The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6637: a big ball, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Looking at Jiang Yun who was motionless, just raised his head and stared at the top, ignoring himself at all, Yuwen Lanqing's expression was a bit complicated.

Although Yuwen Lanqing's strength is not strong, it can naturally be seen that Jiang Yun is in a state of enlightenment at this moment.

And this state is a good thing for any cultivator.

However, this is the human world, within the statues of human beings.

Jiang Yun, as a cultivator who sneaked in here, and who should have hatred with Ren Zun, just stood here and realized something. This kind of behavior is no different from courting death.

The key is that Jiang Yun is just courting death himself, and it will also implicate Yuwen Lanqing and Shen Lang.

Yuwen Lanqing wanted to wake up Jiang Yun, but she also knew how precious this state of enlightenment was to a monk.

If he wakes up Jiang Yun at this time and disturbs the other party's enlightenment, the consequences are likely to affect the other party's future cultivation path.

But if you don't wake up Jiang Yun, once a third person appears and sees this scene, then Jiang Yun will be finished.

Yuwen Lanqing turned around anxiously and looked around.

Fortunately, there are very few monks in the world, especially the second layer of the earth, which is almost used for transit, and few people come here on weekdays.

However, when the outside world enters the human world from the teleportation array, it will also appear here.

"Give him some time!"

Yuwen Lanqing gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Lang should be able to come over in a while, ask him how to deal with it!"

The kind-hearted Yuwen Lanqing did not have the heart to interrupt Jiang Yun's enlightenment after all, but chose to wait.

Looking at Jiang Yun, she kept praying in her heart, hoping that Jiang Yun could wake up quickly.

At the same time, the sixth floor of the human world.

Although there is a sky here, but everything that should be there is almost the same.

Rolling mountains, rushing rivers, towering buildings.

However, all of this is directly located in nothingness.

On the sixth to eighth floors of the human world, there is a lot of everything, but there is only no earth.

On the sixth floor, as the bottom layer in the sky, the number of monks living in it is the largest.

The seventh layer of the sky is where the three thousand slaves are, and the eighth layer of the sky is where the ten concubines live.

Except for them, almost all the people under Ren Zun who are qualified to enter the human world live on the sixth floor.

Therefore, there are also the most buildings on the sixth floor.

In addition, each monk has unique requirements for his own residence, which makes the styles of buildings here are also varied.

Among them, there was a very simple courtyard, and there were three people, it was Shen Lang with two monks.

The two cultivators looked up at the manor in front of them, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Here, is the residence of the domain?

Although everyone pursues different things, some people just don't care about external things such as food, clothing, housing, and transportation, but Shan Jiang is a domain child!

The whole person respects the domain, the existence under one person and above ten thousand people, even the ten concubines and the top three slaves are polite when they see the domain, the place where they live will be so ordinary!

Yuzi also represents the face of Human Respect and represents the entire Human Respect Domain.

Just like the three statues, there is almost no pursuit for the enjoyment of foreign objects, but the sky, the end of the earth, and the world that represent their identities must have!

As a domain child, the same is true. If you don't pursue foreign things, you should pay attention to your appearance, so that when outsiders come to visit, they can also feel more awe.

Shen Lang turned his head and glanced at the two monks, and knew what they were thinking at the moment.

Because when I first came, I was just like them.

Therefore, Shen Lang said with a smile: "You two, although Yuzi's residence looks ordinary, it contains deep meaning and is of great benefit to cultivation."

"This is not what I said, but what Yuzi told me."

"Of course, as for the deep meaning, I don't know."

"Anyway, it's been so long, I can't see it."

Shen Lang is a person with a forthright personality. Just now, because of Jiang Yun's presence, he was afraid that he would miss out if he talked too much, so he always kept silent.

Now that Jiang Yun is gone, he doesn't have these concerns anymore.

Naturally, the change in Shen Lang's attitude made these two monks feel close, and the real-level emperor said boldly: "Brother Shen, what is the meaning of this residence, Lord Yuzi, can you talk to us? talk."

"Or, if there is any special place, give us some pointers."

Shen Lang turned his head and glanced around and said, "Come on, you come in with me first!"

While speaking, Shen Lang had already pushed open the door and walked in.

Looking at Shen Lang's behavior, the two monks couldn't help but look at each other again.

It doesn't matter if the door is not locked, anyway, no one dares to enter without authorization, but there is not even a gatekeeper at this door, which is really unreasonable.

Could it be that all the people who come to visit Yuzi don't need to notify, just like Shen Lang, just push the door and enter?

With this full of doubts, the two monks followed behind Shen Lang and carefully stepped into the door.

Entering the gate, it is a spacious courtyard.

Generally speaking, in the courtyards of other mansions, there are rockery gardens and the like, but in this courtyard, there is a big round ball!

In the whole big ball, one person came to the top, and it was still slowly turning.

The sphere is dominated by blue, but there are various other colors, as well as some lines, which outline some patterns without any rules.

It looked like someone was holding up all kinds of paint and pouring it on the big ball at will, in an extremely chaotic manner.

Shen Lang, who entered the first two steps, was standing next to the big ball at this moment, staring at the big ball.

The two monks carefully walked to the edge of the big ball and asked, "Brother Shen, what is this?"

Shen Lang sighed and said, "I don't know what this is, but Lord Yuzi likes to stand here and watch this big ball. It takes a long time to see it."

"We also asked Mr. Yuzi, and he always laughed without saying a word."

"Once he was in a good mood, he just told us something."

"He said he would congratulate us if we could one day understand what this thing really means."

Shen Lang's explanation, it is better not to explain, let the two monks who were confused, even more confused.

The two of them stopped asking questions, and both hurriedly fixed their eyes on the big ball and looked at it seriously.

Shen Lang didn't rush them, let alone them, even when he was fine, he would stare at this big ball for a long time.

However, after about a quarter of an hour, a slight footstep sound came from far and near.

Hearing the footsteps, Shen Lang hurriedly whispered to the two monks: "Lord Yuzi is here."

The two monks hurriedly looked away from the big ball, looked in the direction of the footsteps, and saw a young man standing in front of them.

This man looks quite delicate, especially with a round face, which makes people feel very kind at first glance.

Naturally, he is the son of human respect, Shan Jiang!

Shen Lang hurriedly stepped forward to salute, but Shan Jiang ignored it.

His eyes looked outside, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said to himself, "Someone is comprehending..."

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