The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6578: three avenues, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Originating from Shura's line of Buddhist cultivation, there are three major categories of Taoism hidden in the human world by ancient times, six desires, seven emotions and eight sufferings!

Jiang Yun not only understood the two Dao techniques of Six Desires and Seven Emotions, but also transformed them into Dao techniques.

But the technique of the eight sufferings, until now, he has only comprehended the seven sufferings, only the last suffering, resentment and hatred will be, that is, resentment is long-lasting suffering, without comprehension.

Although the first time Ren Zun led people to attack the Dreamland alone, Shura awakened his identity as Tathagata and showed Jiang Yun the Eighth Suffering in person, but Shura used the Dharma while Jiang Yun cultivated the Dao, so Jiang Yun still failed to do so. Realize this last suffering.

The Eight Sufferings contain all the sufferings that a living being has to experience in a lifetime, and the negative emotions generated are even more amazing.

If you do the other way around and seal your own eight sufferings, you can also resist the invasion of negative aura.

Because Jiang Yun only knows the seven sufferings, it is equivalent to splitting the eight sufferings, which is far less powerful than the complete Taoist method of six desires and seven emotions, so Jiang Yun has never used it before.

But at this moment, seeing that even if he seals his emotions and desires, he is still unable to resist the invasion of the negative aura in the corpse's body. Jiang Yun has to seal his seven sufferings as well, at least to allow himself to hold on for a while longer.

However, what Jiang Yun did not expect was that, as he sealed his own suffering, the vortex deep in his heart gradually subsided.

In particular, the negative storm that surrounds him is beginning to break away from his body little by little.

Jiang Yun naturally understands, this shows that under the misunderstanding, he really used the last seven hardships to keep his mind and resist the invasion of negative breath.

Finally, when Jiang Yun returned to peace in the depths of his heart, the negative aura around him had completely disappeared.

As for the powerful coercion released by the power of the corpse's body, it was also gradually adapted by Jiang Yun's body!

This means that Jiang Yun's process of winning the house has taken a big step in the direction of success!

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun did not feel excited at all.

Looking at the darkness that still hadn't dissipated in front of him, he continued to walk without hesitation.

But after only a few steps away, Jiang Yun's footsteps stopped again.

Because, in front of him, there was a faint light, and three broad avenues lined up in one line!

However, the light can only allow Jiang Yun to see the starting position of the three avenues.

Although Jiang Yun has never really taken others away, he also knows that he has not really entered the body of the corpse, but is in the self-protection power of the other's body, which is the origin of the endless darkness around him.

If you can smash this darkness, or get out of this protective power, you can truly be inside the body of the corpse, see the internal organs of the corpse, and then use your own soul to seize the body and control the internal organs of the other party one by one. Organs up to control the entire body.

Looking at the three spacious avenues appearing in front of him at the moment, Jiang Yun's heart moved: "Am I really in the other's body?"

"And, when I walked to the intersection of the other's meridians, these three avenues are actually the three meridians of the corpse?"

It's not impossible either.

A cultivator, no matter whether it is a cultivator or a cultivator of any kind, the physical body will become stronger to varying degrees with the improvement of strength.

This kind of strengthening makes every part of the cultivator's body go through thousands of trials and tribulations, like a magical storage tool, gradually forming a space of its own, and there is a universe in it!

Just like the impermanence of blood, as a true emperor, a drop of his blood will become a sea of ​​blood when it falls somewhere in the four realms.

Naturally, if it was Jiang Yun who wanted to seize the blood and impermanence, and he really entered his body, I am afraid that he would be directly lost in it.

And the strength of this corpse is definitely much stronger than that of blood impermanence.

Therefore, seeing these three broad avenues at this moment, Jiang Yun was a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much, thinking that they might be the meridians of the corpse.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yun didn't bother too much, and walked directly towards the avenue on the far left.

Standing on the avenue, Jiang Yun, with the help of the weak light, looked around intently, wanting to see clearly if there were any veins here to verify his thoughts.

As a result, this avenue could not be seen at all except that it was extremely flat.

Jiang Yun simply stopped thinking about it, and continued to step forward, walking along this avenue, towards the depths.

At the same time, he also released his divine sense and carefully checked the movements around him.

But just after taking a few steps, Jiang Yun slowed down, feeling that something was wrong.

Because there was neither sound nor coercion around, the negative aura completely disappeared.

There is no sound, no negative atmosphere, Jiang Yun can understand.

But without coercion, it is not normal.

The coercion comes from every part of the corpse's body.

After all, the improvement of the cultivator's physical fitness is that every part will change accordingly.

Others don't say, Jiang Yun is very clear that one of his meridians is definitely tougher than any imperial weapon, and it will contain a powerful coercion.

Not to mention, the strength of this corpse's physical body, Jiang Yun would feel a tingling sensation just when he first saw it, how could there be no coercion in the opponent's meridians!

Jiang Yun pondered: "I must be in the body of the corpse now. No matter how weird he is, at least the structure of his body should be the same as mine, right?"

"If this avenue is not a meridian, what is it?"

"Could it be that this is the ghost of the corpse?"

"With the strength of that corpse, if you really sense that there is more of me in the body, you should kill me directly instead of taking out these three avenues!"

Jiang Yun thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason, so he could only decide to keep going.

Regardless of whether it is a meridian or not, since it is a road, there will always be an end. As long as you reach the end, you will naturally know what it is.

Compared to walking in the dark for the first time before, Jiang Yun took a lot longer to walk on this avenue.

Just when Jiang Yun was thinking about whether to turn around and choose a new path, a slight sound suddenly came from his ear.

Although he couldn't hear the sound at all, he could tell that the sound came from the front of the avenue under his feet.

Naturally, this also made him give up the idea of ​​​​turning around. Instead, he accelerated his speed and continued to walk along the avenue in the direction of the sound.

As Jiang Yun moved forward, although the voice became louder and louder, he still couldn't hear clearly what it was.

Finally, in the darkness ahead, Jiang Yun saw a little light.

At this point, Jiang Yun slowed down instead, came to the bright spot without haste, and stopped.

He wanted to see first, what the light and sound came from, and whether there was any hidden danger.

What appeared in front of Jiang Yun's eyes was a cave entrance that was high by one person.

Although the light is not weak, it is like flowing water, forming a waterfall of light that hangs in front of the hole.

Jiang Yun's eyesight has always been excellent, but at this moment, his eyes can only see a blur through the waterfall of light, and he can't see anything at all.

So is the sound.

It was extremely loud, but no matter how he listened intently, he couldn't tell what the sound was.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand again and gently touched the light waterfall in front of him, but there was no power on it, just ordinary light.

As long as you want, you can easily pass through the waterfall.

"Since everyone has come here, it is natural to take a look at what the scene is after this waterfall of light!"

After a little hesitation, Jiang Yun finally took a step and stepped out of the waterfall!

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