The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6704: star formation, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Can the array map compete with the Supreme?" Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up: "Did he really say that?"

"Yes!" An Caiyi nodded and said, "Feng Hufa has been staying with him these days to sort out the memory of the array."

"I went to see!"

After leaving these words, Jiang Yun's figure disappeared from An Caiyi's face.

And looking at the empty front, An Caiyi's face showed a wry smile.

After hesitating for a while, she stood up and also went to Feng Nianyi's residence.

"Old Feng!" Jiang Yun didn't even bother to knock on the door, and had already appeared directly in front of Feng Nianyi.

Feng Nianyi really didn't know that Jiang Yun was back, so he was taken aback and stood up in a hurry, just about to speak, but Jiang Yun had already opened his mouth and said: "Feng Lao, you say, that map can compete with Supreme?"

Feng Nianyi nodded, reached out and took out a piece of jade slip, and handed it to Jiang Yundao: "Because my senior sister's qualifications are not good, that person did not teach my senior sister the array diagram at one time, but a total of points before and after. Eighteen times."

"I have sorted out all the memories of the eighteen times, you can take a look first."

An array is divided into eighteen teachings. Jiang Yun does not think that Feng Nianhua's aptitude is not good, but it should be that the array is too complicated.

Jiang Yun couldn't wait to reach out and took the jade slip handed over by Feng Nianyi, and his consciousness penetrated into it.

Before Jiang Yun was still thinking, among himself and others, there must be a person who has the strength to compete with the Supreme, in order to make Yanji Pavilion rise.

Unexpectedly, now there is a pattern that can compete with the Supreme!

This is, of course, great news for him.

As for whether Feng Nianyi deliberately exaggerated the power of the array, Jiang Yun didn't think so.

After all, that pattern was not from Feng Nianhua, but from Qin Bufan!

Qin Bufan is a cultivator from outside the realm, and even the ancient array spirits are full of praise for the array diagram he laid out, how can it be ordinary.

Jiang Yun speculates that the reason why Qin Bufan taught Feng Nianhua this map at the beginning should also be to let Yanji Pavilion have the capital to compete with the three.

Not to mention letting Yanji Pavilion appear in the real world to dominate the real world, but at least make sure that if someone in the three finds the base camp of Yanji Pavilion, Feng Nianhua can use the power of the array to protect it.

However, Jiang Yun, who is also proficient in the formation, also knows that the strength of the formation has many limitations. It should not be so simple to make this formation have the power of the supreme.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to take the Yanji Pavilion's territory as his own.

Feng Nianhua is obviously unable to exert the full strength of the formation map.

Among the jade slips, Jiang Yun saw Feng Nianhua when he was young, and sat there respectfully, with Qin Bufan standing in front of him.

However, this Qin Bufan is different from Qin Bufan who worked with Jiang Yun before. It is not an entity, but is composed of rays of light, which is extremely illusory.

In Jiang Yun's view, the other party shouldn't even be considered a clone, it's just similar to a divine sense, and the purpose is naturally to facilitate the guidance of the Feng Nianhua array.

After all, with so many complicated patterns, Feng Nianhua would not be able to remember them by just talking about them.

However, what happened next made Jiang Yun's eyes widen, realizing that his speculation was fundamentally wrong.

I saw Qin Bufan said to Feng Nianhua, "I'll teach you a set of formations, called Star Mark Formation."

"According to your words, it's called an array."

"In our place, there are also formations, which are different from yours. The star mark formation I taught you is composed of star patterns, and you can use them as formation patterns."

"Because you don't have star patterns here, you need to use yourself as a container to warmly nourish these star patterns."

"This star pattern is too complicated, this time, I will give you one first."

"You can't use the star pattern yet. It takes a period of time to warm up and split the star pattern into countless paths."

"As for how many paths it can be divided into in total, it depends on how warm you are to the star pattern."

While speaking, Qin Bufan's body suddenly turned into a ray of light, submerging into Feng Nianhua's body!

Seeing this, Jiang Yun then understood that Qin Bufan used a so-called star pattern, condensed into his own appearance, entered this world, and gave it to Feng Nianhua.

Divided into eighteen times, that is to say, there are eighteen star patterns in total.

Eighteen star patterns, after being warmed, can be split into countless paths.

Jiang Yun didn't know the specific upper limit, but in Feng Nianhua, the number of star patterns had reached seven or eight million.

The next seventeen paragraphs of memory are mostly the same.

Every time, Qin Bufan will turn a star pattern into his own appearance and appear in front of Feng Nianhua.

After Jiang Yun carefully read all the eighteen paragraphs of memory, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The so-called star pattern that Qin Bufan taught Feng Nianhua can be regarded as a magic weapon.

Although it does have the power to compete with the Supreme, the precondition is that all the star patterns require at least 18 strong people of the pseudo-exaltation level to spend ten years to warm up the pattern with themselves.

Moreover, the power of the warm-raised star pattern is one-off, and after it is used up, it needs to continue to be warmed.

Apart from the pseudo-respect, the real-level emperor can also warm up the formation pattern, but in terms of number, it needs to be increased tenfold.

If it was Emperor Kongjie who went to warm up the star patterns, the number would be astonishing 18 million!

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "All the real-level emperors in the entire real domain are added together, and they can't make up the number of 100."

"This Qin Bufan, although the array map given is indeed extraordinary, but it is impossible to compete with the Supreme."

Feng Nianyi on the side heard Jiang Yun's self-talk, and couldn't help laughing: "Pavilion Master, it is not an easy thing to compete with the Supreme."

"If there is no such map, let alone eighteen pseudo-vendors, even if 180 pseudo-venerables join forces, they may not be the supreme opponents."

This is true!

The strength gap between the Supreme and the Supreme is really not something that can be made up in numbers.

Especially for Jiang Yun, who made leapfrog battles a commonplace, this experience is even more profound.

When Jiang Yun, who was in the last reincarnation, fought against Tianzun, his strength was really close to the Supreme Being, but after joining forces with Gu Bu Lao and Nightmare Beast, he was still completely defeated, and Tianzun didn't seem to be injured.

Therefore, it is indeed a miracle that a star mark array can allow eighteen pseudo-vendors to compete with the supreme.

Jiang Yun sighed and said: "In short, we can't find eighteen pseudo-vendors. Even if we can find them, others may not agree to put an inexplicable star pattern into their body."

Feng Nianyi hesitated for a moment and said, "Pavilion Master, I think, you may be able to nourish these eighteen star patterns by yourself!"

Jiang Yun was slightly startled, just about to shake his head, but fell into deep thought.

At the beginning of Feng Nianhua, it was to nourish eighteen star patterns with oneself at the same time.

After the star pattern split and she gradually found a large number of monks, she placed the star pattern in the bodies of other monks.

His own strength is already stronger than the general pseudo-respect.

Moreover, he can also open up a separate space in his body to speed up the passage of time.

In that case, it may really be possible for the array map to have the strength to compete with the Supreme.

Jiang Yun deliberately wanted to ask Qin Bufan, but it was a little inappropriate to find him so soon after the interrogation with the other party just ended.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun decided to try it out for himself!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun immediately walked out of Feng Nianyi's residence, stood above the sky, and made several seals according to the method of controlling the star pattern in Feng Nianhua's memory.

In an instant, all the monks living in this world felt their bodies tremble heavily, and a star pattern rushed towards the sky like lightning!

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