The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6717: erase memory, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

If Jiang Yun hadn't been able to clearly sense an extrajudicial divine mark in the soul of the person in front of him, he couldn't help but suspect that Ji Kongfan had left Chang Tiankun's body, and the person in front of him was Chang Tiankun.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Yun didn't care too much, and reached out and put his hand lightly on the other's forehead.

When he saw the extrajudicial divine pattern in the opponent's body, it immediately floated out and landed in Jiang Yun's hands.

And Ji Kongfan, who lost the Extrajudicial Divine Mark, no, it should be Chang Tiankun, closed his eyes again.

Jiang Yun's divine sense swept over the extrajudicial divine pattern, his complexion changed slightly, and he immediately understood what was going on.

Because, in the extrajudicial divine runes, although Ji Kongfan's divine consciousness still exists, the inside of his divine consciousness is empty, and there is only a faint aura of the power of annihilation.

Obviously, Ji Kongfan exerted the power of annihilation on his own consciousness, erasing the memory in his consciousness.

Jiang Yun didn't know how Ji Kongfan could still use the power of annihilation when he was being guarded by Ren Zun, but it was not difficult to guess that the reason why Ji Kongfan did this was to prevent Ren Zun from searching him. soul.

Jiang Yun guessed right.

In Ji Kongfan's consciousness, although there is no memory of the place outside the law, he has all the memories after he came to the real realm.

Other memories, it is enough to be known by respect.

But most importantly, Ji Kongfan's memory of Jiang Yun's incarnation as the corpse cannot be known to anyone in any way.

Therefore, when Ji Kongfan could not commit suicide or self-destruct, he even used the power of annihilation to erase the memory in his consciousness.

If there is no memory in the consciousness, it is indeed equivalent to losing the soul.

This is also the reason why Ren Zun clearly caught Ji Kongfan, but he no longer pays attention to it at all!

Don't say that Jiang Yun didn't expect it, even Ren Zun was greatly surprised, realizing that he underestimated Ji Kongfan.

However, as long as Ji Kongfan's consciousness did not disappear, it would not be considered death, and his deity would not know about it, so Renzun was too lazy to pay attention to it, so he imprisoned Ji Kongfan here at will.

After Jiang Yun figured out the cause and effect of the incident, he didn't think too much about it. He lightly held the extrajudicial divine pattern in his palm, turned around and came to the room where Yuwen Lanqing and his wife were imprisoned.

The couple, of course, did not notice Jiang Yun's arrival at all.

And Jiang Yun is not going to wake them up, he wants to take them away directly into the Tibetan seal, and then wake them up when they return to the Tibetan peak space.

But just when he stretched out his hand to put the two away, he thought about it, if he saves Yuwen Lanqing and his wife now, Ren Zun will know soon.

Even though he could find a way to escape, Liu Yingfan couldn't.

As soon as Liu Yingfan came, Yuwen Lanqing and his wife were rescued, so she was the biggest suspect.

Even if she is a disciple of Tianzun, Renzun will not let her leave easily, and may even search her soul.

At that time, Ren Zun will not only know about the cooperation between Liu Yingfan and himself, but also the existence of Wen Rentianyi, and even through his actions of saving Yuwen Lanqing and his wife, he will infer that he is Jiang Yun!

After all, if it is a monk from outside the territory, there is no reason to go to the territory of the strongest powerhouse in this world to save a couple.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun could only silently apologize to Yuwen Lanqing and his wife, and gave up the plan to rescue them now.

Even, Jiang Yun quietly returned to the place where Chang Tiankun was imprisoned, and sent the extrajudicial divine pattern back to Chang Tiankun's body.

Anyway, Ji Kongfan's consciousness is already blank, and it doesn't make any sense to take it away. It's better to keep it here and confuse people.

After doing all this, Jiang Yun quietly left Jiang Shan's residence, found a place with no one, and contacted Liu Yingfan and said, "My business has been done."

"Now I'm trying to figure out a way to get out of here first on someone else's body, and then we'll get in touch."

There is no need for Jiang Yun to go back to Liu Yingfan and leave with her. Anyway, if you go out to the world, Ren Zun will not check at all.

Liu Yingfan was naturally full of promise, wishing Jiang Yun to leave quickly.

Jiang Yun came to the teleportation array on the second floor, and after waiting for a while, he met two monks who were about to leave, hid quietly on their bodies, and successfully escaped from the world.

Standing in the boundary of the Human Respect Domain, Jiang Yun's expression was extremely gloomy.

Although this trip on earth was very smooth, there was almost no gain.

And the news he got from Liu Yingfan made him sure that Taigu Bu Ling and Tianzun and others wanted to seek extrajudicial places.

Today, Ji Kongfan's avatar is equivalent to being completely abolished.

Unless Ji Kongfan's deity takes the initiative to open the entrance to the real world again, otherwise, Jiang Yun has no way to contact Ji Kongfan at all, and there is no way to know the situation in the extrajudicial land.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun finally decided, according to his plan, from now on, let Yanji Pavilion rise rapidly, so that he can have a certain right to speak in the real domain.

At the same time, this can also distract the attention of Tianzun, and even the people who arrange it, and it may help the extrajudicial land and Ji Kongfan to relieve some pressure.

Jiang Yun hurried towards Zangfeng space, while thinking in his mind, how to make Yanji Pavilion rise.

Although Jiang Yun now has the strength to compete with the Supreme, there is only one Supreme, and it is still under the condition that the other party does not fight Jiang Yun desperately.

The Star Mark Array, just like the God Mark clone, once the power it possesses is exhausted, it cannot be recovered in a short period of time.

Not to mention, if the three of them attacked him at the same time, he would still be sure to die.

However, Jiang Yun is also confident that at least Earth Zun and Human Respect will definitely not want to die.

After all, they also hoped that they could travel with them to that lofty space.

Then, as long as he rises without infringing on the territory of the Earth and Human Respect as much as possible, he should not completely anger them.

"As an extraterritorial cultivator, if I want to rise in an unfamiliar world, then I should not challenge the three strongest forces here, but should choose to rise in places beyond the reach of the three major forces."

"Originally, Jiehai is the best place, but Jiehai, on the surface, seems to be a no-holds-barred zone, but in fact, the three respects Jiehai very seriously."

The boundary sea is divided into two parts: the sea and the sea.

The sea is respected by the six ancient forces, and the sea monster is the territory of the sea monster family.

Throughout the ages, the three deities were not incapable of completely occupying the Boundary Sea, but because the Boundary Sea contained the Realm of Luck!

In this world, it is impossible for the three deities to be occupied by any party alone.

In addition, the immemorial spirit above the boundary sea is related to the cultivation resources of the entire real domain, and it cannot be occupied by one person, so they will let the boundary sea become a seemingly irrelevant area.

If Jiang Yun wants to rise in the sea, it means to defeat the six ancient forces and the Kraken family at the same time.

Although the power will skyrocket immediately, but in that case, the three will definitely appear at the same time.

Because in that case, Jiang Yun is equivalent to subduing the six great ancient forces and the sea monster clan, and the power is probably more than any one of the three. How can the three agree, they must join forces to solve him.

"If you can't do it with Earth Zun and Human Zun, then you can only start with Tian Zun first."

"Anyway, Tianzun has already met me once, and he did ask Liu Yingfan to kill me."

"For this point, I went to attack Tianzun's territory and took away a bit of her luck. Not only is it reasonable, but I believe that the earth and human beings are also very happy to see it."

After Jiang Yun set the main goal, he took out the communication jade slip and contacted Shura and Ming Yuyang.

The fact of the rise is too important, Jiang Yun must discuss with the two of them to see if there is a better and more secure way.

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