The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6551: Don't be provocative, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Ji Kongfan is the master of the law, he does not fully understand the place outside the law, especially when it comes to the source of the rules, and he never imagined that the source of the rules that all monks rely on to practice may not be the real source. .

Therefore, he already had a strong interest in Jiang Yun's words, and he rolled up his sleeves and rolled up Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing, ready to go to the place of the pseudo-respect.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly discovered that a black qi appeared on Ji Kongfan's face, and a flash of pain flashed.

This made Jiang Yun hurriedly asked with concern: "Senior Ji, what's the matter with you?"

Ji Kongfan's complexion has returned to normal, he shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that the extrajudicial lines in the body are a little out of control!"

"There are very few stone formations in the land outside the law, and I can't use the formation stones here, so I have to fly out. You don't move for the time being, and I will take you away!"

Ji Kongfan was obviously deliberately avoiding the important and even diverting the topic.

Jiang Yun saw with his own eyes the pain that Jiang Gongwang, the first ancestor of the Jiang family, experienced when he had the Extrajudicial Divine Mark in his body.

In particular, Jiang Yun still couldn't figure out how Ji Kongfan was able to become the master outside the law as soon as he came to the place outside the law, and that Ji Kongfan's strength has obviously improved too much. How did he do it? .

And now, combined with the pain Ji Kongfan just revealed, Jiang Yun faintly felt that becoming the Lord of the Extrajudicial, would it have anything to do with the Extrajudicial Divine Mark?

Ji Kongfan was not ready to continue this topic, and with a flick of his body, he had already left this world with Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing.

Before, when Ji Kongfan brought Jiang Yun and Xuanyuanxing into this world, both of them were in a state of despair, so no one noticed the surrounding of this world, which covered hundreds of thousands of miles away. The extrajudicial pattern.

At this moment, the two of them couldn't help being shocked when they looked at it!

With the appearance of Ji Kongfan, those extrajudicial divine patterns immediately boiled, and they separated to the sides, making way for them.

This made Jiang Yun more and more certain that his feelings were not wrong.

The rapid improvement of Ji Kongfan's strength and his becoming the master of the extrajudicial are definitely closely related to the extrajudicial divine runes.

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to ask clearly, Ji Kongfan had already opened his mouth and asked, "Now you can talk about it, what did you find in the Sacred Ice Mountain?"

Jiang Yun said solemnly: "Senior Ji, in my heart, you are also the person I want to protect!"

Although Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan were hostile at the beginning, in fact, after watching Jiang Yun silently for hundreds of years, Ji Kongfan unknowingly has regarded Jiang Yun as his own child. of!

As for Ji Kongfan's help to Jiang Yun, how could Jiang Yun not know.

In Jiang Yun's heart, he always regards Ji Kongfan as a senior, even as his role model.

Therefore, Jiang Yun certainly didn't want Ji Kongfan to do anything else, and he had to clarify his doubts.

"Haha!" Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Ji Kongfan couldn't help laughing and said, "It's not easy, you can actually hear such nasty words from your mouth!"

"Okay, don't be provocative, don't you just want to know if these extrajudicial divine patterns are dangerous to me, and how did I become the extrajudicial master!"

"I tell you it is!"

"However, the answer may disappoint you, because I don't know much."

"Extrajudicial Divine Mark, what exactly is it, I still don't know very well."

"I only know that the extrajudicial divine runes are equivalent to a double-edged sword. Allowing them to enter my body will not only allow me to quickly improve my strength in a short period of time, but they will also invade and devour me like small insects. sanity and consciousness.”

Jiang Yun is not unfamiliar with the situations Ji Kongfan mentioned, as was Jiang Gongwang back then.

Originally Jiang Gongwang was only a super-level emperor, but with the help of the extrajudicial divine runes, his strength could be temporarily increased to half-step real-level.

Ji Kongfan continued: "As for becoming an extrajudicial master, it is simpler, that is, you need to let some extrajudicial divine patterns enter your body, and you have to withstand their invasion."

"At the beginning, I took the Great Emperor Jixie into the land outside the law."

"Before I could understand what was going on, the two of us were forcibly brought into the world just now by a powerful force."

"Naturally, the person who shot is the previous Lord of the Outsiders."

"And the Great Emperor Jijie and Liuli were both sent to Dreamland by him at the beginning."

"The new lord outside the law hopes that they can go to the real realm secretly and open up the passage between the real realm and the extrajudicial realm again."

"Therefore, as soon as Emperor Jijie came back, he sensed it and brought me here by the way."

"It's just that at that time, he was already near his Shou Yuan and was on the verge of death."

"After hearing that the Great Emperor and Liuli did not complete the task, he felt that my aptitude was good, and he thought that I might be able to take his place, so he forced me to be with the Great Emperor..."

Ji Kongfan paused for a moment and said, "How can I say it? It's like an empowerment. He sent some extrajudicial divine patterns into the bodies of me and the Great Emperor Jixie."

"If we can't survive, then we will become an emperor's corpse. As a result, the Great Emperor did not survive, and I survived."

"You also know that my character is worthy of revenge, so I simply took advantage of the power given to me by the extrajudicial divine pattern to take the opportunity to kill the previous Dharma Master, and the Great Emperor Jijie became an emperor's corpse. ."

"So, I became an outlaw master."

"And those extrajudicial **** patterns, even if they have settled in my body, I have a symbiotic relationship with them."

"They attack me every once in a while."

"Although occasionally I can't suppress them, but most of the time, it has little effect."

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about my safety. I won't die until I find my clan."

"And, as long as my strength improves fast enough and strong enough, I can suppress them in turn."

"If I can also become the Supreme, they will not be the slightest threat to me."

Although Ji Kongfan's explanation, from Jiang Yun's ears, must have concealed something, but it is basically consistent with Jiang Yun's speculation.

As for Ji Kongfan, Jiang Yun really knows too much, a real outstanding person!

It is no exaggeration to say that Ji Kongfan has almost no shortcomings. His aptitude, strategy, and mind are all top-notch!

If Ji Kongfan's experience was put on anyone else's body, that person would have already died. Not only did Ji Kongfan live well, but he also became a master outside the law.

Anyone who knows Ji Kongfan knows that you can trust no one, but you can absolutely trust Ji Kongfan!

Therefore, Jiang Yun also felt relieved, Ji Kongfan should definitely have a way to deal with those extrajudicial divine marks in his body!

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "Senior Ji, although what I said is a bit redundant, if there is anything you need my help, please speak up!"

Ji Kongfan also laughed and said, "Haha, then I'll thank you first!"

Next, Jiang Yun said that he swallowed a piece of the source of ice in the holy mountain of ice and said: "I understand the rules, which are simpler than others, and directly swallow the source of the rules. can do it.”

"However, when I devoured the source of ice, not only did I not feel any aura related to the power of ice except for the chill, but I also vaguely noticed that behind the source of ice, there seemed to be a line, connecting somewhere."

"And that place should be the real source of the rules of ice."

"It's just that I just swallowed a small piece of the source of ice, and I can't be very sure, and I can't judge the specific location of that place."

"So, I want to devour more sources of rules to prove whether my feeling is right!"

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