The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6711: be prepared, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun naturally had no way of knowing that Ji Kongfan had revealed his identity and was placed under house arrest by Ren Zun.

And he has nothing else to do for the time being, so he has been staying in the Zangfeng space, waiting for the news of Ji Kongfan and Qin Bufan. At the same time, he is also taking the time to warm and familiarize himself with the star pattern in his body. .

Although the star pattern has been merged into one by Jiang Yun, with the combination of various seals that manipulate the star pattern, the star pattern can be differentiated into thousands, and Jiang Yun has an idea, can he use these star patterns to form himself? Familiar with different arrays.

Even, attach your own spiritual consciousness or soul division to the star pattern, and then send it into the body of other monks to form a formation.

If possible, the effect of this star pattern is to be magnified countless times, whether it is used to deal with a single enemy or a large number of enemies, it will have a miraculous effect.

Simply put, it is equivalent to an upgraded world chessboard.

Therefore, Jiang Yun simply sent his avatar into the space with the star pattern, arranged a dream, and began to try his own ideas.

With the passage of time, half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

And Ji Kongfan and Qin Bufan didn't have the slightest news, so Jiang Yun finally realized that something was wrong.

Where Qin Bufan was, Jiang Yun didn't care.

The other party is not in his own world at all. It is not very difficult to go to the Immortal Realm and ensure that his clone can be introduced into the Guantian Palace by himself.

Not to mention half a year, even if there is no progress for several years and decades, it is normal.

But there was no news from Ji Kongfan, but it was unreasonable.

Although half a year is not a long time for a cultivator, half a year ago, the ancient spirits had already gone to a place outside the law.

So, regardless of Ji Kongfan's deity or a clone, he should contact Jiang Yun, at least tell him about the situation of the ancient spirit.

Especially Ji Kongfan's avatar, even if the human being is very kind, and wants to take Ji Kongfan to retreat together, or to perform tasks, Ji Kongfan should find an opportunity no matter what, contact Jiang Yun and let him know.

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and said, "Miss An!"

An Caiyi immediately appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

When Jiang Yun sat here for half a year, An Caiyi was naturally not idle.

As the acting Pavilion Master Yanji, An Caiyi has been busy in circles for the past six months, with almost no time to rest.

Her main task now is to be responsible for recalling in batches the 10,000 people who are scattered in various places in the real realm.

Ten thousand people say that they are in the public, even if they recall a hundred people every day, it will take three months to get all the rounds.

And the information they collected was even more overwhelming.

An Caiyi needs to select important information from these information, formulate a corresponding plan, and see whether to deal with it immediately or continue to wait and see.

In fact, An Caiyi can find a few more helpers, but she doesn't know if she is unwilling to let down Jiang Yun's trust in her, or if she really likes such a fulfilling life. She does almost everything by herself. the hands of others.

An Caiyi smiled and said, "Pavilion Master!"

Jiang Yun asked, "Did anything important happen in Zhenyu during this time?"

The task Jiang Yun explained to An Caiyi was naturally to gather intelligence.

One is to stare at the movements of the three statues, the other is to pay attention to the whereabouts of Shura and Ming Yuyang and others, and the other is to look for some visions or strange things.

The last task is naturally to complete the cooperation with Qin Bufan.

Moreover, if any visions or strange things really appear, it means that in the real domain, a detached powerhouse is born.

Jiang Yun didn't think that only he could become a detached powerhouse.

He had the same confidence in Shura, Ji Kongfan, and even Ming Yuyang, and hoped that someone could become a detached powerhouse before him.

An Caiyi shook her head and said, "No, during this period of time, there was a rare calm in Zhenyu, and nothing major happened."

Jiang Yun knew that if he asked, it was no use.

Because if there is really news that she needs, An Caiyi will definitely tell herself at the first time.

Jiang Yun pondered: "Then help me contact Wenren Tianyi!"

Hearing Ren Tianyi, even within the Human Respect Domain, can be regarded as serving Human Respect.

It's just that the strength he showed to the outside world was only a true emperor, so he couldn't really enter the human world, and he couldn't even enter the eyes of human respect.

This is what he did deliberately.

If he shows his true strength, he can be favored by people, but that means that his identity is likely to be exposed.

An Caiyi did not ask what Jiang Yun was going to do, but took out a communication jade slip and handed it to Jiang Yun.

"Pavilion Lord!"

Hearing Wen Ren Tianyi's voice coming from the jade slip, Jiang Yun immediately asked, "Hu Dharma, what has Ren Zun been busy with for the past six months?"

Wen Rentianyi's answer was simple and clear: "In the world!"

Naturally, he was referring to the fact that Ren Zun stayed in the human world for half a year, and did not leave.

And more, Wen Ren Tianyi didn't know.

Jiang Yun then asked, "Has that Renzun's disciple, Chang Tiankun, been there recently?"

Regarding the existence of Ji Kongfan, the entire Yanji Pavilion, even An Caiyi did not know, Jiang Yun could not tell them, just let Wen Rentianyi pay attention to Chang Tiankun.

Just like he also asked Du Ruoxian to pay attention to Xueqing and others, in order to protect their safety as much as possible.

Wen Rentianyi gave a one-word answer: "No!"

Jiang Yun put away the jade slip, frowned, and said in his heart: "Ren Zun and Senior Ji are both in the world, and they haven't appeared for half a year, it should really be Senior Ji who is under Ren Zun's eyes, so I can't contact me. "

"Perhaps, I was overthinking it!"

"Wait a while and see!"

Jiang Yun returned the communication jade slip to An Caiyi and said, "Miss An, by the way, what did your junior sister say?"

Jiang Yun always thought about his own affairs, and really forgot about An Caiyi's desire to bring Luo Ranqiu and Tao Hanzhi here, and only now remembers it.

An Caiyi stared at Jiang Yun and said, "Pavilion Master, my junior sister said, don't say she's seen you before, she hasn't even heard of your name."

An Caiyi had contacted Luo Ranqiu long ago, and she was sure that Shi Zhongjian had not appeared for a long time, which made her feel more and more convinced that Jiang Yun killed Shi Zhongjian.

Without the threat of the Sword in the Stone, An Caiyi was not too worried about the safety of her sister and her master.

Naturally, she also asked Luo Ranqiu if she had met Jiang Yun, but Luo Ranqiu had no impression.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "She didn't lie, she really hasn't seen me, so is she willing to come to us?"


An Caiyi knew that Jiang Yun had a lot of secrets. Since Jiang Yun didn't want to talk about it, she naturally didn't ask any questions. She followed Jiang Yun's words and said, "However, Master is not willing to come."

"I'll let her talk more in front of Master and see if she can make Master change her mind."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Okay, if it really doesn't work, I'll go to Yaoyuan Sect and bring them here."

"Then I'll thank the pavilion master first!" An Caiyi saluted Jiang Yun and said goodbye. She had too many things to do.

Jiang Yun's eyes turned to the sky, and he muttered, "Senior Ji, you must not have any more trouble!"

In the days that followed, although Jiang Yun was still sitting on the top of the Tibetan Peak, his heart was still unable to calm down.

Every day, when there is still no news from Ji Kongfan, Jiang Yun's worries will naturally deepen.

In this way, when another half a year has passed and Ji Kongfan is still silent, Jiang Yun can finally be sure that something has happened to Ji Kongfan!

Therefore, he no longer waited, stood up, and sent a voice transmission to An Caiyi: "Miss An, immediately notify the three guardians, as well as all the members of the Yanji Pavilion, so that they will be ready to take action at any time."

"Especially Wen Rentianyi, let him wait for me in the world near the world."

"In addition, Yanji Pavilion, I need to change my name. You can help me think of a new name, preferably it has something to do with the corpse and negative emotions!"

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Yun walked out of the hidden peak space without hesitation.

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