The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6618: start with one step, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

There is only one teleportation formation in the entire Far Realm, hidden in this valley.

The monks living here are basically not allowed to leave the far realm.

Even if there is a special reason, it must be approved by Nanshan and Wu Qiu.

Standing beside the teleportation array, Jiang Yun did not leave in a hurry, but first carefully studied the teleportation array, hoping that he could arrange another teleportation array.

But unfortunately, this teleportation array was clearly arranged by the Earth Venerable, and assimilation rules were added to it.

According to Jiang Yun's speculation, the power of this rule should be aimed specifically at the fog shrouded in the outer world.

Jiang Yun had never even seen the mist, and naturally it was impossible to imitate and set up a new teleportation formation, so he could only give up the idea and stepped into the teleportation formation.

With the lighting of the teleportation light, Jiang Yun's figure disappeared without a trace.

And just as Jiang Yun left the far realm, Wu Qiu, who was hiding in the depths of a lake, closed his eyes to heal his wounds, immediately opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the teleportation formation.

As a pseudo-honor, Wu Qiu can naturally sense the activation of the teleportation formation.

There was hatred in Wu Qiu's eyes, and he gritted his teeth: "Damn, if I had known that you were leaving the far realm, why would I have to provoke you!"

When the words fell, Wu Qiu took out a communication jade slip and contacted Di Zun.

Wu Qiu was ordered by the Di Zun to monitor Jiang Yun's every move.

One of the most important points is that Jiang Yun cannot be allowed to leave the distant realm.

But Wu Qiu was extremely dissatisfied with Jiang Yun's arrival.

In particular, Di Zun's attitude towards Jiang Yun made him have to worry about whether Jiang Yun would really take his place.

Therefore, he will deliberately make things difficult for Jiang Yun.

Previously, he asked Jiang Yun to get out of the far realm. If Jiang Yun agreed, then Wu Qiu didn't have to take action at all. He only needed to tell Di Zun that Jiang Yun didn't listen to his dissuasion and insisted on leaving, and he couldn't stop him.

But he didn't expect that he couldn't make things difficult for Jiang Yun, but in turn was severely injured by Jiang Yun.

Now, Jiang Yun has even taken the initiative to leave the Earth and Far Realm, so that he was beaten in vain!

Of course, he has to quickly report the matter to Di Zun.

As for what happened today, Wu Qiu completely stood on his own position and spoke out with added content.

He didn't say that his admission of defeat was deliberately cheating, but he really didn't want to fight Jiang Yun to the death, but Jiang Yun didn't give Di Zun face and took the opportunity to hurt himself.

But after Wu Qiu finished speaking, on the other side of the jade slip, Earth Zun was silent for a moment before he said, "Does he have any other power besides using the power of clone and death?"

Wu Qiu thought for a while and said, "He should also have the power of wood!"

In the end, Jiang Yun was able to make the plants in the valley grow rapidly and condense a wooden house. It was indeed the power of wood.

Di Zun said again: "I know, you can stay in the far realm with peace of mind, and let me know when he comes back!"

Seeing that Di Zun was about to end the communication, Wu Qiu hurriedly said, "Sir, then Ji Wang asked me to ask you what his origins are."

Di Zun was silent for a while and then said: "You don't need to know his origin. If you are worried about that medicine pill, then you don't have to."

"Since he didn't kill you at that time, he naturally won't kill you again, he just wants you to be obedient."

After speaking, Di Zun has disconnected the communication jade slip.

Wu Qiu was stunned there!

Although Di Zun didn't tell Jiang Yun's origin, how could Wu Qiu not hear it? Even Di Zun was not sure if the medicinal pill Jiang Yun let him take would be dangerous.

Wu Qiu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Wu Qiu would never have thought that what Jiang Yun had given him was indeed an extremely ordinary medicinal pill.

Because Jiang Yun is very clear, Wu Qiu has the imprint of the rules of the earth in his body, and he has no way to control him.

What kind of slave imprint, forcing the other party to swear, handing over a wisp of soul, etc., are all useless under the imprint of the rules of the Earth Venerable.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only scare him by relying on his identity as a monk outside the realm!

At this moment, Jiang Yun has left the far world and appeared in a barren world.

The entire world has not only been abandoned for a long time, and there is not the slightest amount of true energy, but the air is filled with a thick death energy, so naturally no monks will come and will not find the teleportation array hidden here.

There is also no sign of this world on the map given to Jiang Yun by the Earth Lord.

Jiang Yun walked out of the teleportation array, and his consciousness covered the whole world. After scanning it and making sure that there were no living beings, he gave the storage magic tool that the earth **** gave to himself and hid it in the ground near the teleportation array.

Jiang Yun suspected that all the things that Di Zun gave him might be able to track his location, so he naturally didn't dare to take it with him.

After burying the storage tool, Jiang Yun stopped staying, rose into the sky, and left this world.

Choosing a direction at random, Jiang Yun used his speed to the extreme and hurried away.

Under Jiang Yun's full-strength flight, it took two full days before he encountered a world inhabited by monks.

Jiang Yun entered it, wrote down the name and location of this world, took out a stone formation, and crushed it hard.

In short, when Jiang Yun was finally in the sea, he let out a long breath.

So far, he believes that it is unlikely that the Earth Venerable will monitor him anymore.

And this also means that his own road of revenge can finally really begin.

Naturally, the first place Jiang Yun chose to go was the Tibetan Peak opened by the second senior sister.

There are Shura, Ming Yuyang and Jiansheng!

Although Ming Yuyang is Jiang Yun's enemy, after two wars, Jiang Yun's heart has also identified with the other party.

In addition to Ji Kongfan and the third senior brother who are in a place outside the law, the six of them are really the last hope of the dream realm!

Of course, there is still a long, long way to find Dreamland, take revenge, and break the game.

"No matter how long the road is, it starts with a single step, starting with the first step!"

In the murmur, Jiang Yun raised his feet and walked towards the direction of Zangfeng!

At the same time, in the Di Zun domain, where Di Ya was originally, the figure of Di Zun appeared here.


He had just appeared, and there was already a loud shout, and there was a figure standing in front of him.

This is a beautiful woman, when she saw that the person in front of her was actually the Earth Zun, she was stunned for a moment, but soon returned to normal, she clenched her fists towards the Earth Zun and saluted, "I have seen Lord Earth Zun. "

The woman's attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, even if she recognizes Di Zun, she is not afraid.

Di Zun said with a kind smile on his face: "Miss Mei, these days, you've worked hard for you!"

This woman, who is called Miss Mei by the earth, is naturally one of the ten disciples of Tianzun!

In order to cover up the news of Diya's destruction, Tianzun did not hesitate to send five disciples to guard near Diya, not allowing anyone to approach.

When the Sea-Monster King came here, he was persuaded to leave.

The woman saluted Di Zun again and said, "The younger generation is also ordered by the tutor."

"Since Senior Earth Zun has returned safely, then our mission has been completed."

Di Zun smiled and nodded and said, "In the future, I will personally come to the door to thank you."

The woman stopped talking, and after straightening her body, she and her four colleagues left one after another.

Standing in the ruins of Di Ya, the smile on Di Zun's face gradually subsided.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said in a deep voice: "Tianzun, Renzun, I have good news to tell you!"

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