The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6641: you are not him, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun's pupils condensed slightly untraceable!

He always thought that when he came to Ren Zunyu this time, good luck always accompanied him, and everything went very smoothly.

But at this moment, after listening to Shan Jiang's words, he realized that it was not because he was lucky at all, but because Shan Jiang was secretly controlling it behind his back.

Apart from the fact that it was a coincidence that he met Shen Lang, Shan Jiang had already known about it since he stepped into this world.

Jiang Yun also remembered that Shen Lang said that when he first stepped into the world, Shan Jiang suddenly disappeared for a while.

Thinking about it, Shan Jiang should have sensed the breath released by his own enlightenment!

After thinking about all this, Jiang Yun looked at Shan Jiang and said, "Why?"

This is indeed a problem that Jiang Yun can't figure out.

Although he has the identity of a corpse, Ren Zun has pointed out that he is a monk from outside the territory, and sent people to find him.

As a Yuzi, after knowing that he has entered the world, even if he doesn't catch himself, he shouldn't help himself secretly and provide himself with so much convenience.

Perhaps, Shan Jiang wanted to win over himself, have a good relationship with him, and give himself some benefits.

But that won't let you enter this library!

Jiang Yun has already read all the books included here.

Although he did not meet his expectations, he had benefited a lot, and he knew the value of this library.

When Shan Jiang gave such a big gift without knowing anything about a stranger, he couldn't justify it either.

Facing Jiang Yun's question, Shan Jiang still smiled and said, "I just want to see how it will help you in your practice after reading the books included here."

Jiang Yun frowned slightly and said, "That said, you let me enter the library hall just to fulfill me on purpose."

"It can't be said to be perfect!" Shan Jiang pointed his finger around and said: "The books included here, even including the cultivation insights of Ren Zun, seem to be precious, but in fact, it is just like that."

"You also said just now that even if you learn all the magical powers here, you are nothing more than pure physical cultivation, and it is almost impossible to become a supreme. I agree with this very much."

"Because Renzun doesn't have it at all, and it's impossible to put his real cultivation techniques and insights here for others to read."

"Everything here, compared to the real practice of Ren Zun, is nothing but fur."

In fact, Jiang Yun also knew, how could Ren Zun be so generous, and put the key to his own achievement in the library hall.

It's just that Jiang Yun didn't expect that these words would come out of this Yuzi's mouth.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also noticed that Shan Jiang's name for Ren Zun was Ren Zun. He didn't add the word "adult" or "Master", just like he was talking about an ordinary person.

Yu Zi is the disciple of the Supreme Being, and from Yuwen Lanqing, Jiang Yun also heard that Ren Zun treats Shan Jiang so well that people suspect that Shan Jiang is Ren Zun's illegitimate child.

But Shan Jiang showed no respect or gratitude to people.

However, Shan Jiang is unique in buying people's hearts.

He is purely generosity, and becomes his own beauty.

However, this is a matter between Shan Jiang and Ren Zun, Jiang Yun wished that their master and apprentice could turn against each other.

Jiang Yun didn't ask anymore, stood up and said, "Now that you're here, shouldn't it be time to do something?"

Shan Jiang smiled and nodded and said, "I can't talk about hands-on, but I really want to learn from you."

It is good to learn from each other, or to do it, but the words are different.

Jiang Yun took a deep look at the other party, and the cultivation realm that the other party showed at the moment was only the real emperor.

Ji Kongfan also said that Shan Jiang is indeed the true emperor.

With Jiang Yun's current strength, there is no problem in dealing with the real emperor, so he said indifferently: "Here, or another place?"

Shan Jiang glanced around and said, "Although it's fine here, but go to my place!"

"Don't worry, my place is not Longtan Tiger's Den, and there are no traps in ambush. I just want to learn from you, and there is no malicious intent."

Shan Jiang deliberately increased his tone on the word "discussion", obviously emphasizing.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "The guest is as the host, you are the host, you have the final say."

Jiang Yun naturally wouldn't believe Shan Jiang's words.

However, in this book collection hall, he did not achieve his purpose, Jiang Yun has also considered it, that is to take the initiative to find the human beings and instigate the relationship between the other party and the gods.

By the way, let's see if I can get his true cultivation method from Tianzun and help him break through the realm.

In this way, not to mention going to Shan Jiang's place, even if he went directly to the ninth floor to see Ren Zun, Jiang Yun would have no objection.

Shan Jiang nodded and said, "Okay, let's use the formation stone!"

After he finished speaking, there was an extra stone in Shan Jiang's hand, and after obtaining Jiang Yun's consent, he crushed it hard.

Under the package that transmits light, Jiang Yun seems to be calm, but in fact, he is already ready to go.

Even though he has made plans to confess to others, he still has to guard against where this Shan Jiang will take him.

With the disappearance of the teleportation light, Jiang Yun's eyes flashed, and he was already standing in front of an extremely ordinary manor.

Shan Jiang stretched out his hand and pointed at Zhuangyuan: "This is my residence, please!"

Of course, Jiang Yun didn't relax his guard because the mansion was too ordinary, nodded, followed behind Shan Jiang, and stepped into the gate.

Naturally, as soon as he entered the gate, Jiang Yun saw the big ball that was slowly spinning.

Looking at the big ball, Jiang Yun stopped involuntarily and stared at the big ball.

Because, from above the big ball, Jiang Yun felt a breath of air!

Shan Jiang was not surprised that Jiang Yun stopped to look at the big ball. Instead, he also stopped and watched the big ball with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's consciousness has poured into the big ball unscrupulously.

And the next moment, his complexion also changed suddenly, and he hurriedly closed his eyes.

At this time, Shan Jiang's voice also sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "You should know what this is, right?"

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, turned to look at Shan Jiang, and said word by word, "Is it a world?"

This answer made Shan Jiang frown slightly, and suddenly took a step back, looked up and down at Jiang Yun before nodding and said, "Yes, it is a world!"

"However, have you never seen a world like this before?"

Jiang Yun didn't understand what Shan Jiang was frowning, so he shook his head and said, "This is the first time I've seen such a world."

Jiang Yun has been to too many places and seen all kinds of worlds.

But all the worlds he had seen were irregular shapes, never such a sphere.

Only the dream realm that was condensed by the nightmare beast before is spherical, but the dream realm is a realm that contains countless worlds.

The sphere in front of him is just a world.

Shan Jiang continued: "Actually, the world in this big ball cannot be seen by ordinary monks' consciousness."

"You can see, I'm not surprised."

"However, you said that you have never seen such a world, which surprised me a bit."

Speaking of which, Shan Jiang looked at Jiang Yun, but a cold light suddenly flashed in his always calm eyes, and said lightly: "Did your memory not recover, or, you, not him?"

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