The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6524: Outrageous origin, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun was a little strange just now. Since the prisoner dragon jumped out of reincarnation, even if he only experienced two or three reincarnations, his life is already too long.

Moreover, the condition of the prisoner dragon is obviously excellent, even the clothes on his body are spotless and not damaged in the slightest.

It turned out that there was no passage of time in him, and all the problems could be explained.

The prisoner continued: "I can know the existence of Mengzun, or when I was brought here, Zungu took me to the world where Mengzun was, and saw him."

"After leaving him, we never saw each other again."

"I don't even know if he is still waiting like me!"

As the prisoner's voice fell, Jiang Yun fell into silence.

Before, he had a trace of sympathy for the prisoner's situation.

But now, all he has for Prison Dragon is endless admiration!

As a supreme being, it's just that he can't be in the real world, and he can't even leave his **** off the ground that is only a few feet away.

Even a real prisoner is much freer than him.

In such a difficult situation, the prisoner dragon has persisted until now, without madness, without loss, and with a smile on his face from time to time, which shows his mentality and willpower!

Most importantly, what he did was not for himself, but for the countless creatures in this game!

Those creatures don't even know his name!

This is the real benevolence and righteousness, the justice and selflessness!

Jiang Yun stood up and bowed deeply to the prisoner dragon again: "The actions of the seniors, the juniors can't show it, please accept the juniors!"

The prisoner dragon smiled slightly and waved his hand: "No need to do this, I didn't do anything, I just did what I could do."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "You have sacrificed too much!"

The prisoner dragon still smiled and said: "In this world, someone always needs to make some sacrifices."

"Even without me, I think, there will definitely be other people doing the same thing as me."

"Just like the Emperor Corpse Emperor You who just attacked you, if it wasn't for their sacrifice, I'd probably already be dead!"

When he said these words, in the eyes of the prisoner, there was a touch of hatred that Jiang Yun was all too familiar with!

Jiang Yun originally thought that those Emperor Corpse Emperor You died at the hands of his master and died under the power of the ancients.

But looking at the prisoner dragon's reaction now, he knew that he had guessed wrong.

The prisoner continued: "Actually, this world is my supreme world back then."

"Those Emperor Corpse Emperor You, they are all my subordinates, my friends, and even my relatives!"

"After I became the Supreme, the three suddenly joined forces to attack my Supreme Realm."

"In order to protect me, one by one, they all voluntarily chose to sacrifice."

"It is because of their sacrifice that they bought me enough time to allow me to live until your master arrives."

"They can sacrifice for me, and I can sacrifice for others too!"

Jiang Yun's heart moved. The experience of imprisoning the dragon was almost the same as Jiang Yun's reincarnation in the previous life. They were all chased and killed by the three after becoming the supreme.

The difference is that Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated in the last life, escaped by other means, while the prisoners were rescued by the master!

If the master can save people from the hands of the three gods, his real strength should not be weaker than that of the gods.

This can explain why Tianzun is afraid of the master in a complete state, and repeatedly prevents the master from integrating all the clones.

However, since Tianzun can remember Jiang Yun's escape in the previous life, doesn't she remember the master's rescue?

Also, even if Tianzun can't kill the master in the complete state, it is extremely simple to kill the master who is divided into four.

Why didn't she look for the captured Prisoner Dragon and other Supreme Beings, but instead reached an agreement with the master that as long as the master did not merge the four herself into one, she would not attack the master?

Jiang Yun secretly said in his heart: "The root of all these problems actually lies in the true identity of the master."

"Master's true identity is bound to have a great background, so Tianzun will be afraid."

"However, based on these news, at least it can be seen that the master is not the person who made the layout!"

If Gu Bu Lao was the one who made the layout, then he approached Jiang Yun, maybe for another purpose, but in any case, there was no reason to go to the trouble of bringing Prison Dragon and other Supreme Beings here!

It was determined that the master was not the person who made the layout, which made Jiang Yun's heart a lot easier.

Because Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated in the last life, although he trusted Master, in fact, he still had a lot of doubts about Master.

Now, this doubt can finally be put down.

In addition, Jiang Yun also understood that his previous guess that this was a battlefield was also correct.

The bones and magical tools that I saw outside were naturally the three subordinates or the prisoners who died in battle.

The master not only rescued the prisoner dragon from the hands of the three gods, but also brought the world where the prisoner dragon lived in the past.

At this time, the prisoner sighed and said: "I know, you must have other doubts, why don't you say them all!"

"After I explain it to you, you can also tell me about the outside world."

Jiang Yun nodded, naturally he was no longer polite to the prisoner, and then asked: "Senior, is this a place outside the law?

The prisoner thought for a while and said, "Strictly speaking, our place is not a place outside the law, it can only be regarded as a border with a place outside the law."

"Because the extrajudicial land will still enter reincarnation, it will be erased again and again, and it will be opened up again and again."

"The land outside the law was also opened up by respecting the ancients, so that the great emperors of the ancients and those strong men who were unwilling to submit to the three gods could have a place to live."

"And the area where Meng Zun and I are, although it borders the land outside the law, it is equivalent to the forbidden land, and other monks in the land outside the law cannot enter."

"Also, although we do not enter the reincarnation, but because we are all brought into the forbidden area together with the whole world, all those who died in our world, their death, resentment, etc., can spread from the forbidden area and affect To the whole extrajudicial land."

"Even, those Emperor Corpse Emperor You, as long as they have the strength under the Supreme, can also leave the forbidden land and enter the extra-law land!"

Regarding the extrajudicial land, whether Jiang Gongwang or Ji Kongfan have reminded Jiang Yun, it is best not to enter.

Now Jiang Yun knows the reason.

Prisoner Long and the others are supreme, and the subordinates they can trust are equivalent to the nine clans under the command of the earth, the ten disciples of the heaven, and so on, all of which are the top powerhouses second only to the supreme.

These powerhouses did not die normally, but when their respective leaders became supreme, they were jointly killed by the three. It is conceivable that the resentment in their hearts was deep.

Even if they die, they cannot resolve their grievances.

Even, some of them are still dead but not stiff, and they have become extremely special existences such as Emperor Shidi Youyou.

And the land outside the law, every time it is opened up, it will be affected by the various resentment and death emanating from the area where the prisoners and others are located, as well as the influence of the emperor's corpse.

Over time, the extrajudicial land was flooded with a lot of negative aura, forming a special extrajudicial divine pattern, which was not suitable for living beings to live in.

The prisoner dragon continued: "If you also want to enter the land outside the law, I can show you the way."

Jiang Yun shook his head, raised the dream domain in his hand and said, "I'm not in a hurry to leave now, I want to restore my master's memory."

As long as Master regains his memory, Jiang Yun can travel unimpeded whether it is a forbidden place or a place outside the law.

The prisoner dragon said in surprise: "Zun Gu is also in the dream realm?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid Master didn't think that after entering here, he would be affected by the rules of Mengzun's dreams and fall into a deep sleep."

"Otherwise, Master should have appeared long ago."

However, Jiang Yun's words made the prisoner dragon frown and said: "No, the power of me and Meng Zun, including all the dead and resentment, can't affect those who have the imprint of the ancients."

"Even you have not been affected by Meng Zun, fell into a deep sleep, Zun Gu should not be even more!"

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