The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6634: that's all, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Yes, come close!

Not to mention actually entering the human statue, now Jiang Yun just wants to get close to the human statue, which seems to be an impossible thing.

Entering the statue of Human Respect, of course, there is a teleportation array.

But the teleportation array requires strict identification.

Under Jiang Yun's inability to change his face, this method is absolutely unworkable.

Without the teleportation array, it can only pass through the area of ​​​​this 10,000 miles.

And the supreme coercion that is thousands of miles away, with Jiang Yun's current strength and the protection of the extrajudicial divine pattern, it is not difficult to walk past.

However, outside the Wanli area, there are a large number of monks who come to watch the statue of the human statue.

In the area of ​​10,000 miles, it is empty and there is nothing.

Suddenly there was another figure walking in the middle, which was like a bright light in the darkness, which was extremely conspicuous.

What's more, Jiang Yun didn't know, within this ten thousand li area, did Ren Zun have any other formation restrictions.

In fact, not only the statues of Human Reverence, but also the Heavenly Vault of Heaven and the Earth's End of Earth, the defenses are also extremely strict, and it is difficult for outsiders to approach.

Jiang Yun entered Di Ya, under the leadership of Yao Yuanzi, with the permission of Di Zun.

And Ji Kongfan and the others were able to enter the Territory, but the Earth Venerable's own strength was greatly damaged, and they were busy attacking the Dreamland.

The site that the Supreme has personally built for himself, even the three of them are reluctant to step in as their own, and it is impossible for outsiders to enter at will.

Jiang Yun pondered: "If there is only coercion, then I will use the power of darkness and space to completely hide in the gap between the boundaries, and I may approach slowly."

Jiang Yun wanted to ask Ji Kongfan again, but after thinking about it, if he couldn't even get in the statue, then what would he talk about the way to cultivate human dignity.

Therefore, he finally gave up this idea, no longer bothered Ji Kongfan, but chose to leave here and come to a lively world.

In this world, there is a teleportation array leading to a statue of a human being.

Jiang Yun came here, of course, not hoping to enter the statue of Ren Zun through the teleportation array, but to find a few emperors under Ren Zun, search their souls, inquire about the details, and then decide what to do.

Although the teleportation array is arranged in the center of the world, it is also the most prosperous place, but there are no other monks around except for two extreme emperors sitting there and guarding the teleportation array.

This is also normal.

If it wasn't for Ren Zun's summons, or if there was something big, no one would go to the Ren Zun statue on weekdays.

Jiang Yun circled around the teleportation array a few times, and after locking in a few monks under Ren Zun with his divine sense, he sat down in a restaurant and waited for the opportunity to search their souls.

"If there is really no way to sneak in quietly, then I can only take the initiative to reveal the identity of the monk outside the territory, and let the honorable person take me in."

This method is indeed feasible.

But Jiang Yun also knew that once he revealed his identity, even if everything went well and Ren Zun was willing to protect himself, it was absolutely impossible for him to tell him how he practiced.

Even if he wants to leave Ren Zun again, it is not easy.

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, Jiang Yun still hopes to enter the world unwittingly!

About half an hour passed, Jiang Yun had not waited for the right opportunity, but saw that the teleportation array suddenly lit up, and a gray-haired old man walked out of it.

Obviously, the old man was sent from the statue of a human being.

In response to the appearance of the old man, the two extreme emperors who were guarding the formation immediately stood up together with respectful expressions on their faces, clasped their fists at the old man and said, "I have seen Lord Shen!"

Looking at this old man, and hearing the name of the extreme emperor to him, Jiang Yun's eyes can't help but light up!

Because, this old man is the Taoist companion of Yuwen Lanqing that Jiang Yun went to Lanqing Island to find, Shen Lang!

From Qiaoyan's soul, Jiang Yun knew that the two of them went to Ren Zun, and guessed that the two might be valued by Ren Zun, but he really didn't expect to see Shen Lang here.

Moreover, it was not difficult to see that Shen Lang was able to emerge from the statue of Ren Zun, and the attitude of the two extreme emperors towards Shen Lang, that Shen Lang's status in Ren Zun was definitely not low.

Shen Lang nodded at the two extreme emperors, and walked towards the distance.

Looking at Shen Lang's back, Jiang Yun thought in his heart.

Do you want to talk to Shen Lang, show his true identity, and ask him if there is a way to get himself into the statue of human beings.

However, looking at Shen Lang's current appearance, it is obvious that he is doing well. In front of Ren Zun, he is probably better than Chang Tiankun's treatment.

Jiang Yun worried that his sudden appearance would disrupt his life again.

Seeing that Shen Lang's figure was about to walk out of his sight, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth, finally stood up and chased after him.

Although Jiang Yun knew that his arrival might affect Shen Lang, he had no other way now.

Moreover, even if Shen Lang had a good life under Ren Zun, it was only temporary.

Respectful temper, tyrannical combative, moody.

If possible, Jiang Yun still hopes that Shen Lang and Yuwen Lanqing can leave the Human Respect Domain!

And the premise of all this is that he can master the cultivation path of Ren Zun, and can erase the imprint of the rules of Ren Zun.

Shen Lang was walking on the street with big strides, when a strange voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Shen Lang, there is a friend named Jiang, do you remember?"

Hearing this sudden sound, Shen Lang just shrank his pupils slightly, he didn't even stop his footsteps, he still kept his original speed and continued to walk forward.

It was not until he came to a place where no one was there that Shen Lang suddenly stopped and turned around.

In front of him, stood Jiang Yun!

Although Jiang Yun wanted to let Shen Lang help him enter the statue of Human Reverence, he also had to make sure that Shen Lang was still willing to help him now.

Shen Lang looked at Jiang Yun with bright eyes, and after a while he said, "Where is he?"

Jiang Yun said lightly: "He is in other places, and he and I are also friends. Come to Renzun to do something here."

"Before coming, he told me that if I meet you, I can trust you!"

Shen Lang then asked, "How can I believe that you are his friend?"

"How does he know that I will be here?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "He has been to Lanqing Island to find the whereabouts of the two of you. From Qiaoyan, he knows that you have come to Ren Zunyu."

"As for making you believe me, all I can say is that your father-in-law has a great background!"

Yuwen Lanqing's name in Zhenyu is Zhao Zhiqing, and only Jiang Yun and Shen Lang know about her being Yuwenji's daughter.

Therefore, upon hearing Jiang Yun say this, Shen Lang can be sure that the person in front of him is indeed a good friend with Jiang Yun.

Otherwise, Jiang Yun would not be able to tell the other party such a big secret.

Shen Lang's expression was obviously relaxed, but he lowered his voice and said, "Is he okay?"

This time, Shen Lang's voice was obviously a little more concerned.

And this made Jiang Yun smile even more: "It's fine, it's great!"

"That's good, that's good!" Shen Lang let out a long breath again, showing a look of relief: "In this way, Zhiqing can finally feel at ease."

Back then, after Jiang Yun rescued the two from An Caiyi and Xue Yaorentu, the two no longer heard from Jiang Yun and were always concerned about Jiang Yun's safety.

Shen Lang looked around and said, "He's right, you can trust me, what do you need me to help you with?"

Jiang Yun said bluntly: "I want to enter the statue of Human Reverence!"

Shen Lang frowned and said, "That's all?"

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