The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6610: Three Changes to the Lord, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun raised his head and saw that Nanshan was already standing not far away, bowing and saluting to himself.

Obviously, it should have been the Earth Venerable who informed him before he left and asked him to come over and wait for his order.

Although Jiang Yun needed some alone time, he was also curious about this Nanshan Mountain and this world, so since the other party came, Jiang Yun simply nodded and said, "You came just in time."

"Big Brother Situ gave me this world temporarily. I want to know the situation of this world to some extent. You can introduce this world."

Nanshan straightened his body slightly and said, "There are more than 100,000 monks in this world."

"Among them, there is one pseudo-respect, and six are the real emperors. There are more than 5,000 emperors left, and the rest are under the emperor."

Although what Nanshan said was an understatement, his words came into Jiang Yun's ears, but Jiang Yun was secretly surprised.

Because the strength of the monks in this world is extremely powerful.

From this, it is not difficult to see that apart from Di Ya, Shou Lao, and the ten powerhouses under his command, there are obviously many forces that outsiders do not know about.

This world may be just one of them!

In this way, even if the Earth Zun is a lost soldier in the Dream Domain and the True Domain, the overall strength of the Earth Zun cannot be underestimated.

Not counting the fake venerable, just more than 5,000 great emperor monks, this is an extremely powerful force.

Jiang Yun also thought that Di Zun was seriously injured now, so maybe he could find an opportunity to kill him first.

But now it seems that this idea of ​​my own is a bit whimsical.

Jiang Yun continued to ask calmly, "Your cultivation is only the real emperor, right?"

Nanshan nodded and said: "Yes, thanks to the care of Lord Di Zun, I just broke through to the real rank more than a hundred years ago."

Jiang Yun said indifferently: "What about the pseudo-respect, why didn't you come to see me!"

Since Jiang Yun is already the master of this world, it stands to reason that the most powerful person in this world should come to visit Jiang Yun and obey Jiang Yun's orders.

Jiang Yun also believed that the false venerable must have already known his arrival and that the earth venerable had given him this world.

However, the other party didn't show up, and just let Nanshan take charge of receiving him, which made it clear that he wanted to give himself a disgrace.

Even, I am afraid that all the monks in this world will not identify with their own world master.

And this, I am afraid that is also what the Earth Venerable wants to see!

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, Nan Shan's face flashed a playful look and said, "That pseudo-zun senior has been in seclusion all year round, and he hardly asks about world affairs."

"I have always been in charge of everything in this world, big or small, so if you have anything, just tell me."

"Of course, if the lord really insists on seeing the pseudo-respected senior, I can also pass the message on behalf of the lord."

Nanshan seemed to respect Jiang Yun's arrival, but in fact he was full of rejection and dissatisfaction.

Although his strength is not the strongest, he can be regarded as the master of this world.

The arrival of Jiang Yun robbed him of his position and made him suddenly become a servant, how could he be willing.

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. After staring at Nanshan for a while, he suddenly changed the subject and said, "If I guess right, you should be practicing two different powers!"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Nanshan couldn't help but suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Yun, a look of surprise flashed on his face, but he returned to normal immediately, and lowered his head again: "Your Excellency is right."

"If your lord has no other orders, then I will leave first."

After speaking, Nanshan didn't wait for Jiang Yun to respond at all, and turned around and was about to leave.

But Jiang Yun would not let him leave so easily, and said lightly, "Although your bloodline has been reshaped by someone, the person who shot it doesn't know if it was intentional or the method was inappropriate. It's better not to change it!"

"As for the power of time in your practice, it's only half-baked."

"It's a miracle that you can cultivate to the real rank emperor, I have to say!"

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, Nanshan, who was just about to leave, shuddered slightly.

Immediately, he had turned around, his eyes fixed on Jiang Yundao: "Master Ji Wang, what do you mean?"

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and ignored the other party at all.

After a hint of hesitation flashed on Nanshan's face, he suddenly clasped his fists and bowed to Jiang Yun again: "Nanshan was neglected just now, Lord Ji Wang is a lot, don't have the same knowledge as me."

"Please also give some pointers on Nanshan's practice!"

As Jiang Yun said, Nanshan was quite dissatisfied with Jiang Yun's arrival, which directly replaced his status and became the master of this world.

But since it was the identity of Jiang Yun announced by Di Zun himself, even if he had the guts, he could only hide his dissatisfaction in his heart.

All he can do is to obey the yang and yin, to be respectful on the surface, and not to take Jiang Yun seriously in secret.

Nanshan was not surprised that Jiang Yun was able to point out two different powers in his cultivation, thinking that it was Di Zun who told Jiang Yun in advance.

However, now Jiang Yun has clearly stated the inadequacies of his two powers.

Even Di Zun may not know about these shortcomings. Naturally, it is impossible for Di Zun to tell Jiang Yun. It can only be seen by Jiang Yun himself.

One can see through his own practice at a glance, and this alone is enough to make Nanshan change his attitude towards Jiang Yun.

What's more, since Jiang Yun can see through, maybe he knows how to help himself correct.

It is related to his own cultivation and future, how could Nanshan dare to neglect Jiang Yun in the slightest.

Jiang Yun opened his eyes again and looked at Nanshan, but still did not speak.

Nanshan, on the other hand, kept his posture of stooping and bowing, motionless.

When he wanted to come, Jiang Yun was angry with his attitude just now, so he deliberately gave himself a little punishment.

But in fact, when Jiang Yun looked at Nanshan, he thought of his master, Nan Ion!

This Nanshan, although not necessarily related to the master, or a descendant of the master, but he and the master have the same surname.

Moreover, there are two kinds of power in his body, one is the power of blood, and the other is the power of time!

In addition, all the monks in this world, although Jiang Yun has not seen it yet, he is also proficient in the art of blood, and Nan Iion personally pointed it out.

Therefore, when he stepped into this world, he had already noticed that the bloodlines of all the monks here were reshaped.

Dizun has nine clans under his command, and under the order of Dizun, almost every clan has moved into Sijingzang.

Only Nanion is the Sijingzang that entered alone.

There is a relationship between Shizu and Weiyang's daughter, there should be no descendants

However, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to speculate that this world is very likely to be the territory owned by his master in the real world when he was under the command of the Earth Lord!

And when his master was sent out of the real realm by Di Zun and found Shou Lao, this world should be given to Shou Lao by Di Zun again.

Because what Shou Lao masters is the power of time!

Nanshan mastered these two powers at the same time, which should be the reason.

In short, this world has changed its owner three times, and it has become Jiang Yun's world.

This is why Jiang Yun is curious about this world and is willing to stay!

Who would have thought that the world of the former master was now given to him by the gods!

Judging from the face of the master, no matter whether this Nanshan is the descendant of the master, Jiang Yun doesn't mind pointing him.

Just when Jiang Yun was about to speak, suddenly there was a stern voice, and he said from a distance: "Nanshan, you are also a real emperor anyway, why do you doubt it because of a few nonsense words from someone of unknown origin? Start your own way of practice!"

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