The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6568: Suitable candidates, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

When Jiang Yun told Ji Kongfan about seeing the person in the picture, Ji Kongfan mentioned a possibility.

Could it be that the picture was not hidden in the so-called source of dreams, but that person deliberately let Jiang Yun see him, deliberately aroused Jiang Yun's curiosity, and asked Jiang Yun to find his existence.

At that time, Jiang Yun didn't pay too much attention to Ji Kongfan's statement.

But at this moment, hearing Gu Xiu Gu Ling's words, and then turning back to think about the possibility that Ji Kongfan mentioned, it made him feel more and more that Ji Kongfan might be right.

The corpse was actually conscious all the time, but it didn't exist all the time. It was like being seriously injured, falling into a coma, and occasionally awake for a while.

When he wakes up, he releases consciousness.

For example, bewitched the ancient demons of the year.

Or, the ancient demon's sudden action of robbing Mengyu may also be under his instigation!

If this is the case, then all the problems can be explained.

Just as Gu Ling and Gu Xiu insisted, Master's vision was correct. The people of the four veins who were selected were absolutely loyal to him and would not betray him at all.

However, if the corpse secretly bewitched the ancient demons and the ancient demons, lost their minds, and treated them as puppets, it would be beyond the control of the master.

"Okay!" The old man Gu Ling let out a long breath and said, "We've already told you what we can say and what we can't say."

"We are also guilty of what the ancient demon did, so we decided to let you enter the realm of ancient rules. I hope you can leave here, find the ancient demon, and get back the dreamland and the ancient world."

"Of course, there may be some dangers in the realm of ancient rules, and you can choose not to enter."

"Then we will still follow the original plan, the three of you and me, continue to repair the map."

Jiang Yun waved his hand and said, "Two seniors, my mind is a little messy now, can you give me some time to sort it out."

Gu Ling Gu Xiu nodded and stopped talking.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, thinking about everything Gu Ling and Gu Xiu told him.

When the master awakened in a certain reincarnation, he accidentally encountered a corpse.

Because of the strangeness of the corpse, the master opened up the realm of ancient rules, found the source of all ancient rules, and suppressed and covered up the negative aura emanating from the corpse.

Even so, the negative aura could not be suppressed, so the master opened up a place outside the law, and invited monks who were unwilling to submit to the three deities to enter.

Jiang Yun simply opened his eyes again and said to Gu Ling and Gu Xiu: "Two seniors, regarding Master's plan and layout, I will explain it according to the way I understand, and you two will see if what I said is correct."

Before the two could respond, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and grabbed it at will, and a puppet appeared between his **** and gently placed it on the ground.

Then, another transparent bowl appeared in Jiang Yun's hand, which was buckled upside down on the doll.

Jiang Yun pointed at the puppet and said, "This puppet is treated as the corpse."

"This bowl is the place of detachment. It contains the space we are in, the world of Guze and the world of Mengzun."

Although Gu Ling and Gu Xiu didn't understand what Jiang Yun meant, it was not difficult to understand when they looked at the bowl and the doll.

Jiang Yun condensed a larger transparent bowl with spiritual energy, and buckled it upside down outside the first bowl: "This is a place outside the law!"

In the end, Jiang Yun condensed the largest transparent bowl, buckled it upside down outside the two bowls, and said, "This is Dreamland!"

Three bowls, one larger than the other, one containing the other.

Although simple, it is a very vivid representation of the relationship between all the heavens and the earth today.

After staring at the three bowls for a while, Jiang Yun stretched out his palm, his fingertips down, covering the outermost, and with a slight force, the bowl representing the dream domain slowly began to rotate.

Because the three bowls are transparent, Gu Ling and Gu Xiu can clearly see that although Jiang Yun only rotated the bowl representing the dream realm, in fact, the bowl representing the land beyond the law also rotates along with it.

Only the innermost small bowl, not rotating, stands still.

Jiang Yun also said in a deep voice: "If I am the person who arranges, then this is reincarnation!"

"There is only a place of detachment, beyond samsara, free from samsara, not affected by me."

"And the key to the land of detachment lies in the corpse."

"That corpse is beyond the reincarnation, beyond the entire bureau..."

Having said that, Jiang Yun looked up at Gu Ling and Gu Xiudao: "Is it possible that the corpse itself came from outside these three bowls."

"Because he doesn't belong to these three bowls, his body can't be affected by the force in the bowl, and it's not affected by time!"

After hearing Jiang Yun's guess, Gu Ling and Gu Xiu didn't show too much shock on their faces.

Naturally, they also thought of the guess made by Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Gu Xiu said, "Even if your guess is correct, what does this mean?"

"Zun Gu should have the same guess back then, so he arranged everything with this corpse and used the corpse to break the game."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I didn't want to explain anything, just to find out the ins and outs of everything."

While speaking, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves, and the bowls and dolls all dissipated.

Gu Ling stared at Jiang Yun and said meaningfully: "No matter what you want to say, if you want to beat the corpse, then I advise you to give up this idea quickly."

"You're not even a pseudo-respect. If you dare to hit the corpse, you probably won't know how you died."

"What's more, Zun Gu has already arranged everything. If you disrupt Zun Gu's plan, the consequences will also be unbearable for you."

How can Gu Ling not see that Jiang Yun's gestures for so long must have another purpose.

Jiang Yun smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, my life doesn't belong to me, so I won't take risks easily."

"Two seniors, I have already decided to enter the realm of ancient rules now, please open the seal!"

However, after Gu Ling and Gu Xiu looked at each other, Ai Ai said, "Send you into the realm of Gu Ze, naturally there is no problem."

"But before that, can we ask you a favor?"

Jiang Yun was slightly startled and said, "What can I do for the two of you?"

Gu Xiu stretched out his hand and pointed to the square below everyone and said, "This array requires at least three people to use its offensive and defensive capabilities."

"Furthermore, it must be the third of the four ancient veins, and it cannot be repeated."

"Now, with the departure of the ancient demon and the ancient demon one after another, with the two of us, it is no longer possible to form a formation."

"Just now, the kind of magical power you used has divided into three clones and four meridians."

"So, we hope that you can leave an ancient demon or an ancient demon clone here, so that we can maintain the operation of the array!"

"Of course, we won't let you help in vain. In return, we can each teach you ancient magical powers."

Only then did Jiang Yun understand what the two of them meant, and said with a wry smile: "I'm not a clone, it's an incarnation, and I can't exist for too long."

"However, I can leave a soul clone with the power of an ancient demon or an ancient demon, but the strength will not be too strong, is that ok?"

Gu Xiu and Gu Ling looked embarrassed, Gu Xiu pondered: "The strength of the clone is too weak, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Although we have the complete cultivation method of the ancient demons here, your clone, if you want to continue to practice and improve your strength, will inevitably be affected by your deity, and it will be difficult to achieve success, and you will not be able to reach the pseudo-exaltation."

Gu Xiu's explanation made Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "Since my clone is not good, then I still have a very suitable candidate!"

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