The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6549: still us, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The so-called residence of the Outlaw Lord is actually a very ordinary world, located in the southeast of the Outlaw Land.

The reason why this place is regarded as a forbidden place by the monks is because the boundary gaps in all directions of the world are filled with dense extrajudicial divine patterns, covering an area of ​​millions of miles away!

Even Ji Kongfan can't give a clear explanation for what kind of extrajudicial divine runes are.

But all the monks in the extrajudicial land both love and hate it.

Love is because the extrajudicial divine pattern enters the body, which can improve the strength of the monk.

The hatred is because the extrajudicial divine pattern is not a simple pattern, but has its own consciousness and sanity, and it feels like a kind of life.

Once the Extrajudicial Divine Rune enters the body, the cultivator's sanity will be affected, and eventually he will lose his sanity completely and become the Emperor Corpse Emperor You!

It is conceivable that the Outlaw Lord has an Outlaw Divine Rune covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles away, so that all monks dare not approach.

When Ji Kongfan appeared, these extrajudicial divine patterns immediately wandered wildly, like boiling, and seemed to be very excited.

In Ji Kongfan's face and eyes, there was an extra-law divine pattern that appeared, as if it echoed them.

Immediately afterwards, all the extrajudicial divine patterns dispersed immediately, revealing a wide road, allowing Ji Kongfan to pass through unimpeded and enter the world.

In this world, there is also a gray and bleak sky, and there is a dead air in it.

In the center of the world, stands the highest mountain, and on the top of the mountain is Ji Kongfan's residence.

Ji Kongfan came to the top of the mountain and threw Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing to the ground.

At this time, Jiang Yun also recovered from the shock, grabbed Xuanyuan Xing's arm, and asked anxiously, "Second Senior Brother, what did you just say?"

"How could Senior Brother die? Before I fell into a coma, he was still alive and well, and he couldn't possibly die!"

Hearing this question asked by Jiang Yun, Ji Kongfan shook his head gently, knowing that Jiang Yun was also in a mess, and he was out of control.

Xuanyuan Xing always stayed in the real world, and it was only by the induction between the four of them that he judged that Dongfang Bo was dead.

And Dongfang Bo died in the dream realm, and even Jiang Yun who was in the dream realm did not know how Dongfang Bo died, and how could Xuanyuan Xing know!

It is normal for Jiang Yun to have such a reaction.

In Jiang Yun's mind, the closest person is his grandfather Jiang Wanli, followed by his senior brother Dongfang Bo.

Naturally, he couldn't accept the fact that Dongfang Bo had died.

Xuanyuan Xing couldn't say a word, he just silently shed tears and lowered his head without saying a word.

In the end, it was Ji Kongfan who said in a deep voice, "Jiang Yun, calm down!"

"Ever since you asked me to attack Diya in Mengyu that day, I went to True Territory and stayed with Xuanyuan Xing. I just came back here."

"We don't know at all what happened to Mengyu, the battle between you and the three gods, and the result."

Ji Kongfan's voice was sent directly into Jiang Yun's soul, just like Hong Zhong Dalu's voice, it finally made Jiang Yun calm down gradually.

However, Jiang Yun slumped to the ground again, shook his head gently, and muttered: "But, I don't know what the outcome of that battle will be, let alone, Senior Brother, Big Brother, unexpectedly, unexpectedly…”

As he spoke, Jiang Yun's eyes were also filled with tears, and he closed his mouth.

Ji Kongfan frowned. This was beyond his expectations. He didn't expect that Jiang Yun, who had experienced the whole battle himself, didn't even know the final result of Mengyu.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's hand suddenly had a small fairway the size of a slap: "This is Dreamland!"

Rao is that Ji Kongfan had seen something bizarre, and seeing that the small ball in Jiang Yun's palm turned out to be the dream domain, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, his face showing disbelief.

Jiang Yun's other hand directly pulled out all the memories he remembered that day from his soul, and threw it to Ji Kongfan for Ji Kongfan to see.

He really wasn't in the mood to talk about what happened at that time.

Ji Kongfan sent his consciousness into Jiang Yun's memory and watched it carefully.

And the more he looked, the more shocked Ji Kongfan became.

Although he also knew the existence of the bureau and that all living beings are constantly experiencing reincarnation, he really did not expect that Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated in the previous life, not only became the fourth supreme, but also did not die, but also hid in Jiang Yun's soul middle.

After reading the memories in Jiang Yun's soul, Ji Kongfan was also lost in thought.

After a long time, when he saw Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing who were still silent, Ji Kongfan said solemnly, "You two, are you going to be depressed forever!"

"Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing, their deaths are not to make you sad here, but to allow you to live!"

"Compared to being sad, you still have a lot to do!"

"Jiang Yun, don't forget, why did you become the supreme being in the last reincarnation!"

"Now, you still have other people to protect. If you stay depressed like this, your Dao heart will be broken, and you will repeat the mistakes of your last life!"

"What's more, I think that they may not be dead, or that there should be a way to bring them back to life!"

Hearing Ji Kongfan's words, Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing raised their heads almost at the same time and looked at him.

Ji Kongfan looked at Jiang Yun and said, "I didn't say this to comfort you, but I really have such doubts."

"We are in a constant cycle of reincarnation, and every time the cycle ends, we will come back to life again."

"Although I admit that what you said makes sense, we who are reborn after each reincarnation are unique, but in essence, we are still us!"

"The reason why we become unique is because of the different people we experience in each reincarnation, or the people we meet, which lead to gradual changes in our thinking."

"Even every seemingly trivial choice we make has the potential to turn our experience upside down and make us unique."

"For example, you Jiang Yun, if you didn't leave Jiang Village when you were sixteen years old, maybe you would still take the road of cultivation and become a strong person, but there may not be many people in your life. exists."

"And this, I am afraid it is also deliberately done by the person who laid it out."

"What the other party wants is only the general direction of this reincarnation, and move forward according to the trajectory he requires. As for how our personalities will change, he will not interfere too much."

"Also, Jiang Yun, have you ever thought about why we can come back to life again and again?"

"It stands to reason that once we explode and lose our souls, it means that we will disappear completely."

"But, why will we appear again and again in the next reincarnation, in the next reincarnation?"

"Have you ever thought that we in the game may not be the real body, but only a part of the soul?"

"Perhaps, outside this bureau, there is a domain and a realm. We all exist there, maybe sleeping, maybe living well."

"Every time we are reincarnated, the person who arranges it will take out a wisp of soul or consciousness from our body and put it into the reincarnation, so that we can appear again."

"If this is the case, it means that if we can break this game, then it is possible to see those who are dead but still exist in the outside world, everyone!"

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