The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6499: Death of the Earth Lord, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Tianzun has appeared for a long time and fought with Jiang Yun for a long time, in fact, she is only passively fighting back.

Only when Jiang Yun shot at her would she fight back, and now, she finally launched an active attack for the first time.

Moreover, the way she attacks is still Jiang Yun's best and the most frequently used physical power!

Although Tianzun is the first of the three and is the strongest person between heaven and earth, the image she shows is always a middle-aged beautiful woman, and she looks weak and weak.

Therefore, when such a beautiful woman suddenly raised her fist and launched an attack like a reckless man, it really brought an extremely strange visual impact to everyone.

Even Jiang Yun was slightly startled, but fortunately he was not slow to respond, and hurriedly raised his fists to greet him.

With a muffled "bang", the fists of the two slammed together, causing their bodies to shake at the same time, staggering back, and taking three steps together, they stopped again.

Jiang Yun raised his head, although his face was expressionless, there was some surprise in his heart.

Because the power of Tianzun's physical body is comparable to that of his own physical body.

Even the shock power that Jiang Yun learned from Jiang's pavilion contained in the opponent's fist turned out to be exactly the same!

Tianzun smiled mysteriously, raised his hand, and pointed in front of him.


Countless sparks suddenly appeared around Jiang Yun's body, burning flames!

Jiang Yun's face sank, and he also raised his hand and pointed in front of him.

The same countless sparks appeared, and at a very fast speed, they turned into countless fire blacks, and rushed towards Tianzun.

And just in front of these fire crows, the flames summoned by Tianzun turned into fire crows and greeted them!

"Boom boom boom!"

The overwhelming fire black, between Jiang Yun and Tianzun, all collided together, making the boundary gap instantly become a flaming sea of ​​fire!

Across the sea of ​​fire, Jiang Yun and Tianzun face each other!

Seeing the fight between Jiang Yun and Tianzun, everyone was stunned.

When Jiang Yun and Di Zun played against each other before, the attack methods of the two were extremely similar.

However, at this moment, the attack methods of Jiang Yun and Tianzun are not similar, they are exactly the same!

Earth Zun uses the power of assimilation to assimilate its own power into various powers.

And Tianzun does not need assimilation, all kinds of power that Jiang Yun grasps, she can also get it at her fingertips, very natural.

No one would doubt if Tianzun turned into the appearance of Jiang Yun now, or if Jiang Yun turned into the appearance of Tianzun, saying that they were a sparring between the deity and the avatar.

Behind Tianzun, countless golden thunders suddenly appeared, condensed into a huge palm, and grabbed Jiang Yun.

This time, Jiang Yun's complexion finally changed slightly.

He already knows that Tianzun has mastered the way of Taoism, and he has mastered all kinds of magical powers that he almost knows, so it is not too surprising for Tianzun to attack with the same technique.

But this time is different.

Because Jiang Yun can feel it, that thunder palm is the thunder of the rules!

In other words, it was under his own reminder that Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated this time, realized the rules of thunder that surpassed the real realm!

And Jiang Yun's clone did not comprehend this rule of thunder.

This also means that the Taoist magical powers that Tianzun knows should not originate from the soul search of Jiang Yun's avatar!

Jiang Yun's face was gloomy. Naturally, he also used the thunder of the rules to condense a thunder palm and slapped it with a bang.

Two identical Thunder Palms passed by in the air, and immediately extinguished the flaming sea of ​​fire.

When the Thunder Palms collided together, a wide-ranging thunder net was formed.

Without waiting for the thunder net to dissipate, Jiang Yun took the initiative to launch an attack.

In the thunder net, a huge eye suddenly appeared.

At the moment when they saw the eyes, many people thought that it was a human being who was resurrected from the dead, or that there was another clone.

They didn't realize that it was some kind of magical power exhibited by Jiang Yun until they saw that one after another colored marks appeared in that eye.

In the end, the colored marks that appeared in the huge eye were not nine, but ten!

Nine colored marks, that is the power of dreams belonging to the mirage.

But Jiang Yun himself also possesses the power of dreams of nightmare beasts.

When he became a venerable person, he combined the two powers of dreams into one, making the mark in his eyes become ten paths.

Even if it is only about the ability to arrange dreams, even if it is the deity of human beings, it is only on par with Jiang Yun at most.

The giant eyes stared at Tianzun deeply, and the ten colored marks spun wildly.

Tianzun smiled slightly: "Did you think that the power of your dreams, I will not be able to!"

When the voice fell, Tianzun's eyes also appeared a series of colored marks.

Tianzun still has extra energy to speak: "Although your dream power is brilliant, don't say it is impossible to bring me into a dream, even if I do enter your dream, what's the use!"

"Do you think your dreams can trap me?"

Jiang Yun's voice came from behind the huge eyes: "Who said I was going to bring you into a dream!"

At the same time as Jiang Yun opened his mouth, the ten colored marks in the huge eye suddenly began to merge and turned into six in an instant.

Moreover, it is no longer the shape of the mark, but has become six different runes!

The six kinds of runes exuded a faint light, and they formed a disc-like shape, which was clearly reflected in the eyes of Tianzun.

At this moment, the color imprints that were constantly emerging in Tianzun's eyes suddenly stopped.

Even her expression was frozen, and her body remained motionless.

In the dream realm, Master Du'e from the Temple of Bitterness stared at the six kinds of runes in the huge eye, and murmured, "Isn't that the eye of six desires?"

"It turns out that the power of these six desires is so powerful that even the Heavenly Venerate can be affected!"

What Master Du'e said was right!

The six desires, the seven emotions, and the eight sufferings are both Taoist arts and the three supernatural powers possessed by the Temple of Suffering.

They are separated, each is a separate technique, and together, it is also three powerful magical powers.

The Seven Emotions can affect the seven emotions of others.

The Eye of Six Desires is capable of infinitely magnifying a certain desire in one's heart, and its effect is somewhat similar to illusion.

Jiang Yun seems to want to use the power of dreams on Tianzun, to bring Tianzun into the dream, but in fact, what he really uses is the eye of six desires.

Although Tianzun can use the same power technique as Jiang Yun, she is not Jiang Yun after all.

Jiang Yun's actual combat experience is not to say that he is richer than Tianzun, but the method of change is at least impossible for Tianzun to imagine.

As Tianzun temporarily fell into the eyes of the six desires, Jiang Yun did not take the opportunity to attack Tianzun, but spit out a word: "Break!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Yun's three incarnations exploded again!

This time, they really blew themselves up, and they also made the incarnations of the Earth Venerable and the Heavenly Venerate who were fighting against them, and they all fell into the power of the explosion without being prepared.

Jiang Yun flickered and appeared directly in front of Earth Venerable.

At this moment, although Di Zun is not dead yet, Jiang Yun's self-destructing power has been incarnated. This time, he almost attacked him in a real way, causing half of his body to disappear and his body to be blurred.

Seeing Jiang Yun's sudden appearance, Di Zun's complexion changed, knowing that he would not survive.

Jiang Yun didn't even deal with Tianzun, and he had to run to kill himself. As you can imagine, it is impossible to let him go.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and pressed it on Earth Zun's eyebrows and said, "I should have tortured you so that you could experience the pain of Second Senior Sister, but unfortunately I don't have that much time."


In Jiang Yun's palm, the thunder of three rules gushed out, like a loach, and slammed into the eyebrows of Di Zun.

At the same time as Jiang Yunshan stepped back, the three thunders of rules exploded.

Earth Venerable's second clone finally died in the dream realm!

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