The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6681: out of place, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, Jiang Yun's deity had already arrived in front of a small building.

This is where Pavilion Master Yanji hides.

Jiang Yun even raised his hand, ready to destroy the small building and force the other party to show up.

However, as soon as the other party's words fell, Jiang Yun suddenly felt a huge force, rushing towards him from the small building.

This force is really too powerful, not only did Jiang Yun's raised palm unable to continue to fall, but even his body was driven by this force, and he involuntarily took a step backwards.

Jiang Yun is not difficult to distinguish, this power is not actively attacking himself, more like this small building, there is some kind of defensive magic weapon hidden in this small building, which emits power on its own, preventing everyone from getting close to power.

And this power, Jiang Yun can not be regarded as ignorant.

Because he has been trying to use his divine sense to see clearly the Pavilion Master Yanji hiding in the small building.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could only know that Pavilion Master Yanji was hiding in the small building, and he couldn't see the other side clearly, because he was blocked by this power.

Jiang Yun didn't care about it at first, thinking that it was just a magic weapon used by Pavilion Master Yanji to cover up his appearance.

But now he finally understands that this power should be the last reliance of Pavilion Master Yanji, and the last big gift she prepared for him.

Jiang Yun also made a decisive decision, and suddenly emptied his palm.

Just saw the seven or eight hundred thousand unconscious monks, and suddenly there were golden light spots flying out one by one.

Including the golden figure who was always standing in front of An Caiyi, they all rushed towards Jiang Yun at the fastest speed.

Jiang Yun took back all of his divided souls!

Seeing this scene, everyone can naturally understand that it is obvious that Jiang Yun is afraid of the last gift from the Pavilion Master Yanji, so he must maintain a complete state.

But at the same time, it also made them realize that Jiang Yun, who had been one to four before, had not used all his strength!

Especially the fat old man who is the protector of the earth, his face changed greatly at this moment, and he suddenly took a step back and opened the distance between Jiang Yun and Jiang Yun.

Glancing at the small building in the distance, he gritted his teeth and said anxiously to Jiang Yun: "There is always an unknown expert behind the pavilion master."

"Now she's asking this expert to deal with you, so let's go!"

Jiang Yun's heart moved, and there was indeed an expert behind the Pavilion Master Yanji!

It's just, listening to the meaning of the fat old man's words, it seems that he doesn't know who the master is, but it shouldn't be the three!

With the identity and strength of the three, if you really support Pavilion Master Yanji, there is no need to be so secretive.

For a while, it was impossible for Jiang Yun to speculate the identity of this expert.

After all, in the real world, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, there may be some strong people who do not want to reveal their identities.

However, no matter who this expert is, Jiang Yun will not leave at this time.

At the same time, the two guardians of heaven and man, like the fat old man's choice, stepped back together and no longer fought with Jiang Yun's avatar.

Jiang Yun's three incarnations, after looking at the three of them, also shook their bodies and returned to Jiang Yun's body.

In fact, there is no difference at all whether they can return to Jiang Yun's body, and they will soon dissipate on their own.

But Jiang Yun asked them to come back in order to prevent others from discovering this secret, and to make them think that these three incarnations of themselves could appear anytime and anywhere, thus creating a certain shock.

Suddenly, the Heavenly Protector also spoke to Jiang Yun: "Jiang Yun, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

When he said these words, Tian Hufa couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, and there was a slight panting in his voice.

It can be seen that at this moment, she is really very excited.

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he stared at the small building in front of him, he still responded to the Heavenly Protector with a sound transmission: "What are you going to bet with me?"

The Guardian of Heaven said with a smile: "I bet you can accept this last big gift."

"I bet you can't take it!"

Jiang Yun said lightly: "I win, what will be the benefit?"

The Guardian of Heaven's eyes lit up and said, "If you win, as long as you are willing to accept me, from now on, I will willingly work for you."

"If you lose the bet, you must teach me the supernatural powers of the three avatars you just had!"

Jiang Yun can also see that these three guardians are not willing to sacrifice their lives for Pavilion Master Yanji.

Either they have some kind of handle and are caught in the hands of Pavilion Master Yanji.

Or, they are still afraid of Pavilion Master Yanji.

For example, the expert behind the Pavilion Master Yanji made them not dare to betray.

It would be a good thing for me if I could deal with this master and recover the three guardians without bloodshed.

Even, he can let the three of them help to take charge of the Yanji Pavilion.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded lightly and said, "Okay, bet!"

Just as Jiang Yun's voice fell, he suddenly felt that there was some kind of rule power that descended from the sky and landed on himself and the guardian of the heavens.

This power did not cause any harm to Jiang Yun, but gave Jiang Yun a clear feeling in his mind that the bet between himself and the Guardian of Heaven had actually gained some kind of recognition!

This is a bit like being in the Dao domain, making a Dao oath and being supervised by the Dao!

This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but glance at the Heavenly Protector.

This guardian is not only powerful, but also has some special rules!

Just after the bet between Jiang Yun and the Guardian of Heaven was established, a loud bang suddenly came from everyone's ears!

The sound came from the small building where Pavilion Master Yanji was hiding!

This small building suddenly collapsed.

No, it's a bit inappropriate to say that it collapsed. It should be said that it disappeared out of thin air, without the slightest drop of bricks and gravel, as if this small building did not exist at all.

This situation can only be caused by the power that appears inside the small building, which is so powerful that it directly shakes the small building into nothingness.

Without the small building, Pavilion Master Yanji, who was hiding in it, naturally appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, Pavilion Master Yanji was kneeling on the ground, his head firmly against the ground, his palms facing upwards, and placed flat in front of his head.

In her hands, she held a blood-red token.

Above her, there is a slap-sized vortex!

It is not difficult to see that Pavilion Master Yanji is bowing to this whirlpool.

Moreover, in a very religious attitude!

Although the image of Pavilion Master Yanji is really too weird, it greatly exceeds everyone's expectations.

But everyone's eyes just swept across her body and focused on the vortex.

Especially Jiang Yun!

He was the closest to the whirlpool, so he could clearly feel that the force that pushed him back a step earlier came from this whirlpool.

Although this force is also getting stronger, this time, Jiang Yun's body is as majestic as a mountain, standing there, motionless.

Even the expression on his face did not change in the slightest, as if he was an outsider, watching and waiting for what would appear in the whirlpool.

Not far away, the fat old man looked at Jiang Yun who was obviously not going to leave, frowned slightly, and said again, "If you don't leave, there will be no chance!"

Jiang Yun finally responded to the fat old man's repeated reminders, "I'm leaving, so I really have no chance!"

The fat old man continued: "You leave now, and I will help you persuade the pavilion master to surrender..."

Before the fat old man could finish speaking, the whirlpool that was only the size of a slap suddenly swelled up and became about thirty feet.

Then, from the vortex, there were countless light spots, rushing out.

Looking at these light spots, Jiang Yun's always calm complexion finally changed for the first time, showing a look of shock.

Because, from these light spots, Jiang Yun felt a sense of incompatibility!

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