The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6624: my world, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Taigu Bu Ling's tone that was neither salty nor light made Liu Yingfan's face smile and said, "Senior Bu Ling, you are joking, but it's not funny at all."

"In this real world, are there people that Master and I can't afford to offend?"

"For this matter, I would like to thank the seniors, seniors should take good care of the wounds, and when the matter is completed, I will come back to thank the seniors!"

Liu Yingfan did not wait for Taigu Bu Ling's response at all, smiled and shook his head, turned and left.

Taigu Bu Ling stroked his chest, panted slightly, looked at Liu Yingfan's back, and said with a sneer on his face: "There is really no one you master and disciple can't afford to offend in Zhenyu, But what if, outside the realm!"

Primordial Divination, apart from divination, which is unmatched in the real world, he also has one of the biggest advantages, that is, he has lived long enough, so that he knows far more things than others.

Even if it is another immemorial spirit, if there is something they don't understand, they must come to him for advice.

For example, he vaguely knew about the existence of monks outside the territory.

Therefore, when the giant tortoise suddenly collapsed, making his divination technique unable to continue, Taikoo Divination had already guessed that the person Liu Yingfan asked him to help find was someone Tianji would not allow him to find.

All things in the universe are related to each other.

The technique of divination is to find out what you want to know and find the person you are looking for from this connection.

The so-called blindness of heaven, simply put, such a person, or his destiny is not in this world, and has nothing to do with all things, of course, he can't find each other.

Or, the fate of this person is already beyond the control and capture of heaven's secrets.

As for the people whose destiny is beyond the control of Tianji, Taigu Bu Ling has also encountered some, such as Sanzun and Jiang Yundu.

However, Taigu Bu Ling really didn't expect that the person Liu Yingfan was looking for would be Jiang Yun, and he didn't even think that in the real domain, there were people who could escape the control of heaven's secret.

Therefore, he speculates that there is a great possibility that this person is not a cultivator in the real realm, but comes from outside the realm.

Only a monk from outside the territory can be so valued by Heavenly Venerate!

Speaking of which, Taikoo Bu Ling suddenly laughed at himself, shook his head and said, "I still haven't cultivated my self-cultivation at home!"

"How come the older you get, the more temperament you have. What is there to be angry about when you are a little girl with her!"

"The anger hurts the body, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

He said that he was not angry, but Taikoo Bu Ling still couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Liu Yingfan's disappearance and said, "A person who is regarded as cannon fodder by his master, I really don't know where you got this madness!"

Shaking his head again, Taikoo Bu Ling withdrew his gaze and said, "Should I tell other people about this?"

The other people in the mouth of Taikoo Buling naturally refer to other Taikoo spirits.

After measuring for a long time, he gave up this plan.

"Since this non-territorial cultivator is the person Tianzun is looking for, then I'd better not say it out, lest I set myself on fire and ask for trouble!"

"However, I always feel that this world is going to be in chaos!"

"It's okay to be chaotic, the more chaotic, the more likely it is to break this game!"

"From now on, I'm still really in retreat and ignore the world!"

Just when Taigu Bu Ling said this, his body suddenly trembled slightly, the expression on his face instantly solidified, and his eyes became empty, as if he had been immobilized.

And then, a small spark lit up in his eyes again, making his frozen expression loosen again and return to normal.

From the outside, he didn't change in the slightest, but the aura emanating from him seemed to be a different person compared to before.

Taigu Buling blinked, and the sparks in his eyes disappeared.

He looked up at the southwest direction, and said to himself again: "During the battle outside the territory, I vaguely felt that an extraterritorial cultivator fell into me, but I couldn't find it."

"Now, you finally appeared!"

"However, your breath is too weak, I'm afraid, this is not your deity, but a clone of you!"

"Since the clones have appeared, the deity should be coming soon."

"No matter what you want to do, this is my world, and I won't allow you to spoil my plan!"

In the voice, Taigu Bu Ling slowly closed his eyes.

In the southwest of Taigubu's house, there is an island called Lanqing Island.

At this moment, Jiang Yun has come to this island!

Although Lanqing Island is indeed a force secretly cultivated by Yanji Pavilion, Jiang Yun speculates that since the last time the person who wanted to **** the Feng Beiling token, controlled An Caiyi, and together with the blood demon slaughter, captured Yuwen Lan Qing and Shen Lang set up a trap and threatened themselves to go.

As a result, after they were killed by the senior brother and the second senior sister, Yanji Pavilion should give up this Lanqing Island.

To a large extent, it will be a waste of time.

Sure enough, when Jiang Yun's divine sense swept across Lanqing Island, he immediately discovered that the Lanqing Building, which was once famous in this realm sea, had disappeared!

Yanji Pavilion not only gave up Lanqing Island, but also completely destroyed Lanqing Building, leaving no clues, making it impossible for people to find their whereabouts.

This result was expected by Jiang Yun, so he was not disappointed.

However, when he came to Lanqing Island this time, Jiang Yun also had another purpose, which was to find Yuwen Lanqing.

Last time, Yuwen Lanqing and Shen Lang were taken as hostages by the strong man in Yanji Pavilion. Although they were rescued with the help of the senior brother and the second senior sister, he handed them over to the second senior sister and let them The second sister helped to settle it.

However, after too many things happened, Jiang Yun did not go to ask the second sister, so Jiang Yun did not know the whereabouts and safety of the two.

Although the friendship between Jiang Yun and Yuwen Lanqing is not very deep, Yuwenji, the space emperor, in this battle between the dreamland and the three gods, has always stood firm in the dreamland from beginning to end. here.

A large part of the reason why Yuwenji is like this is because Jiang Yun told Yuwenji before the war that he had found his daughter, and Yuwen Lanqing was still living a good life!

Therefore, Jiang Yun must ensure that Yuwen Lanqing is still alive, so that when he sees Yuwenji again in the future, he can explain to Yuwenji.

Jiang Yun's consciousness swept across Lanqing Island again, but suddenly found an acquaintance.

On Lanqing Island, in addition to the Lanqing Building, there were also some shops opened by Taikoo forces, and a **** shop opened by Renzun!

The last time Jiang Yun came here, because he was calculated by Chang Tiankun, he fought with the big shopkeeper of this pawnshop and almost demolished the pawnshop.

At that time, in this pawnshop, a woman named Qiaoyan was in charge of receiving Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun just saw her now!

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun stepped forward to the pawnshop and walked in generously.

Although Jiang Yun's dress was a bit weird, and he still exuded a faint aura of indifference, the people in the pawnshop had seen all kinds of customers, so they didn't think there was anything wrong with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also directly took out an imperial artifact from Wu Qiu, took it as a pawn, and met Qiaoyan smoothly!

Of course, Qiaoyan couldn't recognize the person in front of her as Jiang Yun, and only regarded him as the person who came to **** the goods.

But just when she was about to bargain with Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun didn't talk nonsense with her at all, and started a soul search directly.

When Jiang Yun wanted to come, Qiaoyan actually had the task of monitoring Lanqinglou, so if Yuwen Lanqing and Shen Lang ever came back, she might have seen them, and maybe even knew their whereabouts.

Sure enough, in Jiang Yun's soul search, Jiang Yun not only saw Yuwen Lanqing and Shen Lang, but also found out that these two people went to the Human Respect Domain under the introduction of Qiaoyan!

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