hearts, and also made many people secretly relieved.

Only Jiang Yun's heart was suddenly lifted at this moment, and the power of his whole body had quietly circulated in his body.

Although Jiang Yun knew that this time the Dreamland was horrible, but he has never been a person waiting to die.

During his time in Diya, he had already made various hypotheses, thinking about what he should do and what to do in order to provide the greatest help to Dreamland.

In the end, Jiang Yun decided to either shoot in the channel or after stepping into the dream domain!

Now, since it is not convenient to shoot in the channel, Jiang Yun can only choose the latter.

The moment one stepped into the Dreamland, there would be a short-term loss in the True Realm cultivator. At that time, the effect would naturally be the best.

After the shot, Jiang Yun can even rely on his understanding of Dreamland to hide quickly, contact the Nightmare Beast, and tell the Nightmare Beast about the matter, so that the Nightmare Beast can think of a solution as quickly as possible!

Now, this only opportunity is coming!

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