The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6702: new space, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The words Qin Bufan suddenly said were beyond Jiang Yun's expectations again.

Just now, Jiang Yun was thinking that the other party also regarded most of the creatures as ants, and didn't care about the safety of the Feng Nianhua that he spent a lot of effort to cultivate.

However, at this moment, when he was about to end the interrogation, such a sentence suddenly appeared, clearly interceding for Feng Nianhua!

Jiang Yun smiled lightly: "For you, Feng Nianhua is just a tool, a puppet."

"When you left, you left extremely decisively. Why are you thinking of interceding for her now?"

"What's more, don't you think it's too late for you to beg for mercy!"

"It's not too late!" Qin Bufan said simply: "I said, you are a smart person."

"No matter how much hatred you have with her, since you want to control Yanji Pavilion, it is impossible to kill her in a short time."

"The memory in her soul is related to all the secrets of Yanji Pavilion."

"If you don't figure out these secrets, you will lose a lot."

After a pause, Qin Bufan continued: "As for the beginning, I didn't want to abandon her."

"After all, at that time, I was not your opponent, and I was worried that I would attract those thugs. It was impossible for me to protect myself, and how could I take care of her."

"Anyway, I'm sure you won't kill her so quickly, so there's nothing wrong with leaving her behind."

Jiang Yun was silent for a moment and then said, "You are so anxious to contact me, but you are actually worried that it will take too long, and I will kill her!"

"Haha!" Qin Bufan laughed twice: "If you want to think so, you can."

Jiang Yun said solemnly, "I didn't kill her, but she will never be free again in this life."

Qin Bufan continued to smile and said, "This result is not bad for her."

"Compared to her irresponsible master, I seem to be more competent."

"Okay, just wait for my news, I will contact you as soon as possible."

"If you have anything and want to take the initiative to contact me, you just need to use your blood to drip into the order of stars."

"Fengnianhua's strength is not enough, and you need to fill the Star Order with blood. For you, a few drops of blood should be enough."

"Okay, I say goodbye!"

Only then did Jiang Yun know that this jade token was called the Star Order.

However, Jiang Yun didn't care about Xingchenling, but thought of another thing.

Since Qin Bufan knows the existence of Feng Beiling, is it possible that he also knows about the two tablets.

Is it even possible for him to recognize the rune on the tablet without a name, what does it mean?

"Wait!" Jiang Yun hurriedly said, "I still have something to ask."

Qin Bufan said, "What's the matter? Say it!"

Jiang Yun asked, "Do you know about the two tablets enshrined in Feng Nianhua?"

"I know!" Qin Bufan said without hesitation: "One tablet is dedicated to her incompetent master, and the other tablet is blank, what's wrong?"

The other party really knew!

Jiang Yun asked: "The blank tablet is not actually blank, but has some runes, which look like some kind of decorative pattern, but I think it is very likely to be an ancient text."

"I wonder if you know what those runes mean."

"Runes?" Qin Bufan pondered: "Feng Nianhua mentioned two tablets to me, and didn't say that there were any runes on the tablets."

"If, as you said, the runes represent some kind of ancient script, then maybe I can really recognize them."

"It's just that I can't see those runes!"

Jiang Yun was also in trouble. He originally thought that Qin Bufan knew the meaning of the runes on the token, but he didn't expect the other party to not know.

Now that he is only communicating with the other party by voice, he can describe the shape of the rune.

But even if you describe it clearly, the possibility of misunderstanding the other party is still very high when the other party cannot see it.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only say helplessly: "I'm not in a hurry anyway, when you come back to me, I'll show you those runes!"

"Okay, then you probably have to wait a long time."

After saying this, Qin Bufan's voice has disappeared, and there is no more light on that side of the order.

Jiang Yun also put away the order of the stars, this time the contact with Qin Bufan at least confirmed the cooperation between the two.

Especially when there is a way to make Jiang Yun merge into his clone, the harvest is still not small for him.

Turning his head again to take a look at the residence of this spirit, Jiang Yun silently clasped his fists and bowed, and finally turned and left.

Next, Jiang Yun did not delay any longer, crushed the stone array directly, and turned back to the hidden peak space.

But when he was in the hidden peak space, he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the world that was presented in front of him, which was already countless times larger.

The space that Situ Jing had opened up originally had only one Tibetan peak, and the area was not large.

However, now, the area of ​​this space has been expanded thousands of times.

Looking around, there is no end in sight.

Nature, mountains, rivers, oceans and other various environments are now available here, especially the various buildings that make this place a completely new space.

"came back!"

Shura's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "How about it, the transformation here is okay!"

Jiang Yun turned to look at Shura who appeared beside him and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Shura stared at Jiang Yun and said, "I heard Feng Nianyi say that you are in an emergency and separated from him."

"What is it that makes you forget to change your appearance?"

Shura knew Jiang Yun too well.

At other times, when Jiang Yun encounters anything, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to say it, Shura will not deliberately ask.

But at this moment, when he saw that Jiang Yun was still maintaining his original appearance, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

After all, Jiang Yun's mind is also very meticulous.

They discussed it before. In the Yanji Pavilion, Jiang Yun wanted to appear in the appearance of the corpse, so that all the Yanji Pavilion masters thought that their Pavilion Master was the corpse.

And Jiang Yun even forgot about such an important thing, so he kept his original face and came back, indicating that Jiang Yun must have encountered something major and was uneasy.

In the face of Shura, Jiang Yun naturally didn't need to hide it. First, he returned to the appearance of a corpse, and then he told the story of the death of the spirit.

After listening to it, Shura was also taken aback. He didn't expect that even the ancient spirits were killed.

However, there is almost no friendship between him and the ancient spirit, and apart from being shocked, there is naturally no sadness.

After sighing for a few words, Shura immediately changed the subject and pointed to the new world in front of him and said, "The problems you were worried about before have basically been solved."

"Except for the three guardians, the memories of the other monks have been changed."

"In their memories, the new Pavilion Master Yanji is what you are now."

"Those ten thousand great emperors, I have let them leave first and turn back to their respective forces."

"As for the remaining monks, their sanity has also recovered."

"Although many of them are unwilling to stay, I have not let them leave for the time being."

"Because, I don't think the rune in their bodies can be erased."

"The array map composed of runes should be of great use. We can also use it when necessary."

"Also, Feng Nianyi has also taken the initiative to hand over the secrets, wealth, etc. that Yanji Pavilion has collected over the years, and put them in An Caiyi's place."

"Now, the only thing missing is the name of Yanji Pavilion. It's better for you, the pavilion master, to decide."

"In short, we have taken the first step in the real domain, and we have stepped on it very steadily."

"Next, what are you going to do?"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun said softly: "Crack the imprint of the rules of the three!"

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