The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6674: I took it, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The seal of oblivion, although it can be seen with the naked eye, is not a real object, it is just a seal.

Logically speaking, they should have submerged into Jiang Yun's body and soul to make Jiang Yun forget part of his memory.

However, because the number of Forgotten Seals at the moment is too many, the speed of their appearance cannot match the speed of disappearance.

Therefore, it can be clearly seen that a large number of Forgotten Seals, like dense snowflakes, completely submerged Jiang Yun's body in an instant before they dissipated in time.

There are still more Forgotten Seals to come, and the piles are higher and higher, which is equivalent to forming a hill of Forgotten Seals based on Jiang Yun's body.

In this world, there are more than ten thousand senses, all of which are concentrated on Jiang Yun, wanting to see what is Jiang Yun's condition under the cover of the seal of oblivion.

Especially in the city in the middle, there was a smug voice from Pavilion Master Yanji: "Jiang Yun, I knew you would come again, so I specially prepared a few big gifts for you. ."

"This is the first big gift, the seal of oblivion, I hope you can enjoy it!"

Jiang Yun naturally did not give any response.

Pavilion Master Yanji didn't speak anymore. Her consciousness was not only watching where Jiang Yun was, but also constantly sweeping across the sky.

Because above the sky, there is a huge seal like a mountain, floating there.

And all the seals of forgetting come from this seal.

As Pavilion Master Yanji said, in order to kill Jiang Yun, she has indeed prepared several different means, waiting for Jiang Yun to come again.

Although the last time Jiang Yun came, the seal of oblivion released by nearly 100,000 monks in a city did not interfere with Jiang Yun, and almost had no effect on Jiang Yun.

But this seal is a magic weapon refined by Pavilion Master Yanji himself.

As a magic weapon, the level of the seal is not high.

However, the function of the seal is extremely powerful, that is, it can collect and store the forgotten seal, and then release it at one time.

The seal of oblivion is not generated by the world itself, but requires a monk to condense it with the power of oblivion.

When the pavilion master said that he was fine, he would continue to condense the seal of forgetting.

Some are used to control other monks, and some will be placed in this seal for emergencies.

Countless years have passed since she mastered the Seal of Oblivion.

It is conceivable that the number of Forgotten Seals contained in this seal has reached an astonishing level.

Pavilion Master Yanji took the seal of oblivion as his first gift, not to make Jiang Yun forget any memories, but to have Jiang Yun be absent for a short time!

She believed that with such a terrifying number of Forgotten Seals accumulated in Jiang Yun's soul, no matter what kind of reliance Jiang Yun had, he should not be able to continue to stay awake.

That way, her second big gift will be sent out immediately.

After a full quarter of an hour, the seal of oblivion no longer flew out of the seal.

And the seals of oblivion that had been flying out before they had time to dissipate, gradually began to become illusory and disappeared quickly.

Naturally, the tens of thousands of divine senses that were paying attention to Jiang Yun were also more focused on the hill of the Forgotten Seal.

However, when all the seals of oblivion disappeared, they did not see Jiang Yun, who should have been submerged in it, but a flower first.

A four-petaled flower!

This flower is also not a real thing, but a condensed light of four colors, and it is almost ten feet high, and the four petals are closed.

Through the closed petals of light, all the divine senses saw Jiang Yun who was inside with his eyes closed, and also saw the four colors of light that made up the petals, which came from Jiang Yun's eyebrows. !

Jiang Yun's eyebrows were emitting four rays of light continuously, turning into four petals with a height of four feet, completely covering his body.

Just when all the consciousness finally saw Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, who had always closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

Jiang Yun's eyes turned to the direction of Pavilion Master Yanji, and he said coldly, "I accept this first gift!"

Since Jiang Yun dared to step into the base camp of the Yanji Pavilion for the second time, he even guessed that the owner of the Yanji Pavilion had already set up a net, so how could he be unprepared.

Although he did not expect that Pavilion Master Yanji would use the mark of forgetting to deal with him, he still revealed the mark of the ancients on his eyebrows.

Therefore, when he saw the imprint of oblivion in the sky, he immediately activated the imprint of the ancients without hesitation, formed the flower of ancient times, and protected himself.

In the eyes of others, it may be a flower, but in fact, it is Jiang Yun's powerful ancient four veins, supporting the existence of the flower.

And no matter how many seals of oblivion there are, there is no protection that can break through the ancient flower, so Jiang Yun is not affected at all.

Jiang Yun's consciousness also instantly covered the entire world. Seeing that the 700,000 or 800,000 monks in this world did not gather together, they were still scattered among the six cities.

However, in the city in the center, there are many buildings that have a strong aura emanating from them.

These breaths, at least all originate from the great monks, together, there are as many as ten thousand ways.

Obviously, among these buildings, there are 10,000 Great Emperor-level monks hidden.

And Jiang Yun remembered very clearly that when he came here last time, there were not so many great emperors at all.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yun understood that these ten thousand great emperors should be like An Caiyi and Yuwen Lanqing, who are scattered in the sea of ​​​​the realm, and even the powerhouses in the Yanji Pavilion in the entire real domain.

In order to deal with him, Pavilion Master Yanji summoned them all over the past few days!

After seeing the general situation here, Jiang Yun then said, "George Yanji, you and I have no grudges at all, and I never thought to seize this Pavilion."

"Instead, you, in order to steal Brother Feng's token, did not hesitate to shoot at me several times."

"However, for the sake of Brother Feng, I am willing to give you one last chance!"

"As long as you stop now, I can forgive what happened in the past and everything you did."

"Even if I say this as the pavilion master, you can still be the one!"

It's not that Jiang Yun didn't want to kill Pavilion Master Yanji, but before killing, he had to figure out the relationship between Pavilion Master Yanji and Feng Beiling.

Feng Beiling erased the memories of everyone in Zhenyu, except for the memory of the Pavilion Master Yanji.

This kind of practice, or he really trusts Pavilion Master Yanji.

Or, what is the relationship between Pavilion Master Yanji and Feng Beiling.

Even Jiang Yun thought about the possibility that the pavilion master of Yanji could be the descendant of Feng Beiling!

Now that Feng Beiling has died in the battle for Mengyu, if the pavilion master of Yanji is really a descendant of Feng Beiling, then even if the other party wants to kill Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun will at least save her life.

Therefore, even at this time, Jiang Yun was still willing to give Pavilion Master Yanji a chance.

It's a pity that the one who responded to Jiang Yun was the angry voice of Pavilion Master Yanji: "You fart, what token, what brother Feng!"

"This Yanji Pavilion was originally created by me!"

"It was you who learned of the existence of Yanji Pavilion from nowhere, and coveted Yanji Pavilion, so you wanted to kill me and take Yanji Pavilion as your own."

"It's obvious that you want to rob Yanji Pavilion, but you still say it so righteously."

"Tell you, even if I die, you can't take Yanji Pavilion away!"

Every time Pavilion Master Yanji said a word, the chill in Jiang Yun's eyes increased by one point.

After the voice of Pavilion Master Yanji fell, the chill in Jiang Yun's eyes was enough to freeze the air.

This statement to the pavilion master is not only inverting black and white, but also a little crazy in spirit.

"Jiang Yun, I was right, I can't refute it."

"Today, you will surely die here."

"Now, enjoy my second gift to you!"


Except for the ten thousand great emperors who were hiding, all the monks in this world had runes rising into the sky, forming a complete array in an instant, replacing the sky!

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