The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6541: Doppelgänger exposed, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the Shuang Clan at this moment, the patriarch Shuang Qingpo is like an ant on a hot pot, constantly revolving around his clan.

Although the ice surface of the Frost Clan had long since stopped melting when Jiang Yun's deity went to the source of ice, the cold air under the ice surface also recovered.

But Shuang Qingpo heard the bell ringing from Hanshanmen and Bingjizong just now.

As the patriarch of the Shuang clan, Shuang Qingpo knew very well that the bells of the two sects had only one function, which was to warn.

Since coming to the Bingji Sacred Mountain, Shuang Qingpo has only heard the sound of the bell ringing from the two major sects.

At that time, there were several strong people who wanted to seize the Holy Ice Mountain.

This time, the sound of the bell rang again. Although Shuang Qingpo didn't know what serious incident had happened, he instinctively felt that it should be related to Jiang Yun!

Naturally, this made him have to start thinking, if it was really because of Jiang Yun, then the two major sects would definitely send someone here.

Do you take the initiative to hand over Jiang Yun, or do you try to protect Jiang Yun?

If it was changed before Jiang Yun absorbed a lot of cold energy in an instant, Shuang Qingpo would not have any hesitation at all, and would definitely hand over Jiang Yun.

But now, he really didn't dare.

Regardless of Jiang Yun's origin, at least everything Jiang Yun showed was far beyond Shuang Qingshou's imagination.

Such a person, Shuang Qingpo, cannot easily offend.

More importantly, Shuang Qingpo was unable to determine the attitude of the two sects towards Jiang Yun.

If the two major sects catch Jiang Yun, they will definitely kill Jiang Yun, and it doesn't matter.

But if Jiang Yun said that he came from a forbidden area, it is very likely that he would become a guest of the two major sects.

After all, there are too many people who covet forbidden places.

At that time, Jiang Yun will never let himself and the entire Frost Clan go!

Before Shuang Qingpo could make a decision, he had already seen two figures coming from the top of the mountain and appearing above his clan. They were the two elders of Hanshanmen and Bingjizong.

The elder from Hanshanmen, standing in the air with his hands behind his back, said in a clear voice, "Patriarch Frost is here!"

Shuang Qingpo gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, frowned on purpose, stepped in front of the two of them, slightly cupped his hands and said, "Elder Yuan, Elder Zheng, I just heard the sound of a bell from you, right? Another powerful enemy is coming?"

"If so, my Frost clan is willing to take the lead!"

It has to be said that Shuang Qingpo's deliberate contrivance softened the expressions of the elders of the two major sects.

The elder Yuan of Hanshanmen changed his voice and said: "I don't know if a strong enemy is coming, but it is true that someone has infiltrated our holy mountain."

"Just now, my sect master and Bingji sect master discovered at the same time that a cold vein suddenly appeared in the holy mountain, and the flow direction was unknown, so I specially sent me to search the holy mountain to find the flow of the cold vein."

"Recently, has Patriarch Frost discovered any suspicious person?"

The so-called cold pulse is the cold air that spreads out from the source of ice, like a river.

Shuang Qingpo naturally knew that the source of the entire ice rule originally had only thirteen cold veins, but now there is an extra one.

That means that someone else triggered the source of ice, causing the source of ice to release a cold pulse.

The first possibility that came to his mind was that this cold vein must have something to do with Jiang Yun.

But of course he couldn't show it, and a look of shock appeared on his face: "There is an extra cold pulse? How is this possible!"

"The entire holy mountain is always covered by the ban that our thirteen clans have jointly arranged. Without our token, outsiders can't get in at all!"

"Also, I haven't found any suspicious people recently."

Obviously, Shuang Qingpo finally decided not to expose Jiang Yun until it was a last resort.

Hearing Shuang Qingpo's answer, Elder Yuan nodded and said, "We don't know the specific situation, we just came to ask."

"Since Patriarch Frost didn't find it, we naturally believe it."

"However, we still have to check the flow of that cold vein."

Shuang Qingpo forcibly restrained his urge to look at Jiang Yun's room, and nodded calmly, "You two just check!"

The two stopped talking, and a white stone appeared in each of their hands.

This is a vein-seeking stone specially refined by the two major sects to find the direction of the cold veins.

Within a certain range, as long as there is a cold vein, the vein-seeking stone will respond.

Looking at the vein-seeking stone, Shuang Qingpo's heart was about to jump out, and thoughts were spinning in his mind, thinking for a while if the two of them really found out that the cold veins flowed to the house where Jiang Yun was, what would they do? In order not to be implicated by Jiang Yun!

While Shuang Qingpo was thinking about it, the elders of the two major sects had already turned around the entire Shuang clan with the vein-seeking stone.

However, after the two of them walked around, the Vein Seeker still didn't respond, which made Shuang Qingpo stunned, and even finally couldn't help but looked at the room where Jiang Yun was.

"Patriarch Frost!"

At this time, Elder Yuan had come to Shuang Qingshen again and said, "Our responsibility is on our shoulders, so please leave me first!"

Although Shuang Qingpo was at a loss, since the cold pulse had nothing to do with Jiang Yun, of course he was relieved, smiled and nodded: "Then I won't leave you, if you have time, two more come to me. Sit down!"

The two elders turned around and were about to leave, but Elder Yuan's body suddenly lit up with the light of the communication jade slip, which made him stop and took out the communication jade slip.

And when he read the information inside, he slowly turned his head to look at Shuang Qingpo and said, "There is a disciple in my sect who said that about a month ago, he met your Shuang clan at the mountain gate of my Han Shan Sect. of a tribe."

"At that time, your clan said that he was being hunted and killed, and in a panic, he broke into our mountain gate by mistake."

"Patriarch Frost, please also call out that clan of yours. We want to ask him why he was chased and killed by whom!"

"Could it be that the person who was chasing him mixed into our holy mountain?"

This sudden change made Shuang Qingpo stunned, and Jiang Yun thought of Jiang Yun again in his mind!

And his response was very fast, and he immediately frowned and said: "My Frost clan has no clan members going out recently!"

"Did your disciples see it wrong, or did that person deliberately pretend to be a member of my Frost clan?"

The eyes of the two elders narrowed slightly, staring deeply at Shuang Qingpo.

Shuang Qingpo was extremely calm, and looked at the two of them calmly.

After a while, Elder Yuan said indifferently: "We believe that what Clan Shuang said is the truth, but there is an extra cold vein, and this matter is of great importance."

"So, please ask Patriarch Shuang to call out all the members of your family, and let us cross-examine!"

Shuang Qingpo's heart was really panicked.

The two said it was a cross-examination, but in fact it was a direct soul search.

And all the Shuang clansmen knew about Jiang Yun's arrival, as long as they called the clansmen out, they would immediately reveal their secrets.

But if you don't call it out, it will make the other party more suspicious.

Shuang Qingpo could only say with a straight face: "Why, the two of you are suspicious of my Shuang clan!"

Elder Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Of course I don't doubt you."

At this moment, the elder Zheng, who had never spoken, suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the room where Jiang Yun was, and said, "How come there is a formation in that room!"

The voice fell, and Elder Zheng didn't give Shuang Qingpo time to react, he directly raised his hand, moved towards the room, and slapped it down!


This room was made of ordinary ice cubes. Where could it bear Elder Zheng's palm, and it collapsed suddenly, revealing Jiang Yun's avatar sitting cross-legged inside!

Jiang Yun's avatar actually knew the arrival of these two people for a long time, but at this moment, the deity is doing his best to expel the chill and cannot be disturbed.

And under the ice surface, there are already hundreds of more divine senses, and the constant patrolling makes it impossible for him to escape under the ice.

At this moment, since it was exposed, Jiang Yun's clone simply stood up and looked at everyone calmly.

At the same time, at the source of Bingze, Jiang Yun's deity slowly opened his eyes.

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