The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6531: ancient rules, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

With a feeling of dizziness, Jiang Yun's eyes turned black, he had left the map and the cave, and was in darkness.

Looking at the darkness around him, Jiang Yun shook his head and quickly woke up with a look of surprise on his face.

Naturally, this is a place outside the law.

Although Jiang Yun has been known for a long time in the extrajudicial land, he really doesn't know the specific situation in it.

Whether it was Jiang Gongwang, the ancestor who had strayed into it, or Ji Kongfan, who became the master outside the law, they never talked to Jiang Yun about this.

Originally in Jiang Yun's imagination, the so-called extrajudicial land was a huge world, but now he realized that he still underestimated the master's handwriting.

It turns out that the land outside the law is also a domain!

Although he can't see the existence of the world, Jiang Yun can't tell the difference. The position he is in at this moment is clearly a boundary gap!

"Master actually opened up a space as a place outside the law!"

With Jiang Yun's current strength, it is not difficult to open up a world, but if it is to open up a domain, he can't do it.

This also allowed him to imagine how strong the master was back then.

Although it is also the boundary gap, the boundary gap here is obviously different from the boundary gap in the dream domain and the real domain.

Immediately after Jiang Yun appeared, auras rushed towards him from all directions.

These are all kinds of negative breaths!

Outside the law, this kind of negative aura can be said to be omnipresent, just like the spiritual energy and the energy of true essence, it affects the monks who live in it.

If it's just breath, it's better, most monks can compete, but if you encounter extrajudicial divine marks, it will be troublesome!

Back then, Jiang Gongwang, who entered the extrajudicial land with the strength of the supreme emperor, almost died in it. One of the reasons was that the extrajudicial divine pattern was terrifying.

And Jiang Yun has the imprint of the ancients in his body, so he doesn't need to worry about these negative breaths.

However, Jiang Yun wanted to experience the power of these negative breaths, so he restrained the imprint of the ancients and let all the negative breaths pour into his body.

Gently shivered, Jiang Yun felt that his negative emotions such as anger, pain, sadness, etc., were immediately magnified several times after these negative breaths entered the body.

If it is replaced by someone with weak will and strength, I am afraid that he will immediately do some impulsive things.

But with Jiang Yun's will, of course, it won't be affected so much.

"Huh?" Jiang Yun suddenly frowned, his face even more surprised: "No, these negative breaths actually include..."

Halfway through the words, Jiang Yun suddenly stopped, and suddenly turned his head to look to his left.

In the darkness, a middle-aged man in black slowly walked out.

The man's appearance is ordinary, and there is nothing outstanding about it.

But the aura emanating from his body is extremely huge, and even the gaps around him are faintly distorted.

At this moment, the man's mediocre face had an excited smile, his eyes flashed with greedy eyes, and he looked at Jiang Yundao: "Kung fu pays off, I finally let me wait!"

Hearing the other party's words, Jiang Yunwei pondered and understood what the other party meant!

The Supreme Realm of Meng Zun and others, although it is a forbidden area, does not allow the entry of cultivators from the outside of the law, but the monks in the outside of the law know the existence of the forbidden area.

And for such a forbidden area, it will naturally arouse the curiosity of many monks, wanting to know what is in the forbidden area.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know whether the ancient array was teleported randomly.

But even if it is random, the location of the teleportation to the place outside the law will not be too many.

Especially in the forbidden land, Emperor Corpse Emperor You will be sent out from time to time. Over time, the monks in the extrajudicial land will be able to write down the locations of these locations.

Therefore, some of them will guard the corresponding positions, waiting to see if any monks will be sent from the forbidden area.

And for countless years, the monks who appeared in the forbidden area, if they did not include the group of their parents, should be extremely rare.

Maybe even none at all!

Under this circumstance, no matter how curious the monks in the extra-algorithmic land are, it is unlikely that they will continue to wait and see, and they have given up long ago.

However, this black-clothed man persisted in waiting until now, and finally waited for Jiang Yun's appearance!

One can imagine how excited he was in his heart!

Just as Jiang Yun was thinking about it, the man in black raised his hand, and there was a light arrow in his hand, which shot directly towards Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

A cold light flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes, and the other party didn't even give him a chance to speak. He not only shot directly, but turned out to be a dead hand, clearly wanting to kill himself as quickly as possible.

Jiang Yun was very fortunate, fortunately, he had taken into account that the monks in the extrajudicial land were not good stubborn, and he deliberately took care of the injury and then walked out of the channel.

Otherwise, you may be killed by the other party now.

He did not die in the hands of San Zun and Meng Zun, but was killed by an unknown monk.

Moreover, this is a place outside the law. It was opened up by Jiang Yun's master, and it is the place where Ji Kongfan, who is also his father and friend, is the master!

If such a result really occurs, then you are truly dead!

Fortunately, Jiang Yun is now at his peak. Facing the light arrow shot by the man, he raised his hand and waved it gently. The power of time overflowed, and the speed of the light arrow suddenly slowed down.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun reached out and held the light arrow, squeezed it hard, and the light arrow shattered in response!

A look of surprise flashed in the man's eyes. He obviously didn't expect his inevitable sneak attack to be resolved so easily by Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's eyes were cold, and he didn't rush to continue shooting, but stared at the man and said, "I'm not a person in the forbidden area, I just entered the forbidden area by mistake."

"If you have any questions, I can answer you, but you are going to kill me when you come up, which is a bit inappropriate!"

Jiang Yun is really unwilling to fight with the other party.

The opponent's strength is not weak, and the second is the real emperor.

Start with yourself, no matter whether you win or lose, you have no benefit.

But now, since the other party has already moved to kill, it is impossible for Jiang Yun to let the other party go.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, the excited smile on the man's face became even thicker. He even stretched out his tongue, licked his lips, and said with a greedy look, "I don't really want to kill you, it's just to test your strength."

"Why don't you let me search your soul directly, and then hand over all the good things on you, and I'll let you go!"

Jiang Yun said lightly: "Kill you, I will naturally leave!"

When the words fell, Jiang Yun threw his fist at the opponent.

The man also raised his hand and faced Jiang Yun.


When the man waved his palm, the sound of wind and thunder came out.


When their palms intersected, Jiang Yun and the man in black swayed slightly, and they went backwards at the same time.

The man retreated seven steps, while Jiang Yun retreated three steps!

However, Jiang Yun's fist was covered with frost.

In this fight between the two, although it seems that Jiang Yun has the advantage, the man did not use the power of pure flesh, but the power of the rules of ice!

Jiang Yun looked at the frost on his fist, and suddenly said to himself: "A place outside the law, for a monk, it seems to be a blessed place!"

"Here, there are ancient rules everywhere!"

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