The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6477: you take care, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The real domain, the end of the earth!

Earth Zun and Human Zun, these two supreme beings are sitting on the ground, chatting and laughing like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

However, it is not difficult to see that both of them have no interest in chatting at all.

Although Ren Zun agreed to Di Zun, if Di Zun's clone really encountered any danger and called for help, then he would let his clone and Di Zun go to a place beyond the law.

But he was always thinking about what the real purpose of Earth Venerable sending people to attack the Dreamland and the Outlaw Land was.

And, if he really went to the land outside the law, then, at that time, should he help Di Zun and win the land outside the law as much as possible, or just be a spectator and do nothing!

Even, do you want to help the monks in the extrajudicial land at a critical moment, and kill the avatars and subordinates of the Earth Venerable!

The reason why Human Venerable has such an idea is because the Earth Venerable who is sitting in front of him at the moment seems to be doing everything as usual and is well hidden, but how can Human Venerable not see that Earth Venerable's strength is obviously not at its peak. .

If Di Zun really has sent a clone, plus Shou Lao and other subordinates, almost all the powerhouses will go to the land outside the law.

In this case, the Earth Venerable still needs to help himself, which means that his subordinates are probably all dead.

If you help the extrajudicial land again and kill a clone of Di Zun, then Di Zun will greatly weaken whether it is his personal strength or his strength in the real domain.

I can take advantage of this opportunity to bring people to attack the end of the earth, or even kill the deity of the earth, and take everything of the earth as my own.

As long as he succeeds, from now on, he will be in the real realm, not to mention the dominance of a family, but his overall strength will not be comparable to that of Heavenly Venerate!

However, Ren Zun also knows that although everything he imagined is very good, I am afraid that Earth Zun can also think of it.

Even so, Di Zun dared to ask himself for help and find himself, which means that Di Zun must have a way to deal with it.

As for whether all of this is a trap that Earth Venerable deliberately arranged for himself, Human Venerable believes that it will not.

Because what I came here is just a clone.

It is impossible for Di Zun to close the ground and set up traps just to kill a clone of himself.

"We can only see the specific situation at the time."

"If the benefits of taking the land outside the law are great, and we are strong enough, then help him."

"On the contrary, I will take the risk, kill his clone, and then destroy his deity as much as possible!"

"Do you want to inform Tianzun about this?"

"If I join forces with Heavenly Venerate, then destroying Earthly Venerate is foolproof. The final result is nothing more than the equal share of Earthly Venerable me and Heavenly Venerable, and we are on an equal footing."

Just as Ren Zun was secretly thinking about his plan, Ren Zun did not know that not far from him and Di Zun, there was a figure they couldn't see, watching them quietly.

As the Lord of the End of the Earth, the Earth Venerable also did not notice that someone else had secretly entered his territory.

Because, he could feel that the breath of his clone was getting weaker and weaker.

This means that it is very likely that the clone will use the killer.

When another moment passed, the whole earth suddenly shook inexplicably.

Renzun's consciousness was limited, so he didn't know what happened, but just looked up at Dizun.

On the other hand, Di Zun's face suddenly sank and said, "Is something wrong with my clone?"

"It seems that the monks in the extrajudicial land are very strong. Human respect, what is the strength of your avatar? If it is too weak, it is better not to go there, so as not to encounter any accidents!"

Ren Zun stood up with a smile and said: "The strength of my clone is second only to my main body!"

Ren Zun came here with the intention of competing with Earth Zun for Shura, so even though he was just a clone, his strength was extremely strong.

Di Zun nodded, and just wanted to speak, but Ren Zun glanced at him and said, "Should my brother also send a stronger clone with me?"

Di Zun smiled coldly and said, "Don't worry, it won't be weaker than yours!"

The voice fell, the Earth Zun waved his sleeves, and the Human Zun had disappeared from the place and appeared in front of a huge black hole.

And the voice of the earthly respect sounded: "Human respect wait here for a while, my avatar will be here soon."

Ren Zun's eyes looked at the black hole in front of him, wanting to see where it led to, but when the divine consciousness entered, it would disappear immediately.

As for the location of the black hole, it is also a void, and it is impossible for people to see where the black hole is located.

Ren Zun knows that this is because Di Zun deliberately did not let him know, so he stopped looking at it and just stood there and waited.

Only five breaths of time have passed, and the avatar of Earth Venerable has appeared beside Human Venerable, and his strength is not weak.

Di Zun said solemnly: "Through the black hole, I can lead to where my avatar is. Please be prepared to take action at any time."

Ren Zun smiled slightly: "Naturally!"

Di Zun stopped talking, and the two stepped into the black hole.

And after them, the figure they could not see also quietly stepped into the black hole.

In the dream realm, when he heard that the second senior sister wanted to die, Jiang Yun hurriedly said: "Second senior sister, don't think about it, I won't let you have any trouble!"

"Even if the deity of the earth comes, I will definitely protect you."

Situ Jing closed her eyes, her body was still trembling and said, "Fourth, I'm not thinking wildly, it's because I'm really tired."

"Death, for me, is not pain, but relief."

Jiang Yun's heart also trembled with Situ Jing's words.

He naturally understands how tired the second senior sister is!

An inhuman father like Youdi Zun, as a child, will indeed be more tiring than others.

In Jiang Yun's palm, the power of the Great Dao continued to pour into Situ Jing's body and said with a smile, "Second Senior Sister, I know you are tired, but death is definitely not a relief."

"You still have me, Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother, Master, and Senior Brother-in-law."

"For us, you must not die."

"After this matter is resolved, Second Senior Sister, don't go back to the real realm, just stay in the dream realm."

"I'm going to bring back the third senior brother and the senior brother-in-law. The few of us will stay by Master's side in the future and will never be separated again."

Even Gu Bu Lao, who was on the side, said softly, "The fourth one is right, and he will stay with me in the future. Master will never let anyone bully you again."

Listening to Jiang Yun and Master's words, Situ Jing slowly opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Yun with a difficult smile on his face: "Fourth, then I ask you, if the deity of the Earth is here. , are you sure you will keep him in the dreamland forever?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded heavily and said, "I now hope that the deity of the Earth Venerable can come."

"In that case, we just make a complete break with him, so that Second Senior Sister doesn't need to be so tired anymore."

Situ Jing stared at Jiang Yun, nodded with a smile, and said, "Although I don't know why you suddenly became so powerful, I believe your words!"

Jiang Yun also nodded heavily, just wanting to give Situ Jing a reassurance.

But before Jiang Yun could speak, Situ Jing suddenly let out a scream again, and her body became almost completely transparent, so that everyone could see the black hole in her body.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force came out from the black hole, shaking Jiang Yundu to release the palm of his hand on Situ Jing's head, staggering back.

And in that black hole, two figures appeared!

Not only were the two figures extremely fast, but immediately after they appeared, they stepped out of the black hole and stepped out of Situ Jing's body.

Moreover, a layer of dazzling light shrouded the two of them, and even covered Situ Jing, apparently to prevent someone from attacking.

Although Jiang Yun hadn't seen clearly the appearance of the two figures, he was relieved, because he could feel that although the second sister's breath had become weak, she was not dead.

But at this moment, Situ Jing's voice suddenly sounded in Gu Bu Lao and Jiang Yun's ears: "Master, this disciple is not filial!"

"Fourth, tell Jiansheng for me and tell him to stop waiting for me!"

"I'll help you cut off their way back, fourth child, take care of you!"

Hearing Situ Jing's voice, Jiang Yun and Gu Bulao were shocked and exclaimed in unison, "No!"


In response to the two, there was an earth-shattering explosion.

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